英语人>词典>汉英 : 用户姓名 的英文翻译,例句
用户姓名 的英文翻译、例句


customer name
更多网络例句与用户姓名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides prevent an user to upload insalubrious picture, they make sure the user uses real full name to register even.


Print Inspector also features powerful print auditing capabilities: it saves to the special database detailed statistics about all printed documents (including the document name, date and number of pages, job date and time, name of the user who created the job, name of the computer from which the job was sent to the printer and more).


New user may still leave full name and postbox, once Google promises that service resumes , will inform user immediately to come to registration.


You can log information such as their name, address, telephone number and with the use of a digital camera or Web cam take a photograph of the customer.


Then it must wait for the user to enter their name and press Enter.


Caller name is identified in single data message format through search method, and timeliness of the displayer is improved.


Lottery fans must offer the materials of true , errorless user to our company when registered as the member true name, the address, telephone number


Chatroom users will be required to register with their real names after an internet campaign mobilised 10,000 people to join a protest march By Jane Macartney Anonymous online postings are to be banned by a city in China, after residents mounted a successful internet campaign against proposals for a huge chemicals factory.


A person posting a question on your discussion page will sign their name using the four tildes and then you can click on their User Page name link and it will take you to their User Page where you will respond with an answer on their discussion page.


Second, statistical data, users can asked directly to the Consultation System to statistical data, for example,"number of testing engineer in project", the system give links to get the names of the testing engineer.


更多网络解释与用户姓名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


A.-阿波罗太阳能技术有限公司不使用信息记录程序(cookies)将信息存储在电脑里. 信息记录程序是指我们的电脑终端向用户电脑发送的小文件,但是并不向我们提供任何关于用户姓名和私人信息的内容. 当用户在阿波罗太阳能技术有限公司网站浏览时,

Customer Name:用户姓名

524customer interface用户接口 | 525customer name用户姓名 | 526cut and paste剪贴


你可以添加(Add)、删除(Dele)或编辑(Edit)地址簿上的用户名单资料. 添加用户的时候,需要你填入用户的具体资料,(其中姓名、E-mail地址为必须填上的)如果你要拨打某个朋友,只要在保存的地址中双击他的地址即可;


1) 个人用户证书基本项 可选项(Optional) 扩展项(Extend) 版本号 发证机构ID号 扩展序号序号 用户身份证ID 密钥用法签名算法 黑名单库分布点发证机构 政策URL 有效期限(包括签发日期和作废日期) 业务受理点ID 姓名 用户地址公


hCard第一部分包括联系信息中的姓名(FN)、网址(URL)、组织所属单位(org)以及电子邮箱地址(email). 地址标记可以是全球任何位置. 电话号码用锚标签标记,遵循tel:协议,使任何iPhone用户可以直接从网页拨号. 聊天应用软件上的名字也是用锚标签标记,

LPCTSTR SubAddress:用户地址

' LPCTSTR SubName, /用户姓名 char[MAX_ADDR_LEN] | ' LPCTSTR SubAddress, /用户地址 char[MAX_SUB_ADDRESS] | ' unsigned char MsType, /手机类型

LPCTSTR SubAddress:用户(通讯)地址

' LPCTSTR SubName, /用户姓名 char[MAX_ADDR_LEN] | ' LPCTSTR SubAddress, /用户(通讯)地址 char[MAX_SUB_ADDRESS] | ' unsigned char MsType, /手机类型



acoustic shock:(电话)声震/声冲击

(电话)叫醒 alarm call | (电话)声震/声冲击 acoustic shock | (电话)用户姓名 address name