英语人>词典>汉英 : 由薄膜组成的 的英文翻译,例句
由薄膜组成的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与由薄膜组成的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

XRD shows: when the value of x is between 0.1 and 0.3, the alloying thin film remains the structure of hexagonal wurtzite and the angle of (002) diffraction peak becomes bigger as the value of X increases; The photoluminescence spectra at room temperature shows that the PL spectra of the alloying thin film is composed of the stronger UV emission band and weaker visible band, and UV emission peak will have the blue shift with the content of Mg increasing and the visible emission weakened.


The light travels in a composite medium made up of the film, the substrate and the cladding.


Co-Pt alloy films are promised candidates for high-density magneto-optical recording media due to their large Kerr rotation at blue wavelengths. But the origin of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in these films has not been well-understood.


Its shape is cast by the water, no binder of dry sand and film composition, and under the pouring in a vacuum.


Solar cells can now be made from a range of materials, from the traditional multicrystalline silicon wafers that still dominate the market to thin-?lm silicon cells and devices com- posed of plastic or organic semiconductors.


CuS thin film composed of nano/micro tubes with diameters in the range of 150 to 200 nm and lengths up to several microns and CuO thin film composed of nano/micro crystals with sizes ranging from 150 to 250 nm have been successfully prepared through a gas-solid sulfurization and oxidation reaction using well-aligned CuCl nanorod films as precursor.


Then GaN nanostructured thin films comprised of regular hexagonal crystal grains have been successfully synthesized by ammoniating Ga2O3 films at the temperature of 850℃ for 15 rain in a quartz tube. X -ray diffraction reveals that the synthesized GaN is of a hexagonal wurtzite structure with lattice constants a =0.318 nm and c =0.518 nm.


In this paper we focus our attention to CoCr thin films. Investigation is carried out on both magnetic properties of the CoCr、FeNi、Ti thin films and the multilayers consisted of CoCr、FeNi and Ti thin films.


The results showed that with the increase of nitride partial pressure in the range of 2. 0~8. 0×10〓Pa, the hardness of NbN, TaN single layer films decreased, but the hardness of TiN films kept unchanged. The crystal structure of TaN films changed from the mixture of tetragonal β-Ta and faced-center cubic δ-TaN to hexagonal TaN and that of NbN films from FCC δ-NbN to hexagonal ε-NbN. The crystal structure of TiN films is FCC in all the range of partial pressure researched.


The transmission properties of the 1-D Fibonacci sequence photonic crystals made up of dispersive SiO2 and TiO2 thin films in visible region are investigated by an eigen matrix method,and the results are compared with that without dispersion conditions.


更多网络解释与由薄膜组成的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(1) PET瓶的回收,PET瓶大量用于可口可乐,百事可乐,雪碧等碳酸饮料,目前大部分是由PET瓶和HDPE瓶底组成,瓶盖材料HDPE,商标为双向拉伸聚 丙烯(BOPP)薄膜,采用EVA型粘接剂粘附于瓶身,聚酯瓶回收后再利用的途径有再生造粒.

Cell membrane:胞膜

2.细胞膜 细胞膜(Cell membrane) 是围绕在细胞质外面的一层柔软而富有弹性的薄膜,厚约8nm ,占细胞干重的10%左右. 纤毛由纤毛蛋白(pillin)组成4.芽胞 定义 芽孢时某些细菌在其生活史的一定阶段于营养细胞内形成的一个圆形或椭圆形或圆柱形结构,


柏克莱分校的研究人员利用鱼网(fishnet)结构设计出一个3D稜镜,该材料是由21个银与氟化镁薄膜交替组成,然后蚀刻出周期比光波长还小的格状结构. 该小组的Jason Valentine表示,他们用已开发出来的2D超材料为基础,制作出具有负折射率的3D超材料,

middle lamella:中胶层

细胞壁最初形成之膜为中间膜或中胶层(Middle lamella),大部分由果胶质复合物所组成,而后沿中间膜的两侧表面,即从每一个子细胞之细胞质产生一新薄膜,此乃纤维与果胶复合物所构成,由每一新的子细胞之原生质体(Protoplast)中之纤维与果胶物质包围,


眼球前段是聚光的部份,是由眼角膜(cornea) ,瞳孔 (pupil) ,水晶体 (lens)及玻璃体所组成. 它们的功能是调节及聚合外界入射的光线. 光线首先穿过眼角膜這片透明薄膜,经由瞳孔及水晶体,将光线屈曲及聚合在眼球的后段.


>(Driver Parallel Lines)硬盘版...用驻极体材料作成的电容式话筒叫驻极体麦克,其结构是由一个张紧的被敷有金属薄膜的振膜和驻极体作 背极组成的平行板电容器.


担子果伞形,由菌盖(pileus)和菌柄(stipe)组成(图10-20). 菌盖腹面为辐射排列的薄片状菌褶(gills). 有些种类的菌柄上有菌环(annulus),是担子果的内菌幕破裂时形成的膜质结构. 即有些种类的幼担子果在菌盖边缘和菌柄相连有一遮盖菌褶的薄膜,


用挤出法得到了这种组成,用这种组成制成的薄膜具有出色的可弯曲性(pliability)和可拉伸性(stretchability),而且不发生粘连(blocking). 这种树脂是由一种JISA硬度为72~90的TPU(A)和一种JISA硬度为25~70的氢化无规共聚物(B)组成的,


用挤出法得到了这种组成,用这种组成制成的薄膜具有出色的可弯曲性(pliability)和可拉伸性(stretchability),而且不发生粘连(blocking). 这种树脂是由一种JISA硬度为72~90的TPU(A)和一种JISA硬度为25~70的氢化无规共聚物(B)组成的,