英语人>词典>汉英 : 疯人 的英文翻译,例句
疯人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Yuuzhan Vong invasion, however, brought Antilles back out of retirement.


If should be Baalism, ma Yun says whats are a problem, no matter be lunatic mad language, still be a man of great wisdom appears slow-witted, or it is eloquent, still be sublime words with deep meaning, if Ma Yun is saying,went only.


That lies in the house of Bedlam.


While on a diplomatic mission to Monor II, Mara was secretly infected with a coomb spore, a deadly bio-engineered pathogen crafted by the Yuuzhan Vong.


Despite heavy losses, the Yuuzhan Vong managed to conquer Coruscant, striking a deathblow to the New Republic.


Anor hatched a scheme to use a defector to defeat the Jedi, but this eventually failed.


A patient in a lunatic asylum is fishing in a dry pond when a nurse passing by tries to tease him.


A wandering madman was seeking the touchstone, with matted locks tawny and dust-laden, and body worn to a shadow, his lips tight-pressed, like the shut-up doors of his heart,his burning eyes like the lamp of a glow-worm seeking its mate.


It happened that certain madmen were publicly whipped, and in the course of a kind of a game they were chased in a mock race and driven out of the city with quarterstaff blows.


In one sense, it simply develops, across a half-real, half-imaginary geography, the madman's liminal position on the horizon of medieval concern-a position symbolized and made real at the same time by the madman's privilege of being confined within the city gates: his exclusion must enclose him; if he cannot and must not have another prison than the thresh-old itself , he is kept at the point of passage.


更多网络解释与疯人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


特洛伊之夜成 为安德洛玛克(Andromache)的真理,正如亚他利雅的那一夜预示了即将来临的白昼的 真理. 黑夜反而具有了揭示作用. 它成为现实存在的最深刻的白昼. 反之,疯人在光天 化日之下发现的仅仅是不协调的夜间形象;


1790年3月29日,巴伊(Bailly)、杜波尔一杜特尔特(Duport-Dutertre)和一名警察长官到萨尔佩特利耶尔考察如何贯彻这项法令. 然后,他们又视察了比塞特尔. 他们发现,实施该法令困难重重. 首先,根本没有所设想的或者至少能腾出地方收容疯人的医院.

blithely: adv.1:欢乐愉快地 2.漫不经心地,无忧无虑地

cuckoo: n.1.杜鹃 2.(俚)傻子,疯人 | blithely: adv.1.欢乐愉快地 2.漫不经心地,无忧无虑地 | incubating: n.1.孵化 2.酝酿,培养


以下是我们的描述尝试: 首先,整个>所要谈的体验结构,在对象面上分裂为疯人(fou)和疯狂(folie)两个项目,而且这一点不只出现在傅柯明白点出的古典时代的疯人辨识的明快性和疯狂认识的不稳定性之上,它也出现在其它时期.

Antonina eventually died in an insane asylum:安东尼娜最终死在疯人院里

After a long time; eventually; at last 经过一段长时间之後;终於;最後 | Antonina eventually died in an insane asylum. 安东尼娜最终死在疯人院里. | turn into变成


何以"疯人院"(madhouse)取代了"疯人船"(madship)?在福柯看来,这两者大相径庭:疯人船的容量是有限的,疯人院的容量是无限的. 在十九世纪,疯癫开始被视为社会性疾病,被视为一种社会性的失败,精神病患者就是社会渣滓或社会败类. 那时候,

you call at the madhouse, an oracular:你在疯人院里叫喊,是我们窝中的

in the best ward. Your business is people, 肆无顾忌地生长. 你的业务是人... | you call at the madhouse, an oracular 你在疯人院里叫喊,是我们窝中的 | eye in our nest. Out in the hall 一只神眼. 在外面的大厅...

A special force recruited from jails:尽是些监狱和疯人院里

are not ordinary troops, but marines|不是一般的军队 而是海军陆战队 | A special force recruited from jails|尽是些监狱和疯人院里 | and insane asylums for bloodlust."|招来的嗜血疯子

We call the madmen back:我们将疯人召回

We're just called the good friends 我们只是被称为好朋友 | We call the madmen back 我们将疯人召回 | As they fly to the ant hills 当他们飞向蚁山蚊冢的时候

Au paradis des fous, on est tous perdus:在疯人天堂里,我们都迷失了

et personne peux te le donner comme moi tu le sais girl因为没有人可以给你我所给你的,... | Au paradis des fous, on est tous perdus在疯人天堂里,我们都迷失了 | Entre le bien, le mal on est confondus进来,把...