英语人>词典>汉英 : 电视记录 的英文翻译,例句
电视记录 的英文翻译、例句


television recording
更多网络例句与电视记录相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equalsprecisely one minute of TV time.

所以, Square Eyes的每100步的记录正好等于1分钟的电视时间。

Journalists and TV people,we know,are supposed to record what goes on;but in trying to get the best record they can,they may sometimes seem amazingly cold-blooded.


For a successful TV documentary to truly reflect the real life is not enough;its writer and directors should put their emotions into the most striking characters and goings-on,and upgrade its emotionalization to the climax so that the audience could feel the powerful emotional power created by the TV documentary .


There was something different in the sheer epic malevolence of the thing: more than 3,000 dead, with destruction sliding out of a clear blue sky, all captured on live TV.


In Broad Band ,Curcuit signal graphics is achieved by oscillograph ,and packet loss rate , throughput, Latency , back-to-back and so on.;In VoIP, the device can communicate with FXO 3804 of TAIWAN Welltech and DT60 of BEIJING JIAXUN FEIHONG, At that time, Ethereal and PalmTool of PA1688 testing are introduced; In CATV, flatness ,signal graphics of radio frequency are tested by CATV stroboscope.

使用示波器测试数据部分的电路信号波形,使用网络分析仪测试丢包率、吞吐量、时延和背压等以太网指标的测试,并记录最终测试结果;电话部分主要是与台湾伟桥的FXO 3804和北京佳讯飞鸿的E1数字中继网关DT60,实现基于H.323协议的VoIP电话通信,同时介绍使用Ethereal软件和PA1688专用测试工具PalmTool的测试分析情况;电视部分主要是使用CATV频谱仪测试输出射频信号的平坦度、信号波形等分析信号质量,并通过实际电视接收观察输出的射频信号质量。

The writing of a dictionary, therefore, is not a task of setting up authoritative statements about the "true meanings" of words, but a task of recording, to the best of one's ability, what various words have meant to authors in the distant or immediate past, If, for example, we had been writing a dictionary in 1890, or even as late as l919, we could have said that the word "broadcast" means "to scatter", but we could not have stated that from 1921 on, the most common meaning of the word should become "to send out programs by radio or television."


The writing of a dictionary, therefore, is not a task of setting up authoritative statements about the "true meanings" of words, but a task of recording, to the best of one's ability, what various words have meant to authors in the distant or immediate past, If, for example, we had been writing a dictionary in 1890, or even as late as l919, we could have said that the word "broadcast" means "to scatter", but we could not have stated that from 1921 on, the common meaning of the word should become "to send out programs by radio or television."


Reality TV is a genre of television programming which is unscripted and documents actual events.


A learning simulation, a conferencing tool, and a student record keeper should be as untroublesome to use as a television, a telephone, and a notebook.


The design of this dissertation begins with the definition of audience data structure based on considering the embedded developing environment features. The dissertation uses the STi5518 chip by ST Microtones to collect audience data, and then the SI analysis and OSD interactive function are used to gain the user watching information. Then collect audience data in EEPROM of STB, use STB and serial to transmit the data, then use the RS232 serial port and RJ-45 converter to realize the data Return of Serial to Ethernet, in the process of data Return it completes the conversion of data format.

本设计首先在嵌入式环境的前提下,在用户数据采集和回传工作中采用了ST Microtones公司提供的STi5518芯片作为机顶盒主芯片,根据收视率调查需要制定出用户的收视信息数据结构,并结合数字电视业务信息分析以及机顶盒的屏幕显示互动功能,对用户的收视情况进行记录;然后把记录的数据存储到机顶盒的EEPROM中,并利用机顶盒串口输出数据,再利用RS232串口与RJ-45转换器实现串口转以太网的数据回传,在回传过程中完成了数据格式的转换。

更多网络解释与电视记录相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blind date:初次约会

英国20年前就有相亲节目>(BLIND DATE),目前,这一曾风靡英国的电视速配节目风采仍不减当年,屡屡成为收视先锋--素未谋面的男女经电视台安排约会,电视记录其过程,然后双方各自谈论对另一方的感受,并决定是否继续约会下去.


新加坡所有的十字路口(crossing)都见不到交通警察(traffic policeman),路上也很少见到巡警,但是,你一旦违章,说不定哪个电视监控系统就将你记录在案. 不光是司机,行人不遵守交通规则也要被处以罚款,如闯红灯、不走斑马线乱穿马路要罚款20新元.

Documenting Culture, Spring:记录文化

CMS.915 文化与电视研究 Understanding Television, Spring 2003 | CMS.917J 记录文化 Documenting Culture, Spring 2004 | CMS.930 媒体、教育和市场发展 Media, Education, and the Marketplace, Fall 2001

set dresser:布景陈设员

set designer 布景设计师 | set dresser 布景陈设员 | set meter 电视收视记录仪

High-compression MPEG-4 video:高压缩MPEG - 4视频

Built-in 5-megapixel CMOS sensor内置500万像素... | High-compression MPEG-4 video高压缩MPEG - 4视频 | Record video from your TV, DVD player, VCR, or any device with RCA outputs视频记录从您的电视, DVD播放...

make a record:做记录;录制唱片

on TV在电视里 | ③make a record做记录;录制唱片 | ④in the open air 在户外,在野外

from their record-breaking polio telethon in Miami, Florida:迈阿密破记录的 电视节目后直接赶过来

...who need no introduction, have come here di... | ...from their record-breaking polio telethon in Miami, Florida.|迈阿密破记录的 电视节目后直接赶过来 | So the first thing I'd like to announce is that...


该"语言"和"地区"(Region)设置确定了默认的数据格式和在电视机上用于显示相机图像的视频信号格式. 相机具有一个记录照片拍摄日期和时间的时钟. 该信息记录在图像属性中,您可以在"回放模式"(Playback Mode)、查看"照片顾问"(Image Advice)以及在电脑上观看照片时看到这个信息.

prerecorded track:预记录道

prerecorded television programme ==> 预录的电视节目 | prerecorded track ==> 预记录道 | prereduced burden material ==> 预还原炉料

Elizabeth I:最佳电视电影

最佳喜剧电影:Borat | 最佳电视电影:Elizabeth I | 最佳记录长片:An Inconvenient Truth