英语人>词典>汉英 : 白栎 的英文翻译,例句
白栎 的英文翻译、例句


white oak · quercus fabri
更多网络例句与白栎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This inland plain, once a ridge of chalk upland, but now eroded, is largely denuded of the trees---mainly oaks---which covered it so densely during the Middle Ages, and which were a seemingly inexhaustible source of timber until they succumbed in later centuries to the charcoal burner and the builder.


Mix these ingredients together in a bowl- one-teaspoon of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of white oak bark, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark and two cups of water.


High class white oak and walnut are employed to match the color of the body.


The results showed that Cupressus funebris , Cunninghamia lanceolala + Quercus acuissima belonged to the declining populations, whereas, Cupressus funebris + Quercus fabric , Pinus massoniana + Cupressus funebris and Quercus acuissima + Quercus fabric were growing populations, and Symplocos szechumensis + Lindera setchuenensis , Pinus massoniana + Symplocos szechumensis and Pinus massoniana kept stationary.


The results showed that compared with the unburned field, species number of woody heliophilous plant seedlings increased in the burned field, mainly including seedling sprouts of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Eucalyptus robusta, Quercus fabric and Camellia oleifera.

结果表明:与未火烧林地相比,火烧迹地内阳生木本植物幼苗物种种数增加,更新苗主要以杉木、桉树(Eucalyp-tus robusta)、白栎、油茶等萌生枝为主。

The results showed that ①during the natural recovery process,4 tree species such as Pinus massoniana, Dalbergia hupeana were declined, 9 species such as Castanopsis carlesii, Lithocarpus heryi, Liquidambar formosam...

结果表明,在次生林演替过程中,马尾松、黄檀、山核桃、板栗为衰退种;化香、麻栎、白栎、枫香等 9个树种为过渡种;苦槠、木荷、青冈、杉木为进展种。

The results showed that Liquidamba formosana, Quercus acutissima, and Quercus fabri populations had the dominant positions in the forest community of Purple Mountain Area of Nanjing. During the growth process, the mortality of L. formosana, Q. acutissima, and Q. fabri were higher in low age. After entering into the middle-age stage, the upper space was occupied by oak and L. formosana population all died. The mortality of Q. acutissima and Q. fabri populations were increased with the increasing of diameter class. L. formosana population in the Purple Mountain Area of Nanjing belonged to be the typical growing population and Q. acutissima population was a decreasing population. Q. fabri population belonged to be the growing population on the whole, but the diameter class in middle parts was incomplete and the population was difficult to be renewed. Among the studied quadrate, only one dominant population showed an aggregated distribution and other dominant species showed the random distribution. Either, all the dominant species in all the quadrates presented random distribution.


The research suggested that American white oak is the best choice for the production of grape wine with strong oak aroma and European oak is the best choice for the production of grape wine with harmonious oak aroma, fruit aroma and wine aroma; air drying process of barrel plates would influence the content of total phenol, tannin and volatile substances including vanillin and MOL; and baking intensity will change original content of chemical compositions in oak and make oak barrel possess different aroma characteristics and phenol substance content.


The research suggested that American white oak is the best choice for the production of grape wine with strong oak aroma and European oak is the best choice for the production of grape wine with harmonious oak aroma, fruit aroma and wine aroma; air drying process of barrel plates would influence the content of total phenol, tannin and volatile substances including vanillin and MOL; and baking intensity will change original content of chemical compositions in oak and make oak barrel possess different aroma characteristics and phenol substance content.


In the oak community, leaf population dynamics was related to both physical environment and leaf characteritics, and this is consistent with the theories of maximum carbon gain, leaf life span, and phenlogical adaptation.

3, 白栎群落中,野外调查显示叶群体动态与物种的生存环境和物种属性具有直接联系,这种关系被认为与植物最大的碳获取、叶寿命理论,以及避免动物侵食是一致的。

更多网络解释与白栎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

White Oak:白栎

学名:Quercus spp.栎木分布广,种类多,美国根据其材性,通常分为红栎(red oak)和白栎(white oak)两大类,前者心材褐色带红,侵填体少,如红栎(Q rubra);后者心材灰褐色,侵填体丰富,为美洲白栎(Q alba)主要保健特征和用途:本条主要指白栎,

white oakum:白麻絮

white oak 白栎木 | white oakum 白麻絮 | white oil 白汽油

White Oak Group:白橡类

桃叶栎Willow Q. phellos 67 1073 | 白橡类 White Oak Group | 大果栎 Bur Quercus macrocarpa 62 993

Lithocarpus glaber:石栎

中低山及低山分布的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,一般分布在海拔800米以下山地,组成混交林的常绿阔叶树,主要是樟科、壳斗分布在南部山区常德的仙池山,板页岩红壤,乔木层以栎类为主,有小叶栎(Quercus grai li S)白栎(Q.1abri)、石栎(LithOCarpus glaber)、青冈栎、黄檀、樟

overcup oak;American white oak:琴叶栎

加(利福尼亚)州白栎 California white oak; | 琴叶栎 overcup oak;American white oak | 大花药栎 Persian oak;Rumanian oak


(-)-Quebrachitol (-)-白雀木醇 | Quercetagetin 六羟黄酮/栎草亭 | Quercetin 五羟黄酮/栎精

white-leaved oak shales:白叶栎页岩

white-hot filament ==> 白热丝 | white-leaved oak shales ==> 白叶栎页岩 | white-light coronograph ==> 白光日冕观察仪

American white oak;true white oak;stave oak:美洲白栎

亚洲栎 Asiatic oak;Valonian oak;Grecian oak | 美洲白栎 American white oak;true white oak;stave oak | 亚利桑那州栎 Arizona white oak

white-light coronograph:白光日冕观察仪

white-leaved oak shales ==> 白叶栎页岩 | white-light coronograph ==> 白光日冕观察仪 | white-light fringe ==> 白光干涉条纹

Quercus variabilis Bl;Chinese cork oak:栓皮栎;软木栎;粗皮栎;白麻栎

栓皮栎 Quercus suber L.;Cork oak | 栓皮栎;软木栎;粗皮栎;白麻栎; Quercus variabilis Bl;Chinese cork oak | 栎树属(壳斗科) Quercus;oak