英语人>词典>汉英 : 病状 的英文翻译,例句
病状 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pathology  ·  pathologies

更多网络例句与病状相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These kinds of provisions will cause many diseases like adiposity and diabetes mellitus and so on.


Down's syndrome is the most common mental deficiently.


An unusual isolate from watercress mottle,in association withturnip mosaic and cucumber mosaic viruses,produced small white local necrotic lesions on sapinoculated leaves of Nicotiana tabacum,N.rustica,N.glutinosa,Datura stramonium,Solanumnigra,Brassica pekinensis,B.chinensis,B.campestris,Raphanus sativa,Nasturtium officinale,Spinacia oleracea and Amaranthus mangostanus while small brown local necrotic lesions onGomphrena globosa,Phaseolus vulgaris,Dolichos lablab...


It is extremely unlikely that your sister developed FOP because her father was treated with different medications for gastric cancer or that her grandparents were close relatives.


Any of several other diseases, especially German measles, that cause similar but milder symptoms.


It dates back to the 1700's, when German doctor Samuel Hahnemann came up with the idea that substances that produced symptoms in healthy people might alleviate those same symptoms in the sick.

这个天然顺势疗法呢,要说历史也有段历史了。要追溯到18世纪,有个叫做Samuel Hahnemann的德国医生那里去了啦。他的想法就是说呢,那些使得健康的人生病的物质也许可以减轻正在生病的人的病状

The solicitor traveled to London to see a top consulant in Harley Street, who after tests, said that he would further appointments and, after having been charged a high fee, the solicitor left the consulting rooms.


I was confident that it deepened the relationship between doctor and patient so that patients would tell more about their condition, Beckman, an internist and professor at the Uniersity of Rochester, told the Health Blog in an interiew today.


The present invention is directed to substituted propylamine derivatives of formula I or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, compositions containing these derivatives, and methods of their use for the prevention and treatment of conditions ameliorated by monoamine reuptake including, inter alia, vasomotor symptoms, sexual dysfunction, gastrointestinal and genitourinary disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromylagia syndrome, nervous system disorders, and combinations thereof, particularly those conditions selected from the group consisting of major depressive disorder, vasomotor symptoms, stress and urge urinary incontinence, fibromyalgia, pain, diabetic neuropathy, and combinations thereof.


One night he gave me a little booklet which made it clear that sin is a disease that infects us all , while sins are what we do - the outworking of the disease of sin.


更多网络解释与病状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




干腐枝枯病 包括干腐(dryrot)、枝枯(blight或dieback)、溃疡(canker)等. 腐烂病(rot) 包括根腐、茎腐和果腐等. 过度生长性病害(hyperplasia) 包括畸形、膨肿和丛生等. (四)担子菌所致植物病害的主要特点 主要病状是:斑点、斑块、立枯、纹枯、根腐、叶腐、肿胀和瘿瘤等.



genetic disease:遗传疾病

上一期在人体故事中谈到染色体数目增减所导致的一些病状,这种由於遗传物质(Genetic material)的变异所引起的病状通常叫做遗传疾病(Genetic disease). 事实上,遗传疾病除了这一种以外,还有由於基因突变而引起的. 这正是本期要谈论的主题.

lyse:[医] 细胞溶解, 病状渐退

991. luncheon n. 午宴, 正式的午餐 | 993. lyse . [医] 细胞溶解, 病状渐退 | 994. lysis n. 病势减退, 消散


气管(Trachea) 很粗,由较硬的软骨环构成支撑(见下图),会收缩吗?多少分量几度的冷水通过食道几秒钟能让气管收缩多少?咳嗽是病状(symptom),不是疾病(disease)

wheeze asthmatoid:气喘病状哮喘

哮喘 wheeze | 气喘病状哮喘 wheeze asthmatoid | 喘鸣 wheezing

choreiform movement:舞蹈病状之举动

\\"舞踏病\\",\\"chorea\\" | \\"舞蹈病状之举动\\",\\"choreiform movement\\" | \\"绒毛膜的\\",\\"chorial\\"


flaveolin /浅黄链丝菌素/ | flavescence /黄白病状/ | flavescent /逐渐变黄的/稍带黄色的/

prodromal:前兆病状的 (形)

prodigiously 异常地, 惊人地 (副) | prodromal 前兆病状的 (形) | prodrome 前驱症状, 序论 (名)