英语人>词典>汉英 : 皇储 的英文翻译,例句
皇储 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crownling  ·  tzarevich

crown prince · the crown prince
更多网络例句与皇储相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His anointed successor, the crown prince, is not.


He's hundredths of a second behind the King of the Pool in the 200m and 400m individual medley races, and he hasn't been happy playing dauphin for four years.


Both Emperors, the Russian Emperor with the Tsarevitch, and the Austrian with the archduke, were to assist at this review of the allied forces, making up together an army of eighty thousand men.


Both Emperors, the Russian Emperor with the Tsarevitch, and the Austrian with the archduke, were to assist at this review of the allied forces, making up together an army of eighty thousand men.


In 1910, the funeral of Edward VII, Great Britain's king-emperor, attracted one of the biggest ever gatherings of royalty: as the coffin left London's Westminster Hall en route to Windsor, it was followed by a mounted cavalcade of eight European kings, the German emperor, the heirs to the Austrian and Ottoman empires, royal highnesses from Egypt, China and Japan, plus more junior princelings than you could shake a sceptre at.


He's hundredths of a second behind the King of the Pool in the 200m and 400m individual medley races, and he hasn't been happy playing dauphin for four years.


Century, the South Slavs in Bosnia was the most powerful country.


The only son and heir of Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra of Hesse, officially known by the title "Grand Duke and Tsarevich of Russia." He, along with his parents and sisters, was executed on July 17, 1918, a month shy of his 14th birthday, by the Bolshevik secret police.


Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, Wilhelm encouraged Austria-Hungary to pursue a hardline stance towards Serbia.


Years 6 28, Serbia Pulinxipu young people in Sarajevo that the assassination of Serbia's annexation of Austria-Hungary Crown Prince Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.


更多网络解释与皇储相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Archduke Franz Ferdinand:弗朗茨.斐迪南大公

1878年波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳成为了奥匈帝国的领地,1914年奥匈皇储弗朗茨.斐迪南大公(Archduke Franz Ferdinand)在萨拉热窝被塞族民族主义者所刺杀(参见萨拉热窝事件),导致第一次世界大战的爆发.

crown gall tumor:樱桃冠瘿瘤

皇储制度:the crown prince system | 樱桃冠瘿瘤:crown gall tumor | 唐太宗:instruction of the crown prince

the crown prince system:皇储制度

冠醚液晶:Crown ether liquid crystal | 皇储制度:the crown prince system | 樱桃冠瘿瘤:crown gall tumor

Crown Princess:将继承王位的公主

crown prince | 皇太子, 皇储 | Crown princess | 将继承王位的公主 | crown princess | 皇太子之妃, 将继承王位的公主

crownpiece:构成头冠或顶部的部分, 马两颊的缰绳

crownling | 幼主, 皇储 | crownpiece | 构成头冠或顶部的部分, 马两颊的缰绳 | crownshaft | 冠轴

Margaret Hodge:(英国下院议员、儿童部长)

Haakon Magnus (挪威皇储王子) | Margaret Hodge (英国下院议员、儿童部长) | Robert E. Hunter (前美国驻北约特使)

crownling:幼主, 皇储

crownland | 王室领地 | crownling | 幼主, 皇储 | crownpiece | 构成头冠或顶部的部分, 马两颊的缰绳

Prince Edward Island:爱德华皇储岛

St. Thomas University 圣汤玛士大学 | Prince Edward Island 爱德华皇储岛 | University of Prince Edward Island 爱德华皇储岛大学