英语人>词典>汉英 : 留传下来 的英文翻译,例句
留传下来 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
transmit  ·  transmitted  ·  transmits

更多网络例句与留传下来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Living with flocks of lightweight cranes along the riverbed and fields, I would stand tall to look them in the eye, gaze at their lilting layers of pale feathers to discern what lies beneath, beneath, and slowly back away so they wouldn't strike me with steel-strong legs for invading their unmarked territory; make a bid for their tough endurance of sixty million years, so as to acquire it as my own, and pass it through these genes of words, these airborne poems, then raise my broad and scalloped wings, and dream their dreams.


But Old Norse and English both survived, and so you can rear a child or raise a child.

但古斯堪的纳维亚语和英语同时留传下来,因此你可以说 rear a child ,也可以说 raise a child 。

更多网络解释与留传下来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be guilty of:犯有......罪的

hand down 留传下来,把......传下去 | be guilty of 犯有......罪的 | in the van of 处于......的领先地位

They blow bubbles while swimming in circles:他们围成一个圈 吐出气泡

The whales use a fishing technique|鲸鱼运用祖先留传下来的捕鱼技术 | They blow bubbles while swimming in circles|他们围成一个圈 吐出气泡 | to create a bubble net.|制照出一个气泡网

faculty psychology:官能心理学

综上所述,官能心理学(Faculty Psychology)是心理学上古老的观念,起于西方古代的希腊,盛行于十八世纪,直到现代,仍可发现此一古老观念留传下来的影响. 按官能心理学的基本观点,人类的心系由许多官能所组成,诸如意识、感情、知觉、想象、记忆、推理、意志、注意等,


traumatic 使人不快的,令人痛苦难忘的 | jeopardize 使......处于危险中 | hand down 留传下来,把......传下去

The book was pass down from generation to generation:这本书一代一代留传下来

To his grief ,his grandpa pass away last month.使他悲伤的是,他的爷... | The book was pass down from generation to generation.这本书一代一代留传下来. | He passed out when he heard the bad news.听到这消息...