英语人>词典>汉英 : 症候 的英文翻译,例句
症候 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与症候相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hepatopulmonary syndrome is defined as the clinical triad of advanced liver disease, arterial deoxygenation and intrapulmonary vascular dilatation.


First, a specialist in Emergency medical review the 1,281 charts during June 24-July 8, 2004 to decide syndrome group of each patient, and using it as the golden standard. This study collected CC, ICD-9 code, body temperature, and epidemiological data of 126,675 emergency department patients in five hospitals in Taipei during Oct. 1, 2005-Feb. 14, 2007 to set up Poisson regression for counts time series model and use cumulative sum and exponential weighted moving average for alerting. The Poisson regression for counts time series model controlled age, gender, hospitals, Saturday, Sunday, holiday, daily temperature difference, daily lowest temperature, relative humidity and seasonal factors to predict ILI and AGE cases.

做法上,由专科医师回顾台北市某医院2004年一周共1,281 笔的急诊病患资料进行症候群分类,建立症候群的黄金标准;并收集台北市五家医院2005年10月1日至2007年2月14日共126,675 位急诊病人之主诉症状、ICD-9 码、体温及流行病学相关资料,进行症候群侦测数据分析,以建立波以松时间序列分析预测模式(Poisson regression for counts time series),且控制重要因子(性别、年龄、医院别、周六、周日及假日效应、日温差、每日最低温、相对湿度及季节),进行流感及急性肠胃炎个案数之预测。

In patients with severe , fulminating and progressive fat embolism syndrome, treatment as outlined should begin early and promptly.


In conclusion, erythrocyte total CA activity concentration was elevated in patients with hyperventilation syndrome and it is a potential explanatory parameter for the clinical prediction.


"Resulting disorders include Down's syndrome, mental retardation, heart malformation, abnormal sexual development, malignancies, and sex-chromosome disorders (e.g., Turner's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome)."


"Resulting disorders include Down's syndrome, mental retardation, heart malformation, abnormal sex ual development, malignancies, and sex -chromosome disorders (e.g., Turner's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome)."


Therefore, Dr. Ciechomska and her coinvestigators wanted to see if ultrasound would accurately identify the features of nerve compression in patients with CTS. They obtained ultrasound images of 126 wrists in 52 patients who had been diagnosed as having CTS by EMG. They also obtained ultrasound images of the wrists of 22 healthy people. They used the Aspen unit (Acuson, Aliso Viejo, California), which was equipped with a linear, wideband transducer at 6 to 11 MHz.

Ciechomska和她的研究同僚于是对超音波进行研究,确定超音波是否可以正确的侦测出腕隧道症候群患者受到压迫的神经;研究人员从52位患者处获取了126个手腕超音波造影,这些患者皆经肌电图证实患有腕隧道症候群;同时,研究人员也取得了22位健康者的腕部超音波造影以为对照;所使用的仪器为Aspen (Acuson公司,位于加州Aliso Viejo市),配备一线性的宽频电能转换器,频率设定在6到11 MHz。

"Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia typically presents with dysesthesia and tingling in the hands and feet, which usually appear 2 to 12 days after administration of chemotherapy," note the authors led by Domenica Lorusso, MD, from the department of oncology at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Campobasso, Italy.


Although previous studies have revealed that functional dyspepsia is associated with psychopathological factors and personality, the association is heterogeneous among FD patients, reflecting their diverse underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.

有鉴於高度的异质性,目前的诊疗准则(罗马III准则,Rome III criteria)提议以更专一的疾病诊断来取代功能性消化不良:罗马III准则将功能性消化不良作进一步次分类,因而定义两个症候群:功能性上腹痛症候群和餐后不适症候群。

BACKGROUND: In recent years, great advances have been made in human genetics. Many genes responsible for syndromic or non-syndromic hearing loss have been mapped. It was reported that the mutation of PDS gene causes classic Pendred syndrome as well as non-syndromic hearing loss.


更多网络解释与症候相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CTS: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:腕关节症候群

RSI: Repetitive Stress Injury 重复受压伤害 | CTS: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 腕关节症候群 | CVS: Computer Vision Syndrome 计算机视力症候

Cockayne syndrome Cockayne:氏症候群

35 Ataxia telangiectasia 共濟失調微血管擴張症候群 | 36 Cockayne syndrome Cockayne 氏症候群 | 37 Duchenne muscular dystrophy 裘馨氏肌肉失養症

Hurler Syndrome:症候群

Hunter症候群 Hunter Syndrome | Hurler症候群 Hurler Syndrome | 鼻音過重 Hypernasality


一、"症候学"与中国传统政治思维按当代学科分类的准则,"症候"(Symptom)是一个典型的医学名词,它是指"一种失序的表象"①. 这里,首先是讲一种暗示、迹象或征兆;其次是讲它是一种由于"失序"而导致的人体疾病或社会弊病. 但值得注意的是,


机能的偏差再造成一连串的症候. 用小写的s来代表症状集,好几个小s组合起来就成为一个大的症候群. 用大写的S来代表症候群. 证候集是功能(function)上的偏差,用F来代表. F2 s5 s6 s7 s8......S2 症候群 (Syndrome)


30 Leigh disease Leigh氏童年期腦脊髓病變 | 31 MELAS MELAS症候群 | 32 Aarskog-Scott syndrome Aarskog-Scott氏症候

Emss-Lumert myasthenic syndrome:肌無力症候群

Myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力症 | Emss-Lumert myasthenic syndrome 肌无力症候群 | Stiff man syndrome 渐冻人症候

nephritic syndrome:腎炎症候群

38腎病症候群 Nephrotic Syndrome 220 | 39腎炎症候群 Nephritic Syndrome 224 | 40腎小管缺陷 Renal Tubular Defects 228

Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome:自体免疫多腺症候群

\\"自体免疫多内分泌症候群\\",\\"autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome\\" | \\"自体免疫多腺症候群\\",\\"autoimmune polyglandular syndrome\\" | \\"自体免疫甲状腺炎\\",\\"autoimmune thyroiditis\\"

nephrotic syndrome:腎病症候群

28.陈小弟 4 岁,患有法洛氏四重合症(Tetralogy of Fallot)易出现下列哪些系统的29.六岁林小妹因患雷氏症候群(Reye's Syndrome)入院,护理人员需严格监测林小妹1.请写出肾病症候群(Nephrotic Syndrome)之临床四大症?