英语人>词典>汉英 : 疲劳病 的英文翻译,例句
疲劳病 的英文翻译、例句


fatigue disease
更多网络例句与疲劳病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What a special character agalwood is, because human heart fluctuate so often, so disorder things always happen; rumor is from restless talking, trouble is from too showing-off, put down the unreasonable expectation and ambition, ignite a incense, as light smoke curl upwards, it create a room-fulled rich fragrance, calm down your mind, stable your spirit, this mental state is so wonderful, a pretty face result from this pretty and calm heart.Although drinks with artificial ingridients are tasty, these additives, at the same time, add more chances of body disorders. These are the warings from our bodies enjoy natural food it is always the best choice to make and enjoy a glass of fresh carrot juice.


Neurosis : it is a group of syndromes characterized by being inclined to excitement and fatigue, anxiety, phobia , depression, obsession, hypochondriasis, discomfortableness of the body.etc.


His illness was a result of overwork.


Common signs of sleeping sickness include fever, headaches, extreme tiredness and pain in the muscles and joints.


Overall in the Hurtgen, the 28th Division suffered 6,184 combat casualties, plus 738 cases of trench foot and 620 battle fatigue cases.


"Supraspinatus tendinopathy is a specific diagnosis needs an MRI scan to demonstrate high signal intensity in the tendon without a frank tendon tear," lead author Justin Alan Paoloni, MBBS, PhD, from the Orthopaedic Research Institute at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, told Medscape in an email interview."It is a common problem, especially in overhead athletes (pitchers, tennis players, and swimmers) and workers, and is thought to be due to a combination of specific anatomical factors (subacromial impingement, anterior glenohumeral instability, often coexisting with tendinopathy) and relative overuse (repetitive shoulder motions, fatigue)."

澳洲University of New South Wales的医师Justin Alan Paloni表示,岗上肌肌腱炎在没有明显肌腱破裂的情况下,需要使用MRI的高密度讯号扫描,作特定的诊断才可以发现;这对某些族群的人而言是个普遍的现象,尤其是需要作手部举高动作的运动员,如棒球投手、网球运动员、游泳者及从事绘画、机器修复的人员;这个病徵是许多症状的组合,如下滑囊伤害、前肱肩胛骨不稳定等,都会引发随著肌腱病变;此外,过度的肩膀运动及疲劳也是原因。

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the preferred term covering a wide range of conditions including myalgic encephalomyelitis, myalgic encephalopathy, post-viral fatigue syndrome, and chronic fatigue immune dysfuntion syndrome.

慢性疲劳综合征是首选的任期内,涵盖范围广泛的条件,包括myalgic性脑脊髓炎中, myalgic性脑病,后病毒疲劳综合征,以及慢性疲劳综合征的免疫dysfuntion。

Fatigue is a widespread symptom in numerous neuroimmunological diseases like multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, morbus Behcet, neurosarcoidosis, neuroborreliosis or immune vasculitis.


Fatigue is a widespread symptom in numerous neuroimmunological diseases like multiple sclerosis, myasthenia grais, morbus Behcet, neurosarcoidosis, neuroborreliosis or immune asculitis.


Chronic fatigue syndrome is most commonly triggered by an acute illness, like glandular fever, and it is the severity of this illness that decides whether you will develop the syndrome, the research found.


更多网络解释与疲劳病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


酸性比较稳定缺乏症脚气病(beriberi)主要损害神经血管系统多发性神经炎、肌肉萎缩及水肿尼克酸(nicotinic acid)又名烟酸、维生素PP癞皮病(pellagra)早期:疲劳、记忆力减退、失眠. 典型:3D症状-皮炎(dermatitis)腹泻(diarrhea)抑郁(depression)

lymph node:淋巴结

患有慢性疲劳综合症的患者总是觉得很累,还会有其他不同的综合症状,例如喉咙痛、淋巴结(lymph node)痛、头痛、身体疼痛和注意力不能集中. 慢性疲劳综合症的病因目前尚未清楚,有些研究者认为这种病是因免疫系统对感染发生异常反应而引起的.


觉察呼吸和疲劳之间有个有趣的关系,承受重大压力的病人、过度被训练的运动员和慢性疲劳症状(chronic fatigue syndrome)的病患,这些人比较容易发生心脏病...至少运动员睡觉的时候,他们的肌肉还可以休息一下,但是我们这个多元媒体(multimedia)的头脑却无法片刻停

myasthenia grais:重症肌无力

(四)重症肌无力(myasthenia grais) 是一种神经肌肉接头间传递功能障碍的慢性病. 本病特点为受累肌群的异常易于疲劳,几乎每个病人均有颅神经支配肌的无力. 症状晨轻夜重,经休息后有明显的改善. [临床表现] 动作缓慢,外观呆滞,皮肤干燥,


抗脚气病因子,易因受热和氧化而遭到破坏,尤其在碱性环境中更是如此,酸性比较稳定缺乏症脚气病(beriberi)主要损害神经血管系统多发性神经炎、肌肉萎缩及水肿尼克酸(nicotinic acid)又名烟酸、维生素PP癞皮病(pellagra)早期:疲劳、记忆力

lepra reaction:麻风反应

但某些诱因如药物、气侯、精神因素、预防注射或接种、外伤、营养不良、酗酒、过度疲劳、月经不调、妊娠、分娩...麻风反应(lepra reaction)是在麻风病慢性过程中,不论治疗与否,突然呈现症状活跃,发生急性或亚急性病变,使原有的皮肤和神经损害炎症加剧,

Anoxic Overwear Syndrome:(缺氧性(角膜)过度疲劳综合征)

Anoxic Encephalopathy Syndrome(缺氧性脑病综合征) | Anoxic Overwear Syndrome(缺氧性(角膜)过度疲劳综合征) | Antimongolism Syndrome(反先天愚型综合征)


磨牙症(bruxism)指非生理功能的紧咬或磨动牙齿的现象. 磨牙症能造成牙齿严重磨损,牙本质过敏或牙髓损伤,严重者可伴发头痛、咀嚼肌疲劳酸痛和颞下颌关节紊乱病等. 其病因尚不明了,大多数学者认为牙舍因素和神经精神因素是磨牙症的主要病因.