英语人>词典>汉英 : 病理学 的英文翻译,例句
病理学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pathobiology  ·  pathology  ·  pathematology  ·  pathologies  ·  pathol

更多网络例句与病理学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fig 1 and 2 are two classic pathology or cytopathology board photos.


Dr. Guo is certified in Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology by the American Board of Pathology.


Mashall Austin is Professor of Pathology and Director of Cytopathology ar Magee-Womens Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Mashall Austin博士是匹兹堡大学医学中心Magee妇产医院病理学教授和细胞病理学主任。

To observe the endometrium with TVS, cytopathology and histopathology and to search for the clinical application of pipe sampling endometrial biopsy in HRT.


Department of pathology is primarily dedicated to research and teaching in pathology including human cancer biology, cell and injury, neuropathological disorders, human breast, lung, gastrointestinal tract, liver, skin, genitourinary tract, haematopathology, kidney, osteoarticular system, gynaecological pathology and cytopathology, etc.


This article is being published jointly in 2009 in Cancer Cytopathology (online: May 4, 2009; print: June 25), Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, Diagnostic Cytopathology, Acta Cytologica (print: May/June), American Journal of Clinical Pathology, and Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.


The Council supervises the work of subject matter standing committees including: bacteriology; biochemistry, physiology, and molecular biology; biological control; chemical control; diagnosticians; diseases of ornamental plants and turf grasses, environmental quality and plant health; epidemiology; exobiology and space phytopathology; forest pathology; genetics; integrated pest management; mycology; mycorrhizae; nematology; plant disease detection; plant disease losses; postharvest pathology and mycotoxicology; seed pathology; soil microbiology and root diseases; tropical plant pathology and virology.


The journal is sponsored by the British Neuropathological Society. It publishes the articles on problems and pathological process in neuropathology and muscle disease, both in clinic and basic research. The journal covers the fields of neuropathology, neurobiology, pathology, and disease.


Methods : First,investigate the Fu Zhou and its peripheral region sufferers' who are operated at random,then analyze and make conclutions.Second,the pations who are selected all do Gastroscopy and take the sinus ventriculi greater curvature's pathology and Hp detection.Third, analyze the relationship between DD's Chinese syndromes and Hp detection ,and its pathology.Four, in the top of that to distinguish the degree of splenogastric hygropyrexia syndrome and to search the relationship between different splenogastric hygropyrexia syndrome and HP,and the pathology.


Results All the 6 patients with PAP presented groundglass opacities with welldefined margins on MSCT'creating "geographic" pattern'reflected the effusion of proteinaceous material within the alveoli in PAP.


更多网络解释与病理学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



cytopathology, cell pathology:细胞病理学

组织病理学 histopathology | 细胞病理学 cytopathology, cell pathology | 临床病理学 clinical pathology



Human pathology:人体病理学

病理学(pathology)是一门研究疾病发生、发展规律以及病因和发病机制的科学. 回答学并不是疾病组织形态学(morphologyofdiseasedtissues)的同义语. 病理学研究疾病是从整病理学主要由两大学科分支组成的,即人体病理学(human pathology)和实验病理学


Psychologist 心理学者 | Psychobiology 心理病理学,精神病理学 | Psychotherapy 心理疗法,精神疗法


psychopathologist 精神病理学家 | psychopathology 精神病理学,心理病理学 | psychophysical effects 心理物理效应

acropathology:四肢病理学; 肢端病理学

Acromicry 小手足(畸形) | Acropathology 四肢病理学; 肢端病理学 | Acropathy 肢端病


microorganism 微生物 | micropathology 显微病理学;显微病理学 | microphage 小噬细胞

micropathology:显微病理学; 细微病理学

Microorganic disease; Microbism 微生物原病 | Micropathology 显微病理学; 细微病理学 | Microphacy; Smallness of lens 小晶状体(畸形)

Macropathology; Nonmicroscopical pathology:肉眼病理学; 大体病理学

Macronychy 巨爪(畸形) | Macropathology; Nonmicroscopical pathology 肉眼病理学; 大体病理学 | Macropody; podomegaly 巨足(畸形)