英语人>词典>汉英 : 百分点 的英文翻译,例句
百分点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

percentage point
更多网络例句与百分点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the industry to observe,the author discovers that the regional gap of the secondary industry was the primary contributor,but the rate of was descending.The third industry was becoming the important contributor.The industry structure adjusting and the agglomeration of the third industry and the secondary industry are the primary reason of the forming of the disparity of between the east and the rest areas.In the 1978 to 2005,the absolute convergence of economic growth didn't occur,the other way round,the club convergence of economic growth occurred in the east and in the middle.The speed of the economic growth in the east was higher about 1 centigrade than the middle and the developing west,and was higher about 2 centigrade than the west.


Obvious increase in grain protein, prolamine and glutelin content of high-oil corn at different levels of nitrogen application was observed.


By virtue of his achievements, a basic regression equation is deduced showing how the government officials incorruptness promotes the economic development, and an estimation list is worked up to show how the economic development driven by incorruptness. The list proves that if a standard deviation is increased by the degree of incorruptness, the per capita GDP growth rate will increase by 0.3%, the education investment in GDP will increase by 0.23% and the ratio of social welfare expenditure to GDP will increase by 1.56%.


But for breed Ganlenblue, the Callus-generated and motage ratio of quickset there were no significantly difference between 50 mg/L GGR treatment and contrast.

不同激素处理中,浓度为50 mg/L的GGR激素处理有利于粉蓝插条的成活和生根,其插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率分别比对照提高42.5和33.33个百分点;浓度为50 mg/L的GGR处理对园蓝插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率最佳;100 mg/L的GGR激素处理有利于品种杰兔插条的成活和生根,其插条愈伤组织产生率和生根率分别比对照提高10.83和7.5个百分点。25mg/L的GA有利于品种S13插条的成活,其愈伤组织产生率比对照提高36.66%,但是插条扦插生根率仅比对照提高10%;100mg/L的GGR对品种S13插条产生愈伤组织没有效果,其插条愈伤组织产生率与对照无显著差异,但是有利于插条生根,其插条扦插生根率比对照提高21.66个百分点

The yield on the two-year Schatz was up 0.5bp to 3.170 per cent while the 10-year Bund added the same amount to yield 3.639 per cent.

两年期的Schatz上升了0.5个基本点,为3.17百分点,同时, 10年期的债卷也上升了同样的百分点,为3.639个百分点

Pollen germination rate on stigmas, pollen germination rate on culture medium and stainable pollen grain rate by I-KI of the four cultivars on average under high temperature were 16.00, 25.85, and 11.74 percentage points lower than those under nonnal temperature at that time, and 8.49, 6.63, and 6.02 percentage points lower than those under normal temperature at 4 days after treatment.


According to previous trade experience, the US consume index slides 1 per cent, our export will be dropped 5-6 per cent, if slides 3 per cent and wallows in recession, the export to the US will be declined obviously while our export for 20-30 percent is suffered.


In corn seed samples taken after September 3, total protein content, prolamine and Glutelin content from treatments with nitrogen application were significantly higher than that of without N application, and the contents of Albumin and Glutelin were slightly higher than that of without N application treatment.

氮、磷、钾对优质玉米籽粒淀粉及其组分的影响氮、磷、钾有利于籽粒淀粉含量的提高及其组分品质的改善。氮、磷、钾平衡施用较不施氮、不施磷和不施钾,使高淀粉玉米四单158分别增加淀粉2.l、5.3和4*个百分点,依次增加支链淀粉 3二、5.9和 5.3百分点;使普通玉米吉单 342分别增加淀粉 1.3、11和1.6个百分点,依次增加支链淀粉2.1、3。

The results showed that the yield of pentose in pre-extraction is 27%~43%,which indicates that hot water pretreatment is effective for extracting hemicelluloses hydrolytic sugars.

木片经热水预处理后,碱法制浆性能提高,易成浆,可降低用碱量,缩短蒸煮保温时间,而且与原木片碱法制浆相比,相近蒸煮条件下浆料卡伯值下降 7~10 个百分点,浆料己烯糖醛酸含量下降 75%~95%,原浆白度升高 4~6 个百分点,黏度有小幅度降低,得率下降 1.5~4.5 个百分点

In Q109, but April +0.4% MoM; 5 Industry split: steel and shipping continued to see losses; petrochemical , machinery and auto saw smaller earnings drop; coal, building material and trading saw stable profits; tobacco and property saw earnings increase.


更多网络解释与百分点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barry Manilow:巴里曼尼洛

排在本周第四,本周销量为5万9千张,比上周下降了31个百分点. 老牌流行歌手巴里-曼尼洛(Barry Manilow)的又一张翻唱专辑>空降本周第五位,上市首周的销量为5万7千张.

Chicago Board of Trade:美国芝加哥期货交易所

11月9日,美国芝加哥期货交易所(Chicago Board of Trade)的行情显示,投资者们预计,美联储有98%的可能在12月11日开会时再将短期利息率下调0.25个百分点,达到4.25%.



Equity cushion:股本作垫

委托C12管理这些不良资产. Protium这笔贷款的利率是伦敦银行同业拆放利率(Libor)加上2.75个百分点,十年的利息收入可达39亿美元. 事实上,Protium虽然已筹得4.5亿美元的新融资,但巴克莱获得的股本作垫 (equity cushion)保护却只有区区1,600万美元.

GDP Deflator:平减数

2005年,韩国的国内生产总值平减数(GDP deflator)跌入零值以下,下跌了0.4个百分点. 2006年通缩加速,而国内生产总值平减数预计又收缩了近1%. 自2005年以来,韩国的名义GDP增幅明显放缓,而通缩率又持续上升;这些都是地域政治和社会日益动荡而引发的直接后果.

precentage dot map:百分点地图,点值法地图

白晝視程 daytime visual range | 百分點地圖,點值法地圖 precentage dot map | 百分度溫度計 centigrade

retained earnings:保留盈利

银行在较早前发售优先股,加上保留盈利(retained earnings)增加等因素,促使集团整体资本足够率(Total CAR)提高1.7个百分点,达17.3%,一级资本足够率也提高1.6个百分点,达12.3%.

perc entage:百分点

百分比 p ercent | 百分点 perc entage | 百分位数 per centile

percentage points:百分点

社会零售物价总指数 general retail price index | 百分点 percentage points | "八五"划划 the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development


是什么因素导致了收入分在方法论上,本文采用了简化式(reduced form)模型加微观模拟(simulation)的方法,进入90 年代后期以来,处于收入分布最低5 个百分点(percentile)的人其境遇绝对地变坏5 本文对城市(urban)和城镇作了区分,