英语人>词典>汉英 : 用数量表示 的英文翻译,例句
用数量表示 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quantify  ·  quantitate  ·  quantified  ·  quantifies  ·  quantitated  ·  quantitates  ·  quantitating

更多网络例句与用数量表示相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cardinal number A number, such as 3 or 11 or 412, used in counting to indicate quantity but not order.


Expressed or expressible as a quantity.


If we were building one system that would be applied identically to both of these markets it would be very difficult to have one stop expressed in dollars that would be applicable to both markets.


A list containing the quantity and description of all materials required to manufacture or construct a single component, product, or facility. A bill of materials is an essential element in a material requirements planning system.


It is difficult to quantify the value of a good education.


You can use English to express quantities?...


The volume V is given in terms of the scalar triple product.


T:Who can write out the simple equation according to the picture.


The results show:(1) After soybean seed is treated with seed coating, The length of lateral root anlage Initiating area obviously increases in contrast with control (seed which is not coated with agent is regarded as control; shortened form is CK).The order is from greatness to smallness in turn as follow: HK>ND>CK.(2) Initiating progress of lateral root anlage is quickened when seed is treated with seed coating. General trend is as follow: HK>ND>CK. By variance analysis, treatment and control has obvious difference.(3) Initating status of lateral root anlage is definite related with contents of endogenous hormone. Occurring of lateral root is as the result of some endogenous hormone corresponded and playing manysided role, especially IAA plays important role in the cause of inducing to occurring of lateral root anlage.(4) The use of seed coating may elevate the number of lateral root anlage occurring and shorten the time of lateral root anlage occurring, especially the effect of Chemical control seed coating is better.


The shares of the children, as their amount shows, were determined by the authority of Roman law.


更多网络解释与用数量表示相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

percent bar graph:百分条图

也就是圆心角的度数来表示数量.它用来表示构成比资料.各部分百分比之各和必须是100%.如图12-2-3表示某医院用10%明矾液治疗面部深层海绵状血管瘤的疗效构成,其资料见表12-2-3.3.百分条图(percent bar graph) 凡能画圆图的资料,


千(Kilo),百万(mega),十亿(giga),万亿(tera),千万亿(peta)这些前缀是用来表示事物的数量的,比如在计算和通信技术中,一个比特或一个字节. 有时也叫前缀乘数,这些前缀也用在电子学和物理学里面.



inexhaustible: a.1:用不完的;无穷无尽的 2.不倦的

quantifiable: a.1.用数量表示,测量的 2.量化的 | inexhaustible: a.1.用不完的;无穷无尽的 2.不倦的 | assess: v.估定价值,估价,评价

The Predicative:表语

3) 表语(The Predicative)同连系动词一起构成谓语,用来表示主语的身份或特征. 4) 宾语(The Object)是及物动词连带成分,用来表示动作的对象或结果. 5) 定语(The Attributive)用来修饰或限定名词或相当于名词的成分,以说明该词的性质、特征或数量等.

quantifiable: a.1:用数量表示,测量的 2.量化的

exploited: a.1.开发的,开采的 2.利用的 | quantifiable: a.1.用数量表示,测量的 2.量化的 | inexhaustible: a.1.用不完的;无穷无尽的 2.不倦的

quantifiable yardsticks:数量标准

quantifiable elements;可计量因素;; | quantifiable yardsticks;数量标准;; | quantification of;根据...确定...的数量; 定量; 用数量表示;;


quantitaes 数量表示 | quantitate 用数量表示 | quantitativeanalysis 定量分析

Sample size:样本容量

是指根据研究目的确定的所要研究的同类事物的全体,是所要说明其数量特征的研究对象. 一般用N表示. 样本(Sample)又称子样,是从总体中按随机原则抽取的那部分总体单位所组成的集合体. 样本所包含的总体单位个数称为样本容量(Sample size),一般用n表示.

exploited: a.1:开发的,开采的 2.利用的

utilize: v.利用 | exploited: a.1.开发的,开采的 2.利用的 | quantifiable: a.1.用数量表示,测量的 2.量化的