英语人>词典>汉英 : 电影布景 的英文翻译,例句
电影布景 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与电影布景相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The lights used on movie sets were extremely bright and could cause a painful problem known as "Klieg eyes".

那个时候在拍摄过程中用于电影布景的灯光强度很大,常常引起一种名为"Klieg eyes"的眼病。

In that magic lantern all the pictures are privileged.


A cross between an internet chat room and unscripted movie set, Faketown is a virtual world where you can buy, sell, and trade real estate and virtual products, as well as take part in an online community of fellow participants from around the world.

一个网络聊天室和无剧本的电影布景的相互交错, Faketown 是一个虚拟的世界,在这里你可以买卖,交易真实物品和虚拟产品,同时你还可以参加在线社区,这个社区里的人来自全世界不同的地方。

On the film set, in front of the media, Ady apologised to Van Ness.


Among all the dramatic techniques, Tennessee Williams found symbolism the best medium to metaphorize abstract ideas and concepts to achieve indirectness and avoid bluntness and obviousness.


Among all the dramatic techniques, tennessee williams found symbolism the best medium to metaphorize abstract ideas and concepts to achieve indirectness and avoid bluntness and obviousness.


In one of the most memorable scenes, police officers and fire fighters who actually took part in the rescue mission that day were invited to reenact their roles in a one-acre set for the movie.


Some scened will be filmed with a real helicopter, adding to the movie's tension.


The cave that imprisons Tony Stark was a 150-200 yard-long set, which had built-in movable forks to allow greater freedom for the film's crew.


Born in Edinburgh in 1959, his family spent a couple of years in Trinidad before settling in Canada; Doig moved back to Britain, to study at St Martin's School of Art, thereafter returning to Canada (he had a stint as scene painter for film sets in Montreal); it was back to London for his MA, and he now lives in Trinidad.

他于1959年生于爱丁堡,他的家庭在定居加拿大之前在特立尼达生活了几年;多伊格随后搬回英国,到圣马丁艺术学校(St Martin's School of Art)学习,其后又回到加拿大(他曾在蒙特利尔做过电影布景画师);后来他又回到伦敦攻读硕士学位,而现在生活在特立尼达岛。

更多网络解释与电影布景相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"他们是所有人的生活剧本里的布景元素",并且由于这种长期共处,形成了一种既相互对照却又相互渗透的模棱(ambivalence)境界,"共构了一个混沌的天地". "阮世生把'神经'二字放到戏名之内,仅从名字已经使这部电影非常湾仔了.

cratch track:临时音轨

cenics artist 布景设计师 | cratch track 临时音轨 | creen Actors Guild SAG电影演员同业公会


制作水准 (PRODUCTION VALUE) 用以指称一部影片布景、服装、摄影、灯光和声音品质的一种商业概念. 种族志电影,人类学电影 (ETHNOGRAPHIC) 为某一社会诠释另一群人的社会和文化经验的影片. 如>(1922).


filmset 电影布景;照相排版;照相排版的 | filmstrip 幻灯片;摄影胶片 | FILO 先进后出

scratch track:临时音轨

scenics artist 布景设计师 | scratch track 临时音轨 | Screen Actors Guild SAG电影演员同业公会

scratch track:姑且音轨

scenics artist 布景设计师 | scratch track 姑且音轨 | Screen Bctors Guild SBG电影演员同业公会

filming shooting:电影摄制

scenery 布景 | 电影摄制filming shooting | camera 摄影机


名称定位替身 (STAND IN) 简介安排布景、设定摄影机位置、测光、调整灯光等繁琐过程中,暂时代替明星站在表演位置上的人 相关条目 表演 演员 电影 ...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:<哈利波特与死圣>

除了沙丘之外,最后一部波特电影<<哈利 波特与死圣>>(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)电影布景中最让人眼前一亮的便是用贝壳堆成的海滩小屋. 与此同时,导演莱德利 斯科特(Sir Ridley Scott)也将使用 ...除了沙丘之外,


filmistor 薄膜电阻 | filmset 电影布景;照相排版;照相排版的 | filmstrip 幻灯片;摄影胶片