英语人>词典>汉英 : 瘸的 的英文翻译,例句
瘸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gimpy  ·  lamest

更多网络例句与瘸的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was severely crippled and very short,and when we walked together, his hand on my arm for balance.


Grosz's exquisite drawings depicting the excesses of the Weimar Republic also include a series called "The Robbers", a world of sleek black- marketeer s and industrialists, war cripples and plump prostitute s, as well as militarist s who have learned nothing from their experiences.

Grosz 细腻地描绘了魏玛共和国的过分行为。 Grosz 还创作了一个名为" The Robbers "的系列作品,作品展现了一个充满油滑的黑市商人和工业家,战争中受伤腿瘸的人和丰满的妓女,还有不吸取教训的军国主义者的世界。

And he was crippled in both his feet.


I'm still limping," he told the media pack."


When their father got out of the hospital, still limping, the children were sent back to him.


After limping and gimping around on his left knee through December, McGrady was put on a two- to three-week rehab assignment on Monday to improve his conditioning.


My western ancestors, they were true bards, not limping old tumblers like me.


The wolf limps on one of its front legs.


The grouse red crown crown picks to one greatly the round pine nut, is shouting lamely nearby lame:"lame lame, comes quickly, I pick to a big pine nut."


Grosz's exquisite drawings depicting the excesses of the Weimar Republic also include a series called "The Robbers", a world of sleek black- marketeer s and industrialists, war cripples and plump prostitute s, as well as militarist s who have learned nothing from their experiences.

Grosz 细腻地描绘了魏玛共和国的过分行为。 Grosz 还创作了一个名为& The Robbers &的系列作品,作品展现了一个充满油滑的黑市商人和工业家,战争中受伤腿瘸的人和丰满的妓女,还有不吸取教训的军国主义者的世界。

更多网络解释与瘸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lamely:一瘸一拐地; 不完全地 (副)

lamellated 有薄片的; 薄片形的 (形) | lamely 一瘸一拐地; 不完全地 (副) | lameness 跛; 残废 (名)


lamely /一瘸一拐地/不完全地/ | lameness /跛/瘸/残废/ | lamentable /可悲的/可叹的/可怜的/低劣的/贫乏的/可悲/

a limping gait:一瘸一拐的步态

5) 摇摇摆摆的步态a swaying gait | 6) 一瘸一拐的步态 a limping gait | 7) 缓慢的步态 a shuffling gait

walk in limping manner:一瘸一拐地走路

1)walk in limping manner一瘸一拐地走路 | 2)presence that causes embarrassment令人尴尬的人(或事) | 3)eyes that do not smile不会笑的眼睛


海岸的印度神脚还一瘸一瘸的,为了照顾他,我们决定去大榕树. 我放下豪言,"今年不爬便宜线/要爬就爬吆(yao)三线"


laminitis 蹄叶炎 | laminose 薄板的 | lamish 有点瘸的


laminose 薄板的 | lamish 有点瘸的 | lamister 逃亡者

gimpy:跛的; 瘸的 (形)

gimp 绒丝带; 花边#跛行#精神 (名) | gimpy 跛的; 瘸的 (形) | gin 用轧棉机清除的籽, 轧棉; 诱捕 (动)

He comes here, disappears in your office for half an hourthen he limps out:他来这里,在你办公室呆了半个多小时,然后一瘸一拐的出去了

1.Preliminary reports sh... | 2.He comes here, disappears in your office for half an hourthen he limps out. 他来这里,在你办公室呆了半个多小时,然后一瘸一拐的出去了. | 3.He doesn't like me socializing w...

That is the lamest excuse i've ever heard:这是我听过最差劲的借口了

Always have,always will. 现在是这样,将来也会是这样. | That is the lamest excuse i've ever heard. 这是我听过最差劲的借口了. | lame:跛脚的,瘸的;站不住脚的,无说服力的.