英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物多样性 的英文翻译,例句
生物多样性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与生物多样性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The conservation of biodiversity can never thrive without public participation. Since youth is the fresh and active force in biodiversity conservation, SEPA, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Education will jointly initiate the activity of Calling Up the Programs of Public Activities for Biodiversity Conservation, which is to target the youngsters in communities and rural areas.


This article in summarizes in our country nature protection area construction achievement foundation, outlined the nature protection area to each kind of natural ecosystem, the wild biology, the domesticated spec ie s, the wild blood relationship to plant and the idioplasm resources conservation present situation, including has constructed the nature protection area for protection biodiversity various components quantity, the area, the distribution and the management; Has appraised the nature protection area to the biodiversity various components protection effect; Has analyzed the existence question and proposed that strengthens measure which the biodiversity protects.


The isopleth maps of the number of families, genera and species of flowering plants, number of species of conifers, and number of species of ferns as well as those of mammals, birds, reptilians and amphibians were drawn.


Biodiversity is one of the front areas of current biological research. The mechanisms of the formation, spatial distribution pattern, conservation and utilization of biodiversity have been an important area of biological and environmental research. In this study, through analyses of data about plant diversity, animal diversity, geographic factors, climatic factors, and energy factors by use of GIS software, statistic software and ecology software, the mainland of China was divided into 241 small districts of 2° by 2°. The environmental factors in each district were analyzed and isopleth maps of environmental elements were depicted.


The first axis can basically reflect the elevation gradient variation and the second axis was closely relative to the relationship between water environment and the life form of constructive species.


Four aspects of the traditional cultures of ethnic groups (cultural beliefs, medicinal culture, food culture, folklore customs), and their impacts on plant resource management and biodiversity conservation were studied and analyzed in Northwestern Yunnan using ethnobotanical approaches.

中文题名滇西北山地传统民族文化与生物多样性保护副题名外文题名 Traditional ethnic cultures and biodiversity conservation in the mountain areas of northwestern Yunnan,China 论文作者罗鹏导师裴盛基研究员学科专业植物学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院昆明植物研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数156页关键词植物资源民族文化云南民族植物学生物多样性传统文化馆藏号BSLW /2003 /Q948 /23 运用民族植物学原理,采用野外面上调查、定点社区调查和文献研究相结合的办法,对滇西北少数民族传统文化中四个主要方面,即传统信仰文化、医药文化、饮食文化和民俗文化对植物资源的利用和管理的影响、与生物多样性的关系进行了调查和分析,对其中的一些&文化利用植物&进行了编目:运用生态学手段,对信仰文化在生态系统水平上对生物多样性的保护作用进行了定量分析;并采用参与式的典型社区调查的方法分析了民族传统文化对社区资源管理的影响以及传统文化机制的衰退与生物多样性变化的关系。

This article in summarizes in our country nature protection area construction achievement foundation, outlined the nature protection area to each kind of natural ecosystem, the wild biology, the domesticated species, the wild blood relationship to plant and the idioplasm resources conservation present situation, including has constructed the nature protection area for protection biodiversity various components quantity, the area, the distribution and the management; has appraised the nature protection area to the biodiversity various components protection effect; has analyzed the existence question and proposed that strengthens measure which the biodiversity protects.


This article in summarizes in our country nature protection area construction achievement foundation, outlined the nature protection area to each kind of natural ecosystem, the wild biology, the domesticated species, the wild blood relationship to plant and the idioplasm resources conservation present situation, including has constructed the nature protection area for protection biodiversity various components quantity, the area, the distribution and the management; Has appraised the nature protection area to the biodiversity various components protection effect; Has analyzed the existence question and proposed that strengthens measure whichthe biodiversity protects.


This article in summarizes in our country nature protection area construction achievement foundation, outlined the nature protection area to each kind of natural ecosystem, the wild biology, the domesticated species, the wild blood relationship to plant and the idioplasm resources conservation present situation, including has constructed the nature protection area for protection biodiversity various components quantity, the area, the distribution and the management; Has appraised the nature protection area to the biodiversity various components protection effect; Has analyzed the existence question and proposed that strengthens measure which the biodiversity protects.


In order to promote the practice of BIA in SEA, this dissertation discussed establishment of indicator system and methodology of tourism plan impact on biodiversity.


更多网络解释与生物多样性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对国家已经公布的重点保护动植物名录和中国生物多样性保护行动计划(BAP)中提出的优先保护物种中,选择重点品种,进行调查研究. 利用分子生物学技术,用形态描述和分子标记分析相结合的方法,进行遗传多样性评价,


近年来,生态学界提出 "生物多样性"(biodiversity)的观点,强调物种与基因多样化的重要. 然而,据估计,整个地球的动植物种类,在 未来数百年内约有50%可能走向灭绝,所有的生物都将因此受到影响! 一旦生物绝种,就永远消失了,无法弥补;

biodiversity:生物多样性 生物多樣性


urban biodiversity:城市生物多样性

至此,城市生物多样性(Urban biodiversity)保护与建设开始正式成为我国城市发展过程中的一项国际义务. 一、生物多样性的概念及意义 城市绿化通过园艺技术,实现了对自然生产力的某些特殊需求,同时,却带来了扬尘弥漫、虫害肆虐和农药污染.

Biological diversity:生物多样性

"托马斯.拉弗乔依在"生物多样性"(Biological Diversity)一文中以其深邃的科学洞察力对物种消失的原因进行了极具价值的探讨. 他在自己的回忆录中陈述了他的结论:"每当我们灭绝一个物种,我们就结束了已延续数十亿年的谱系. 这一切本该让我们停止破坏,

the biological diversity:生物多样性

267. the amount of rainfall 降雨量 | 268. the biological diversity 生物多样性 | 269. the eye 风眼

biological diversity, biodiversity:生物多样性

02.0146 系统收藏 systematic collection | 02.0147 生物多样性 biological diversity, biodiversity | 02.0148 物种多样性 species diversity

agricultural biological diversity:农业生物多样性

agricultural biodiversity 农业生物多样性 | agricultural biological diversity 农业生物多样性 | agrobacterium 土壤杆菌 tǔrǎnggānjùn

Convention on Biological Diversity:生物多样性公约

>(Convention on Biological Diversity)诞生于1992年地球首脑会议,是第一份全球保护和可持续利用生物多样性协定,旨在保护濒临灭绝的植物和动物,最大限度地保护地球上的多种多样的生物资源,以造福于当代和子孙后代.

Group of Like-minded Megadiverse Countries:生物多样性大国联盟集团

GHAFOR, Shofry ABDUL;肖夫里.阿卜杜勒.加富尔;; | Group of Like-minded Megadiverse Countries;生物多样性大国联盟集团;; | megadiverse countries;生物多样性大国;;