英语人>词典>汉英 : 瘤腺体 的英文翻译,例句
瘤腺体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
edema  ·  edemas

更多网络例句与瘤腺体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The glands in this example of illous adenoma of bladder show frank anaplasia bordering on carcinoma-in-situ.


Benign cystic teratomas are well-differentiated tumors composed of a variety of parenchymal cell types representative of more than one germ layer, usually all three. The most common locations are the gonads and sacrococcygeus.


Ill-defined borders were showed in all 9 patients with malignant neoplasm. All 6 cases with benign tumors had sharp margin and homogenous density as well. Pleomorphic adenoma showed lobulation.


The neoplastic glands are long and frond-like, similar to those seen in a villous adenoma.


Objective : To investigate expression of oncogene and its significance in benign and malignant preomorphic adenomas of salivary gland.


Result of HE and special dye1.1 result of HE More cells are found in subsequent cholesteatoma. Cholesterol crystal, both sequestrum and neogenesis bone , gland metaplasia, Polykaryocyte are found in subepidermis of subsequent cholesteatoma.


Methods:Radiograms of skull,chest,pelvis,femur and both hands were taken in all cases, which were diagnosed as hyperparathyroidism pathologically.12 cases of those patients were parathyroidoma,3 parathyroid hyperplasia and 1 parathyroid carcinoma with complications such as urinary calculi,calcemia and hypophosphatemia.


Objective\ The purpose of this study was to offer pathological reasons for partial parotidectomy adopted in parotid pleomorphic adenoma treatment.

目的 为腮腺多形性腺瘤腺体切除范围提供病理学依据。

Results 1 The incidence of parovarian cyst was 20.9% in all adnexal cysts.175 cases(91.62%) were pure cysts;15 cases(7.85%) were common epithelial ovarian tumors13 cases were serous cystadenoma;1 case was focal or junctional serous papillary cystadenoma;1 case wa...


Adenoma: from glandular occurred benign mucous gland adenoma mostly polypoidal, glandular organ within the adenoma were nodular, and often coated with the surrounding normal tissue clear boundaries, structure and start glands are very similar, often with a certain degree of secretory function, can secrete serous and mucinous, commonly found in the thyroid, salivary gland, ovarian, breast, etc..


更多网络解释与瘤腺体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可以用于因免疫力低下导致的虚汗病症.也可以用于补气和增进脾脏功能和代谢能力低下; 浮肿水肿瘤腺体(edema); 以及内脏下垂(prolapse of internal organs) 由于能够增进脾脏的阳气,黄芪因此可以用作失血或妇女产后的气虚和贫血等症状.


腺瘤可有蒂(pedicle)与粘膜相连,但也可以是比较平坦的. 绒毛状腺瘤恶变率较高. 前面已提到,家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP),癌变率极高,发生癌变时患者的年龄也比散发性病例年轻得多. (2)囊腺瘤(cystadenoma)是由于腺瘤的腺体分泌物淤积,

pituitary gland:脑下垂体

垂体瘤 (pituitary tumours) 脑下垂体 (pituitary gland)的功能是分泌荷尔蒙,藉此掌管身体其他分泌荷尔蒙的腺体. 垂体瘤大都是良性的,称为腺瘤(adenomas). 常见的症状是视觉或荷尔蒙水平紊乱. 脊髓瘤 (spinal tumours) 脊髓瘤压迫脊髓神经,

Plummer disease:甲状腺自主高功能腺瘤

甲状腺功能亢进证是指甲状腺腺体本身产生甲状腺激素过多而引起的甲状腺毒症,其病因包括弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿(Graves disease)结节性毒性甲状腺肿和甲状腺自主高功能腺瘤(Plummer disease).

adenomatous goiter:腺瘤性甲状腺肿

结节性甲状腺肿(nodular goitre)又称腺瘤性甲状腺肿(adenomatous goiter)、地方性甲状腺肿等. 在不同的病变时期,可有不同的名称. 由胶性甲状腺肿进一步发展,组织反复增生,且腺体各部位发展不一致,纤维组织增生,将甲状腺组织分隔或包绕,


(1)囊腺瘤(cystadenoma):是由于腺瘤组织中的腺体分泌物淤积,腺腔逐渐扩大并互相融合成囊,肉眼上可见大小不等乳腺癌的图片的囊腔,因而得名. 囊腺瘤常发生于卵巢,亦偶见于甲状腺及胰腺. 卵巢囊腺瘤主要有两种类型:一种为腺上皮向囊腔内呈乳头状生长,

endometrial hyperplasia:子宫内膜增生

子宫内膜增生(endometrial hyperplasia)是指子宫内膜腺体增生病变,多发生在月经异常且较年轻或围绝经期妇女. 以往对其分类及组织形态特征曾有分歧且诊断混乱,称为子宫内膜腺囊性增生、腺瘤样增生及不典型增生. 1987年国际妇科病理协会通过了新的子宫内膜增生性病变病理分类标准,


(2)纤维腺瘤(fibroadenoma) 常发生于女性乳腺,是乳腺常见的良性肿瘤. 肿瘤有完整包膜,切面分叶状、有裂隙(图6-4). 镜下,见乳腺导管扩张,上皮增生;纤维间质增生明显并有黏液样变,常挤压导管. 以前认为纤维腺瘤的腺体和间质共同构成肿瘤的实质,

oedema:水肿病 瘤腺体

oecophoridae 茶枝蛀蛾 | oedema 水肿病 瘤腺体 | oedemadisease 猪水肿病