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用...抵消 的英文翻译、例句


set against
更多网络例句与用...抵消相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The comparative stability of the aggregates cannot, however, be accounted for—as the statisticians occasionally seem to be inclined to do—by the "law of large numbers" or the mutual compensation of random changes.


There are virtually no lightweight building systems used in the Mediterranean as high levels of thermal mass is required to store night time coolth to offset heat gain during hot summer days.


You found the data at offset 0x425FAC - this, in reality, contains completely different data and is used here only for demonstrational purposes.

你发现了数据抵消0x425FAC -这一点,在现实中,载有完全不同的数据和用在这里只是为了演示目的。

If you want to reduce your taxes, you can use a benefit called depreciation to offset your income.


Ward start the flame, the top magic shield, feathers are hanging, reading goats, sheep被灭continue to run 30 yards or so, reading a few lines Austrian red shield to offset some of the sheep again, slow down, read the two Austrian red, spring screen, Austrian red shells and then by means of screen attack, fire red hair do not, the minister will use a shield, Prayer, recovery, and other means to disperse back to their own blood, if the drive time out slow heart perfusion burst open like Shenhuo, came as far as possible range, I chose the first round of the outbreak is a rapid-fire, the ice ring, the strong Austrian missile barrage, gas will be the order of silence during this period depends on啥时候pay the rhythm of the fighting and the opponent's blood, and good luck capable of seconds, seconds, then the minister can not read should be treated, because the silence had to pay, this time I chose to hang a slowdown, flash out, disappear, eat and drink immediately, in the pastor you into combat before I can eat 4,5 At that time Master of the blood should be very little anti-shield, and the minister should also be tight blue, my way is to drag a silent shield up to prevent interrupt Shadow Magic, rub-bing ring side of silence, and then wake-up call, time over 8 seconds, then the victory in sight.


As an example, in the design of a 4-bit ripple carry adder, the second and fourth full adders do not use output inverters for carry generation. one inverter delay is eliminated for every two full adders in the adder chain, and four transistors are reduced. Similarly, in complex designs like the multiplier, the output inverters for generating sum and carry can be used in alternative stages, thereby improving speed and reducing area.


But the many people think that the rare egg compares familiar nourishment good, directly use to lay egg to feed, or beat again to lay egg to mix into after the thing cooks, in fact this kind of way of doing very mistake, living of the egg will cancel out each other with the vitamin h occurrence in the Ao body of function, last long to feed on to lay egg, will produce huge breakage to the furriery that hides Ao.


Used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect .


It is a path on which the fiscal deficits needed to offset persistent current account deficits, and collapsing private spending in external deficit countries, continue indefinitely.


In principle it does make sense to set total national liabilities off against total national assets, but there is an important difference that makes "off-setting" these amounts unwise: the repatriation of earnings is out of the UK government's control.


更多网络解释与用...抵消相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


协同作用中又分为相加(addition)和增强(potentiation),前者指合用的总效应等于单用效应相加之和,后者指合用效应大于单用效应之和. 拮抗作用中又分相减(subtraction)和抵消(counteraction),前者指合用时的效应小于单用时的效应,


用脱敏作用(desensitization)的方法可以抵消焦虑,这种焦虑可能抑制正常行为的表达. 当这个人在幻想中逐渐暴露于一个引起焦虑的情景时,使用放松技术让他冷静下来就实现了脱敏作用.


另一类常见的干扰叫静电(Electrostatic)干扰,来自电火花,静电放电等. 电缆中间的屏蔽层能够保护中心的导体免受上述几类干扰,但是屏蔽层对某些类型的电磁波无效,只能用平衡传送的方法来抵消它们(使两条导线捡拾同样的干扰,

Faerie Fire:精灵之火

精灵之火(Faerie Fire):用光描绘出受术者的轮廓,抵消朦胧术(blur)、隐蔽和类似效果. 神莓(Goodberry): 2d4颗莓子,每颗可以治疗1点生命值(最多8hp/24 小时). 移除恐惧(Remove Fear): 压制住恐惧或给予生物抗拒恐惧时豁免+4.


据了解,西方发达国家证券公司的非证券类资产较少,证券类资产的种类很多,其对流动性风险的监控也主要集中于后者,即证券类资产. 通过确定不同种类的证券类资产市场的风险参数与折扣(Haircut)比例,达到用充足的资本抵消证券资产的市场风险的目的.


协同作用中又分为相加(addition)和增强(potentiation),前者指合用的总效应等于单用效应相加之和,后者指合用效应大于单用效应之和. 拮抗作用中又分相减(subtraction)和抵消(counteraction),前者指合用时的效应小于单用时的效应,

Taxable Income:应纳税收入

而租金属于业主应纳税收入(taxable income)的一部分,同时,澳大利亚税法规定,凡是用来产生应纳税收入的资产所因为折旧等原因所发生的费用,可以用来抵消应纳税收入以降低纳税额.


说实话,合理化这个机制并不是一个典型的防御机制,它是由otto rank提出的.anna的书中,就没有合理化这东西.后来,vaillant是把分隔(isolation),合理化,抵消(undoing)等都包含在理智化中的,他们的特点是:用一些从感情上较不强烈的说法来思考本能性愿望,


推压力(THRUST) 由拱券(ARCH)、拱顶(VAULT)或穹顶(DOME)产生的横向压力,集中起来的压力必须用加厚墙壁或采用某种扶壁(BUTTRESS)来抵消. 托架(BRACKET) 一种用石、木或金属制成的从墙壁上伸出的支撑,其顶部为平面,

a star:用星星举例来说 那些光波叠加 抵消 叠加 抵消

collected from the same sou... | Um, a star, for instance, and the-the waves form an interference pattern...|用星星举例来说 那些光波叠加 抵消 叠加 抵消 | as they add together, or cancel out, add togeth...