英语人>词典>汉英 : 由大而小 的英文翻译,例句
由大而小 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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High-speed, high-energy collisions carom high strength, impact, vibration cracking, friction and abrasive, such as the role of materials in the process block by the change and the small and broken ground.


Results show that floes' VC and D at the surface water were closely related to current velocity; and the peaks of VC lag those of the current velocity. The lag variation during ebb and flood tides is 10-30min and 30-50 min, respectively. Current velocity at 50 cm/s is a turning point of D vs. vertical average current velocity, before the point, Dm increases with current velocity, and decreases after the point. Similarly, VC at 75μl/L becomes a critical point in the surface water, below the point, D increases with VC, and above the point, D stabilizes.Δp is D dependent, larger floes have much lower Δp than smaller floes. Both D and Δp of floes affect ω. In the surface water during spring tide and neap tide, a power exponent relationship exists between Δp and D, and ω and D.


The soil potential is in accordance with the pondage stage the variety mutually, The soil potential of the current total from diminish to back up again greatly, just the soil layer is from the top bottom, the water potential of the current value enlarge, the water potential changes to let up, the 100 cm soil layer is as follows almost yearly stable.


The spore germination and gametophyte development of 21 ferns are studied. It indicates that :① the development period of prothallium and young sporophyte of the same species is different due to seeding time of spores;② the optimal temperatures of spores germination and gametophyte development of 21 ferns are about 15 -24 ℃;③ the rate of spore germination of rare ferns is much lower than the ferns which occur large populations in nature;④ the treatment with GA 3 can accelerate the germination of the spores;⑤ the prothallium changes from large to small, green to yellow when young sporophyte comes out. The prothalliums of all 21 ferns die away after the appear of the 3rd leaf of sporophytes;⑥ shapes of the 1st and 2nd leaves of the young sporophyte are different from those emerged later;⑦ spores cultured in dark can not germinate;⑧ a prothallium can develop only one young sporophyte though it has many archegoniums, and the spore propagation with leaf mould substrate is an economical method.

摘 要:以腐叶土为培养基质,对 21 种蕨类植物进行了孢子萌发和原叶体发育的研究,结果表明:①不同时期播种的同种蕨类的孢子,发育出原叶体和幼孢子体所历经的时间长短不同;②孢子萌发和配子体生长发育的适宜温度约为 15 ~ 24 ℃;③稀有蕨类的孢子萌发率低,而在野外能形成较大种群的蕨类的孢子萌发率高;④用 GA 3 处理孢子可以促进萌发;⑤当原叶体上长出幼孢子体时,原叶体由大变小,由绿变黄, 21 种蕨类的原叶体都在幼孢子体上长出第 3 片叶时消失;⑥幼孢子体上长出的第 1 、 2 片叶在形态上与以后长出的叶不同;⑦孢子萌发需要光;⑧ 1 片原叶体尽管有多个颈卵器,但仅发育出 1 株幼孢子体;⑨利用腐叶土进行蕨类孢子繁殖是一种经济实用的繁殖方法。

In this paper, the author sets up the dynamic model of the vibratory extracting-driving piling machine, and carries out the dynamic analysis, parameter calculation and Matlab's simulation for this model. Using the equation reciprocity law to carry out the calculation of soil parameter and simulation, and using the genetic algorithm to make optimization of the machine on the basis of the simulation, the author gets the optimum self-induced vibration frequencies of the machine changing with the depth of the pile and the optimization result of other parameters, thus reaching the conclusion that along with the increase of pile sinking depth, the optimum self-induced vibration frequency becomes bigger, and the vibration mass becomes smaller, hence deepening the knowledge of the dynamic performance of this system.


In this paper, the author sets up the dynamic model of the vibratory extracting-driving piling machine, and carries out the dynamic analysis, parameter calculation and Matlabs simulation for this model. Using the equation reciprocity law to carry out the calculation of soil parameter and simulation, and using the genetic algorithm to make optimization of the machine on the basis of the simulation, the author gets the optimum self-induced vibration frequencies of the machine changing with the depth of the pile and the optimization result of other parameters, thus reaching the conclusion that along with the increase of pile sinking depth, the optimum self-induced vibration frequency becomes bigger, and the vibration mass becomes smaller, hence deepening the knowledge of the dynamic performance of this system.


When coverage varying from high to low, the parameter a decreasing, and b increasing. The fitted regression equation between total vegetation coverage and runoff duration as following, C = 3.4881nt_p -11.772 (R~2=0.9477). The equation shows that the vegetation is positive correlation to duration, i.e.


