英语人>词典>汉英 : 用硬币 的英文翻译,例句
用硬币 的英文翻译、例句


in specie
更多网络例句与用硬币相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.


Remove the battery holder by turning the battery holder screw counterclockwise with a coin.


Secure the battery holder to the camera body by turning the battery holder screw clockwise with a coin .


Secure the battery holder to the camera body by turning the battery holder screw clockwise with a coin.


In the modern world, almost every country and every person uses coins and paper money to buy things.


Just think how much tirade you save now by paying for things with a coin or bill.


In the early days people made payments by the weight of their silver of goldJust think how much time you save now by paying for things with acoin or bill.


Manilans tell the story of an ex-bootblack who makes a living hanging around Coke machines and selling 10-centavo pieces (the only coins that fit the machines) for 15 centavos to thirsty people who are too eager to go and get the proper change.


In public places, it can be operated by a coin or token.


It was composed of 75% silver and 25% copper, had a six-pointed star on one side, a Roman numeral III on the other, and — weighing in at four-fifths of a gram — was the lightest coin ever produced by the US Mint. The silver three cent piece was discontinued by the Coinage Act of 1873; at that time, a three cent nickel coin was issued, made up of copper and nickel and slightly larger than the silver version.

改硬币是由75%的银和25%的铜铸造,图案的一面有一个六角星,另一面是罗马数字III,重量只有1克的5分之4 -这枚硬币是美国造币厂有史以来发行的最轻的硬币。1873年通过的《硬币法案》,停用了这种硬币;与此同时发行了由铜和镍铸造的3美分镍币,这种硬币比银版硬币略大一些。

更多网络解释与用硬币相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

base metal:金属

中国古代的硬币多是用铁、铜等基本金属(base metal)铸造的,而西方硬币多由金、银等稀有金属(scarce metal)铸造,因而其实际价值(intrinsic value)更高. 公元9世纪,中国发明了纸币(paper money/paper currency). 直到17世纪时,


6年前以82.5万美元的高价买下了这枚硬币,保存到2005年才拿出来拍卖. 美国的货币单位为美元(Dollar),1美元等于100美分. 纸币面额最小为1美元,1美元以下用硬币,硬币有25美分(Quarter)、10美分(Dime,一角)、5美分(Nickel)、1美分(Cent)等.


「未来硬碟发展方向是,用更精密的奈米技术,在一个一角硬币(dime)大小的装置上,存放10TB左右的资料,」 Keinan说. 首先是智慧型资料储存设备(Intelligent Data Storage),这是意欲让储存设备可以透过诸如后设资料(Meta data)等资讯,


最初,马莎用一角银币(dime)去比量血斑,发现血斑比硬币要大一些,于是她用一枚大一点儿的五分镍币(nickel)再试,大小刚好合适. 接着她又数了数血斑的数量. 马莎用硬新闻的手法写导语. 她写道,一个女人向自己的男友开枪并杀死了男友.


战后从餐厅门出来,来到旅馆西侧一楼 表层 游戏室(game room) 在开着的街机上获得硬币一楼 表层 洗衣间 (Laundromat) 用硬币打开洗衣机,经过 弱水位,温度六十度,脱水,甩干四个步骤(详见请看获得的"清扫作业员的笔记")后,


1882年摩洛哥开始发行机制硬币,1912年沦为法国保护地前,主币1里亚尔(RIAL)等于10迪拉姆(DIRHAM),500马祖那(MAZUNA). 币面用阿拉伯文和回历纪年. 1912年后发行的硬币均有明显五角星及外凸六角形. 1921年后发行法属保护国硬币.

run out of coin:硬币用光

fit me in 安排 | run out of coin 硬币用光 | cut off 通话被中断

Coin Slot:投币口

用发夹掏左方售卖机( vending macline )的投币口(Coin slot ), 从售卖机的出物口(coin reject slot)得到一个硬币,从投币口将硬币投入,并从出物口得到巧克力与硬币.

This lady played my quarter. This is my money:这位小姐用我的硬币玩 这是我赢的钱

Excuse me, sir.|先生,不好意思 | This lady played my quarter. This is my money.|这位小姐用我的硬币玩 这是我赢的钱 | Is that true, miss?|小姐,真的是这样吗?

token coin:代用硬币

times interest earned ratio盈利对利息倍数比率 | token coin代用硬币 | token payment象征性付款