英语人>词典>汉英 : 留置权 的英文翻译,例句
留置权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lien  ·  liens

更多网络例句与留置权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first chapter discusses the conception, the sort and the character of the system of admiralty possessory lien.


So, in this paper, I study the system of admiralty possessory lien as a whole with the general theories of civil law and the specialties of maritime law.


If the bill holder, regardless of the cause implied in the contract or the law, a lien on the bill, the holder shall be deemed to be paid to the price of ticket holders, but there is a lien on the amount of its limited .


The recognition of the object s of lien system is important in practice.


Article 110 Prior to full payment of the obligation, the lienor may exercise lien on the entire lien article if it is not separable.


With regard to the scope of subject matter of lien, it includes not only personal property, but also real property and valuable instruments which possess characteristicics of personal property; contains not noly merchantable things, but also prohibited merchantable things and limited merchantable things, chapter III is about question of deadiline of lien, lien isnt invalid as prescription of quaranteed obligatory right completes ,but lienor possesses the fruits odf subject matter of lien, because of his occupying cubject matter of lien, because of his occapying subject matter of lien.therefore lien is different from mortgage, is without excluded period.


The buyer of a tax lien has rights to the property that come before that of the mortgage holder so if the mortgage holder doesn't pay the tax lien, they could be wiped out when the holder of the tax lien files to get clear title of the property.


In addition, the author also discuss the cesser clause, the exercising conditions of lien under voyage charterparties and the sub-earning clause under time charterparties in this dissertation, and during which the author explored more on the problem that "the relationship between the ownership of transported goods and the exercise of possessory lien", and put forward his own opinion.


The other chapters respectively discuss each admiralty possessory lien, such as the ship builder or repairer"s possessory lien on ship, the carrier"s possessory lien on cargo, the admiralty possessory lien in charter party, the tugowner"s possessory lien and the salvor"s possessory lien.


Without prejudice to any other rights which he may have, whether in rem or in personam, the Tugowner, by himself or his servants or agents or otherwise shall be entitled to exercise a possessory lien upon the Tow in respect of any sum howsoever or whatsoever due to the Tugowner under this Agreement and shall for the purpose of exercising such possessory lien be entitled to take and/or keep possession of the Tow; provided always that the Hirer shall pay to the Tugowner all reasonable costs and expenses howsoever or whatsoever incurred by or on behalf of the Tugowner in exercising or attempting or preparing to exercise such lien and the Tugowner shall be entitled to receive from the Hirer the Tug's Delay Payment at the rate specified in Box 29 for any reasonable delay to the Tug resulting therefore.


更多网络解释与留置权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bottomry lien:船舶抵押留置权

bottomry bond 船舶抵押契约 | bottomry lien 船舶抵押留置权 | bottomry loan 船舶抵押借款

encumbrance, lien:留置权

(承租人的)留购率retention rate | 留置权encumbrance, lien | 留置日lien date


encumbrances 不动产上的负担 | encumbrances 财产留置权 | encyclic 通谕


"而海事优先权是"非占有留置权",因而是间接、不完全之留置权. 因此,许多国家将"留置权"(Lien)一词用於两种不同担保物权之概念. 一般留置权称爲Lien,而海事先权则称爲Maritime Lien.

maritime lien:海事留置权

留置权中却包含有优先权的内容,如衡平法上的留置权(Equitable Lien)、海事留置权(Maritime Lien)和法定留置权(Statutory Lien). 我国台湾地区民法典中没有对优先权作出规定,但是在一些

general lien:一般留置权

留置权与被担保债务的关系看,占有性留置权可分为一般留置权(general lien)和特定留置权(specific lien). 衡平法和制定法上的留置权则不限于留置物必须在债权人占有之下,债权人得请求法院就该财物具有优先受偿权. (二)优先权(preference or priority)制度(三)扣押权(hypothecs or hypothecation)制度(四)优先给付权(prefer

general lien:一般留置权,总留置权

general level of prices 一般价格水准 | general lien 一般留置权,总留置权 | general light and power distribution 一般照明及电力配电


lien 留置权扣押权 | Lienee 留置权人 | lienon cargo 对货物的留置权

possessory lien:占有留置权

英美法上的Lien与大陆法系的留置权并非对应概念,其留置权的含义较为广泛,包括普通法上留置权也称占有留置权(Possessory lien),衡平法上的留置权(Equitable Lien)、海事留置权(Maritime lien)和制定法上的留置权也称法定留置权(Statutory Lien).

Possessory Lien of Vessel:船舶留置权

possessor 持有人 | Possessory Lien of Vessel 船舶留置权 | possessory lien 占有留置权