英语人>词典>汉英 : 用乐器演奏的 的英文翻译,例句
用乐器演奏的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at seventeenth century instruments while listening to their music.


However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work,"The Monkees" started to play their own instruments and write their own songs.


However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, The Monkees?started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band .


But in addition to that, they use for example, banjos, fiddles, they also use something called steel guitar which creates a very special sound that is not the sound like any other kind of music.


Tido contributes the wigged out instrumental "J'ai le son" before Tacteel throws in a terrifyingly satanic re-work of the hokey kokey and then the group get dirty on "Strip Pour Moi".

Tido在Tacteel扔进了一个非常恐怖的,魔鬼般的对于hokey kokey的重新修饰之前对这段用假乐器演奏的"J'ai le son"做出了贡献,然后这个组合在"Strip Pour Moi"的时候非常糟糕。

The tune was stretched and discomforting, as if the invisible hands that plucked it out were not made to handle earthly instruments.


Be able to belt out a few carols...

belt out 指的是唱出,或用乐器演奏出。。

They call themselves the 12 Girls Band -- a small orchestra of Chinese instruments played by members drawn from prestigious music conservatories and arts universities in China.


People have a need to read,I have a need to create with word same as a musician creates music with instruments,or an artist paints his imaginations before our eyes.


Bassline 也可以写作Bass line 根据维基百科的解释是:A bassline is the term used in many styles of popular music, such as jazz, blues, funk, and electronic music for the low-pitched instrumental part or line played by a rhythm section instrument such as the electric bass, double bass or keyboard (piano, Hammond organ, electric organ, or synthesizer).


更多网络解释与用乐器演奏的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Robert Levin:列文

是始终不停的学习. 近十年来,姐妹俩开始痴迷巴洛克音乐,她们发现用古乐器演奏巴洛克作品,"才够味". 尽管同古钢琴演奏权威罗伯特-列文(Robert Levin)相识已久,但为了不麻烦大师,她们依然像学生一样报名参加他的大师班.


另外,演奏时的不同表现,通常也可以用对比的形容词让孩子了解. 在这个故事中,有高昂的(high)和低沉的(low)、安静的(quiet)和大声的(loud). 如果手边没有乐器,单用说话的声音,一样可以示范各种不同的变化喔!


2.6.4 电子乐器数字接口(MIDI)系统MIDI协议提供了一种标准的和有效的方法,用来把演奏信息转换成电子数据. MIDI信息是以"MIDI messages"传输的,它可以被认为是告诉音乐合成器(music synthesizer)如何演奏一小段音乐的一种指令,

Norwegian Wood:《挪威木屋>

尽管这是一种非常难掌握的乐器,但不久哈里森便把西塔尔琴用在歌曲>(Norwegian Wood)中. 当西塔尔琴演奏大师拉维.尚卡(Ravi Shankar)第一次听到哈里森的演奏时,他说:"听上去就像印度某个村落里的农民第一次演奏小提琴一样.


unplaced /无处居住的/无入选的/ | unplanned /无计划的/ | unplayable /无法用乐器演奏的/


unplanned /无计划的/ | unplayable /无法用乐器演奏的/ | unpleasant /不中意的/不舒服的/讨厌的/不愉快的/不愉快/


我除了脚,全身都被那台"索伦托"(Sorrento)牌的红色手风琴给遮住了. 手风琴有银色的按钮,用象牙和黑檀木做的琴键,伸缩的风箱边缘有黑白条纹. 听到手风琴这样的乐器演奏严肃的古典音乐,吸引了全场目光,把舞台上的其他人都给比了下去.

shooting game:射擊遊戲

第一部用真实乐器演奏作为背景音乐的游戏是1991年KONAMI制作的街机射击游戏(shooting game)「XEXEX」. 当年,该游戏原声CD的封面印有意为:"这张CD改写了游戏音乐的历史!"的宣传标语. 虽然口气有些过大,但是还是说明了乐器演奏在游戏音乐中的困难程度和重要性.

Veena with his intestines, I think, for Shiva:他为了湿婆 用自己的肠子演奏七弦琴

And he plays... all these instruments...|他演奏... 所有的乐器... | Veena with his intestines, I think, for Shiva.|他为了湿婆 用自己的肠子演奏七弦琴 | With his intestines?|用自己的肠子?

electronic music:电子音乐

但无论怎样,这一切还是"电"的魔法所创造出来的新课题,如不然"电子音乐"(Electronic music) 也就不会存在了. 讲到此处,需要解开一个认识上误区,即是时下甚多的人,以为"电声音乐"或是说"电子音乐"是用电声乐器由人演奏的音乐,如电吉它、电子琴,