英语人>词典>汉英 : 用徒步 的英文翻译,例句
用徒步 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Wherever you choose to spend your trekking holiday, walking holiday or just the occasional amble, here's a guide to what kind of walker you may be.


I knew, these days high strength hiking with a load of backpack in high mountains and reaction to high altitudes resulted in my face and four limbs of edema, looked at my hands, they were exquisite and velvet before we got in xia te,and not they were dark like carbons, and so dry like a bed besom.


Before you leave for the store, toss all your usual backpacking gear into a duffel bag.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


Bad man never fret the war, tell'em come general we have the stock, the mad fire burn I-ya, I against I, flesh of my flesh, and mind of my mind, two of a kind but one won't survive, my images reflect in the enemies eye, and his images reflect in mine the same time, I-ya, I-ya, I against I, flesh of my flesh, and mind of my mind, two of a kind but one won't survive, survive (x16) Reign supreme in your U-N-I, V-E-R-S-E with the sharpness, narrow row building no space for partners, no space for drivers, no space for walkers, no space regardless, your on my path then get off it, hardheaded and unresponsive, get they lives put on target with harshness, come with the canons sparkin' they darken, who am i?

坏男人从不烦恼战争, tell'em 来一般的我们有存货,疯狂的火燃烧我-ya,我反对我,我的肉肉,而且我的思想思想,类型中的二个除了一之外将不生还,我的图像在敌人眼睛中反映,而且他的图像在我的相同时间中反映,我-ya,我-ya,我反对我,我的肉肉,而且我的思想思想,类型中的二个除了一之外将不生还,生还(x16)当政你的 U-N 的至高-我,和锐利的 V-电子 R-S- E,狭窄部份排建筑提供合伙人的没有空间,提供驾驶者的没有空间,提供徒步者的没有空间,没有空间不管,你的然后在我的路径上离开它,冷静的和反应迟钝的,拿生命给他们用粗糙的事物穿上目标,带教会法规 sparkin 来'他们弄暗, i 是谁?

In this manner, they stroll through the city making music, serenading locals and tourists alike.


I ate with my hands, trekked on foot through mountain valleys, and slept wherever.


From the site on foot at the beginning of the Naxi Ya Court, spent the entire two hours, usually for our people, of course, lack of exercise, tired, also Moreover Beizhao Bao (another couple better, they have experience on foot, and will go a long way Part of the baggage of Lijiang in the inn)!


The site is socially oriented with such features as a personal page for every member with photo gallery; ability to share your personal best accomplishments; find new friends with the Partner Finder tool; ability to edit every single page on the site wiki style; ability to leave your comments and personal experiences; draw and share maps of your favorite runs, hikes, and bike rides; and a goals section for posting and searching common sports related goals.


Pablo Picasso the n took a trip to France where he discovered the work of master artist Toulouse Lautrec, perhaps it was Lautrec's fascination with the female form, and with street walkers in particular that influenced Picasso to paint Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, the piece which brought on his first big break.

帕布鲁棕色毕卡索 n 到法国旅行了哪里他发现了工作主人艺术家土鲁斯 Lautrec,也许它用女性形式是 Lautrec 的魔力,和和处于对油漆 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 影响了毕卡索的个别项目的街道徒步者,带来的块他的第一大的休息。

更多网络解释与用徒步相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我之所以用"远足(Hike)"而不用通常的"游览",是因为后者已有变成"观光(Sight Seeing)的趋势. 而我强调的是一项徒步生态旅行,观光一词是绝然不能涵盖的.


徒步旅行:(hiking)这个词语最早是用来指19世纪60年代在尼泊尔的远足旅行,从那以后徒步旅行就开始流行了起来. 徒步旅行就是指沿着山间小径行走,徒步旅行和登


我之所以用"远足(Hike)"而不用通常的"游览",是因为后者已有变成"观光(Sight Seeing)的趋势. 而我强调的是一项徒步生态旅行,观光一词是绝然不能涵盖的. 从九宫山顶的铜鼓包西行数里,向北下山入沟,廖工指着一株长着多裂卵心状叶的高大草本说它叫"博落回",


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