英语人>词典>汉英 : 疑病症 的英文翻译,例句
疑病症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypochondrium  ·  hypochodriasis  ·  hygeiophrontis

更多网络例句与疑病症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International call AIDS is a disease suspected to secondary hypochondriasis, or there is no incentive or body on the basis of disease associated with the state of hypochondria.


International call AIDS is a secondary hypochondriasis hypochondriasis, or where there is no clear incentives or the basis of somatic diseases associated with a state of hypochondria.


At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac.


A few suggested that I was hypochondriac imagining ill health.


The hypochondriac may become convinced that he is ill even though he has no symptoms at all, or may exaggerate the importance of minor aches and pains, becoming obsessed with the fear of a life-threatening illness.


The hypochondriac may become convince d that he is ill even though he has no symptoms at all, or may exaggerate the importance of minor aches and pains, becoming obsessed with the fear of a life-threatening illness.


The hypochondriac may become convinced that he is ill even though he has no symptoms at all, or may exaggerate the importance of minor aches and pains, becoming obsessed with the fear of a life- threaten ing illness.


The hypochondriac may become convinced that he is ill even though he has no symptoms at all, or may exaggerate the importance of minor aches and pains, becoming obsessed with the fear of a life-threatening ill ness.


AIDS medicine is called hypochondriasis, is a psychological mental illness, the disease is suspected areas.


The persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill , often involving experiences of real pain when illness is neither present nor likely Also called hypochondriasis


更多网络解释与疑病症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后来我自己转学心理辅导,开始听说了"疑病症"(Hypochondria)这一概念. 这是指当事人有持续不断的、过分的对自己的健康担心忧虑,总怀疑自己患上了什么大病怪病. 然而病理检查、生理检查又查不出病的依据来. 也不听医生的诊断和劝告.

Hypochondria ; Hypochondriasis:疑病症

意志减退 Hypobulia | 疑病症 Hypochondria ; Hypochondriasis | 疑病性精神病 Hypochondriacal psychosis


hypochondria 疑病症 | hypochondriac 疑病症的 | hypochondriac delusion 疑病妄想


在各种的恐惧症(phobia)中,"疑病症"(hypochondriasis)似乎是跟"病才"最有关系. "疑病症"不是现代紧张都市生活的产物,早于中世纪,便有不少文献纪录出现"疑病症"的踪影. "玻璃妄想症"(glass delusion)大概是其中一个最常见的例子,

secondary hypochondriasis:继发性疑病症

继发性抑郁症 secondary depression | 继发性疑病症 secondary hypochondriasis | 继发性人格改变 secondary personality change

primary hypochondriasis:原发性疑病症

原始治疗法 primal therapy | 原发性疑病症 primary hypochondriasis | 原发性小头畸形 primary microcephaly

hyochondriacal delusion, delusion of ill-health:疑病妄想

疑病症 hypochondriasis | 疑病妄想 hyochondriacal delusion, delusion of ill-health | 疑病性神经症 hypochondriacal neurosis

hypochondriacal neurosis:疑病性神经症

最佳答案: 疑病性神经症(Hypochondriacal neurosis)简称疑病症(Hypochondriasis),又名疾病臆想症. 这是一种对自己身体健康状况过分关注、担心或深信自己患了一种或多种躯体疾病,经常诉说某些不适,反复就医,经多种检查均不能证实疾病存在的心理病理...

hypochondriacal neurosis:疑病神经官能症

hypochondriacal delusion 疑病妄想 | hypochondriacal neurosis 疑病神经官能症 | hypochondriasis 疑病症

A Nation of Hypochondriacs:(一个疑病症患者的国度)

5.A Hard Day in the Kitchen(厨房里的一场闹剧) | 6.A Nation of Hypochondriacs(一个疑病症患者的国度) | 8.A Sailor's Christmas Gift(一个海员的圣诞礼物)