英语人>词典>汉英 : 由于冲击的 的英文翻译,例句
由于冲击的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与由于冲击的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjustments from the time of view, the risk of economic overheating in the August meeting due to the debt crisis in the United States to block bulk commodity prices to be resolved before, and in appreciation of the pressure before the cost and has made operational difficulties of some enterprises, local industry crisis, a sharp fall in prices caused by the confusion, but also a blow to many enterprises, a mechanism for smooth operation of the economy has been damaged, these are changes in economic trends to determine the main factors.


Stimulated both by supply and demand, buttressed with trust by the society, librarianship in America will continue to flourish.


Weld line is the key part of ERW steel pipe because the impact toughness of its raw material is multiple times higher than that of seamless steel pipes. The impact energy of weld line can reach 60% of the raw material by controlling impurity content in raw material, the height and direction of the burr, mold border shape, welding leg, welding speed, heating power and frequency, welding extrusion capacity, the depth and temperature of intermediate frequency, as well as air-cooled length. Seamlessness can be realized if further optimization methods are adopted.


As good sealing, which can withstand sudd external shocks, in order to gain maximum bonding strength, we used polyurethane adhesive, This durable plastic with a high heat resistance and strength and the performance of the drip, striving for the best adhesion.

由于 良好的密封性,其可以承受突然的外力冲击,为了获得最大的粘合力,我们采用聚氨脂胶,这种胶有高持久力并且耐热和盐水的性能,力求获得最好的粘合效果。

This is old ground to an extent, and has been covered extensively by Tomkins, among others, but the fact remains that Rafa has missed out on many of his first-choice targets due to a lack of funds, had nothing to spend last summer (when player sales are taken into account) and should not be realistically expected to mount a title challenge with the fifth most expensive team in the league.


The advantageous aspects are: maximum aerodynamic penetration due to the driver's prone position; maximum exploitation of muscular output due to the antigravitational rotation of thighs; better venous and lymphatic circulation thanks to lower abdominal pressure; better cardio-respiratory function, due to easier venous circulation; maximum protection of the spine by supporting the rachis; minimum perineum shock thanks to the saddle supporting the gluteus; maximum stability of the vehicle thanks to ground-hub pedal block-system; reduced weight of the rotating parts thanks to the compactness of the mechanism of transmission.

这种自行车的优越之处在于:由于骑车者的俯伏位置而得到的最佳空气动力学性能;由于大腿的反重力旋转而获得的对肌肉的最佳利用;由于较低的腹部压力而获得的更佳的静脉和淋巴循环效果;由于更加便利的静脉循环而带来的更佳的心血管循环系统;由于对脊椎的支撑而带来的对脊柱的最佳保护效果;由于座鞍对臀部的支撑而获得的对会阴的最小冲击;由于地面-轮毂踏板系统(ground-hub pedal-block-system)而获得的车体的最大的稳定性;由于传动系统的紧凑性而减小了车身重量。

But bashing the industry about pay oversimplifies one problem and ignores another, deeper one.


There are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuosos, and because the tempo is wrong, the music is not pleasing to the ear; we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo of the Ganges, flowing slowly and eternally into the sea.


Because of long and thin structure characteristics, and sustain high frequency impact load under erosive medium, the drill rod's serve condition is most rigorous, and drill rod is one of the most easily damage tool in the percussion drilling rock system.


Since he's putting in twice as many hours, I hope Joe Blow would earn far more.


更多网络解释与由于冲击的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


颅内动脉瘤(aneurism)是颅内某部位动脉管壁薄弱,由于血流的冲击而形成该部位的动脉局限性异常扩大,多呈囊状. 是引起自发性蛛网膜下腔出血的最常见原因,据统计,约有50%蛛网膜下腔出血的病人是由动脉瘤破裂引起. 颅内动脉瘤可见于任何年龄,

polar aurora:极光

尽管在英语中极光(Polar aurora)有"黎明之光"的含义,但这些异常的光现象不是由于黎明引起,而是因为大气层受到太阳发射出的带电粒子的冲击而引起大规模放电所造成的.


由于无铅锡球生长之IMC属于脆性(brittle)结构,从冲击能量方面可参考推球历时曲线中的pre-energy能量,它所代表 的是上升区段的受力能量. 从表3可以看出,当推速为300mm/s时,可以得到较高的pre-energy.

virtuous circle:良性循环

由于日本经济没有形成日本央行(BOJ)所说的"良性循环"(virtuous circle)--即高产出将惠及经济其它部分,日本的内需受到扼制,整个经济完全依赖于出口. 经济学家表示,这使得日本经济更容易遭受全球经济下滑的冲击.



free state:自由状态

2.逆向动作型之引动器,因柱塞受弹簧线圈压缩力之作用,故经常都是保持住的. 然后由于杠杆之动作就从保持住的位置被释放而开关动作,因为当柱塞在自由状态(free state)时,是被引动器所保持住的,故此型开关最适于耐振动和冲击.


"雷酸盐"(fulminate) 指不论是否包括在上述分类内的任何化学化合物或机械混合物,而由于它们对震爆有极高的易感性,因此适合用于冲击火帽或任何其他用作促发震爆的器具上,或由于它们对爆炸有极高的敏感度和极不稳定(即是说它们极易因非常轻微的刺激而导致分解),

World in Flames:烈焰世界

例:你操控两个烈焰世界(World in Flames)并使用火焰冲击(Fire Blast). 火焰冲击会创造一个2点火焰伤害的囊包,第一个烈焰世界的更动会将它改为4. 此囊包不能再被第一个烈焰世界替代,但第二个烈焰世界会将它改为8. 由于两个烈焰世界都替代过了囊包,

On Deck Risk:舱面险

舱面险 (On Deck Risk) 舱面险承保装载在舱面上的货物由于保险事故而导致的损失和货物因被抛弃或因风浪冲击落水的损失. 舱面险范围 在海上运输的货物,无论是干货船、散装船,一般都是装在舱内的. 在制订货物运输的责任范围和费率时,


这政治冷淡是新加坡社会福祉(well being)的一个"杀手". 首先要教育新加坡人的是:执政的精英所决定并且实施的政策,由于未经公民的详尽辩论、检讨和察视,可能对未来几代人会招致灾难性的冲击. 这种冲击并不是直接或近期间便可感受得到,