英语人>词典>汉英 : 由于...而死 的英文翻译,例句
由于...而死 的英文翻译、例句


die from
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The population of the city was thinned out by the black death.


Don't you know you can die from cigars?


Back from pursuit thy Powers with loud acclaime Thee only extoll'd, Son of thy Fathers might, To execute fierce vengeance on his foes, Not so on Man; him through their malice fall'n, [ 400 ] Father of Mercie and Grace, thou didst not doome So strictly, but much more to pitie encline: No sooner did thy dear and onely Son Perceive thee purpos'd not to doom frail Man So strictly, but much more to pitie enclin'd, [ 405 ] He to appease thy wrauth, and end the strife Of Mercy and Justice in thy face discern'd, Regardless of the Bliss wherein hee sat Second to thee, offerd himself to die For mans offence.


Caused by the brake disc brake on back wheel should not have four kinds of spaces possible: First, the foot brake 5 exhaust inlets, high pressure gas instinct Pai people the atmosphere, caused by gas-liquid master cylinder should not spring back to place, cause the system Oil will move the brake disc brake wheel cylinder piston top dead can not come back to places; are gas-liquid two disc brake master cylinder to the tubing plug, resulting in brake wheel cylinder piston can not come back to places; are three master cylinder of gas-liquid Can not spring back to their own spaces, brake fluid under high pressure gas, liquid should not return to the master cylinder reservoir chamber, resulting in brake wheel cylinder piston can not come back to places; are four wheel disc brake piston brake system because of moving fluid dirty or rusty Pistons Can not Back-bit card dead.


And I'm telling you that she's about to die of myelomatous meningitis.


Merrick died at the age of 27 from suffocation while he slept.

Merrick 在他27岁时由于睡着了窒息而死。

News of his death was cabled to his family ....


Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more, and then she'll die too


Sharks were being caught for their fins, which would be cut off, and the shark tossed back to roll slowly to death.


Wesley Burks of Duke University.

Wesley Burks说,在美国,每年大约200人由于食物相关的过敏而死,通常包括花生或树果。

更多网络解释与由于...而死相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who are you:你是谁

年 8 月,他们又推出>(Who Are You)唱片专集. 一个月后,凯 思.莫恩却由于服用过量的麻醉剂而死于伦敦,给乐队蒙上了沉重的阴影. 后来虽由肯尼.琼斯替补,却无法再现昔日之雄风了. 1982 年"谁人"乐队 举行大规模巡回演出后正式宣布解散,


" ②挨开拉斯,现通译伊卡罗斯,古希腊传说中能工巧匠代达洛斯(Daedalus)的儿子. 他们父子用蜂蜡粘贴羽毛做成双翼,腾空飞行. 由于伊卡罗斯飞得太高,太阳把蜂蜡晒化,使他坠海而死. 你上那边山峰顶上试去,要是度不到这边山峰上,

die for:渴望,切望

die away 变弱;逐渐平息 | die for 渴望,切望 | die from 由于...而死,因...致死

die from:由于...而死,因...致死

die for 渴望,切望 | die from 由于...而死,因...致死 | die game 至死不屈

die game:至死不屈

die from 由于...而死,因...致死 | die game 至死不屈 | die of illness 病死


第五节 梗死(infarction) 一、定义:局部器官、组织由于血流中断所发生的一种缺血性坏死. (动脉血流突然中断,侧枝循环又不能及时建立,而造成局部组织的缺血性坏死称为梗死. ) 二、原因: 1、血管受压(闭塞):多见于肠套叠、肠疝,

postmortem phenomena:尸体现象 由于死后变化而在尸 体上呈现的现象,如 尸冷、尸斑、尸僵等

postmortem injury 死后伤 | postmortem phenomena 尸体现象 由于死后变化而在尸 体上呈现的现象,如 尸冷、尸斑、尸僵等. | postmortem subcutaneous 死后皮下出血 死后皮下出血是一 种超生反应,可用 于推断死亡时间...

postmortem injury:死后伤

postmortem examination 尸体检查 | postmortem injury 死后伤 | postmortem phenomena 尸体现象 由于死后变化而在尸 体上呈现的现象,如 尸冷、尸斑、尸僵等.

pull out:拉拔

由于螺纹钻尾及功牙区皆为经过特殊硬化处理之金属,当功入铁材后,不锈钢部分引入螺纹内,完全排除以往不锈钢功牙螺丝,常因螺纹磨损变形而死锁之现象,达到完全缔结,并保有最高系数之拉拔(PULL OUT)强度.


尽管发达国家的自来水供应往往被认为是司空见惯、理所应当的事,但事实上欧洲仍有一亿多人缺乏安全的饮用水. 而且,令人更加感到不安的是,在泛欧(Pan European)地区,也就是欧洲经委会56个成员国所在的地区,平均每天有37个儿童由于缺乏安全用水而死于痢疾.