It was different of contents of same mineral element inthe leaves of Malania olefera because of different areas, but the differences was notnotable. The influence of mineral element and soil elements on Malania olefera wasnitrogen, iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper from most to least, and four ofthem were belong to microelement. However, the lack of copper and serious lack ofzinc and iron in the soil influent the growth of Malania olefera. It had been made through the analysis of morphologic and anatomicalcharacteristics of root, stem, leaf, flower, fluid and seed that Malania olefera notonly had the primitive character but also had the evolution character, which had thevital significance on Olacaceae classification.


With the results of contact angle and analysis of surface and interface to polychloride, TDI, PF and NBR is proved to attach to the ATH surface to successfully produce the multi-modified layers with the characteristics of polarity transiting gradually from large to small.


Crop sensitive to water and salt press has been analyzed with the BP-CRWS established in this research. The result showed in light-moderate salty soil, the sunflower is most sensitive to water in squaring stage and the following is flowing stage, seedling stage.


更多网络解释与由大而小相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break up:分裂

文章第三段的主要内容是因为顾客需要多样化的产品,大规模商品市场本身也逐渐分裂成不同的小市场. 而且信息的发展也使商家了解到各微型市场的需求,并提供这方面的服务. 从上下文可猜出niches是小商场,小商店的意思,因为它是由大市场(mass market)分裂(break up)而形成的. 故正确答案为D.

capillary water:毛细管水

09款节能带式污泥压滤机诸城鑫正环保设备有限公司倾情奉献、加压脱水区 污泥随滤布移动进入加压脱水区左八个呈垂直状的滚轮间,依滚轮直径由大而渐小,压力则由小逐渐增大的配置,随上下滤布在不同的滚轮间因变换滤布上下位置而对污泥产生的剪切力,将胶羽污泥中的毛细管水(Capillary Water)挤压出来


为2个由上皮细胞特化而成的透镜细胞(corneagenous cell)所产生.每个个眼的透镜表面特称小眼面(corneal facet),多呈六角形.晶体也透明,由4个大的晶体细胞(cone cell)形成.受纳器也就是小网膜(retinula),由7或8个视觉细胞(retinular cell)构成.每个视觉细胞近端部延长,

Capsula articularis:关节囊

②关节囊(Capsula articularis)是围绕在关节周围的结缔组织囊,它附着于关节面的周缘及其附近的骨面上,是密闭的腔体. 囊壁分内外两层:外层是纤维层,由致密结缔组织构成,具有保护作用,其厚度与关节的功能相一致,负重大而活动性较小的关节,


前颌大而坚实,由齿骨(dentale)、关节骨( articulatio )、隅骨( angular bone )组成. 齿骨上有多排较大排列较密的细齿. 关节骨的背面有一凹陷与方骨相关节(图一 ). 舌颌骨呈方形,有 个小突起,背面 个和蝶耳骨、翼耳骨相连,


大多数比较高等的类群都是由早期食虫类分化出来的. 体型较小,吻部多细尖. 门齿大而呈钳形,犬齿小或无,臼齿多尖,齿尖多呈W形,适于食虫. 四肢短小,通常为5趾. 生活方式多样,有地上生活、地下穴居、半水栖及树栖者. 主要以昆虫及蠕虫为食. 如刺猬(Erinaceus


目的 对茜草科(Rubiaceae)茜草属(Rubia)植物滇茜草Rubia Yunnanensis(Franch)Diels的干燥根及茎即小红参和由大青叶经加工炮制而成的中药青黛(Indigo Natu-ralis)进行质量标准研究.方法 (1)小红参中有效成分小红参醌的含量测定:(2)小红参中游离葸醌的含量测定;

tubulus rectus:直精小管

1.直精小管(tubulus rectus) 是生细精管末端变直的部分,管壁由单层柱状或立方上皮组成. 2.睾丸网(rete testis) 是睾丸纵隔内呈网状的上皮管道. 管壁由单层立方上皮组成. 管腔较大而不规则,腔内液体中含有大量游离的葡萄糖及少量乳酸,

uriniferous tubule:泌尿小管

肾实质由许多迂曲的泌尿小管(uriniferoUs tubule)构成,其间有血管和少量结缔组织. 泌尿小管包括肾单位和集合小管两部分. 肾单位起始部为膨大的小球,称肾小体,与肾小体相连的一条长而弯曲(30-40mm)的管道称肾小管. 根据结构和功能的不同,


太阳系中质量第二大的行星,质量为地球的 95 倍 也有彩色云带,但不如木星般明显 大气有 differential rotation 的现象;也有风暴,虽然不像木星一样有长久存在的斑点 美丽炫目的光环 (rings) 由无数小环 (ringlets) 组成, 环宽而薄(光环的总宽度──从最内缘到最外缘──达 89,