英语人>词典>汉英 : 生产方式 的英文翻译,例句
生产方式 的英文翻译、例句


mode of production
更多网络例句与生产方式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result indicated that: land leveling in chernozem area should be based on the actual mode of production and soil characteristics to amend the local topographic surface; water conservancy works of farmland should adopt sprinkler irrigation system to save water; field road design requires to be based on field conditions in order to maximize conservation of the farmland; creating a shelter to mitigate the harmful wind, focusing on raising soil fertility, and changing tillage methods to improve soil.


Chapter 3 digs into the whole system of Toyota production way on the basis of the all-around research.


The Han People can remain indefectible at loss, thrive after danger, the key point is the culture, which includes the language, the productivity, the living style, the arts, the philosophy and even the value, all these are motivations from the inner of each Chinese people.


This article introduces the origin and characteristic of Just in Time production system and the comparison between JIT production and Mass production.


Just because communication directly propels the development of business and trade and stimulates the process of division of labor and exchange. Communication is the catalyst of productive means and economic structure.


The form of landed property which we shall consider here is a specifically historical one a form transformed through the influence of capital and of the capitalist mode of production, either of feudal landownership, or of small-peasant agriculture as a means of livelihood, in which the possession of the land and the soil constitutes one of the prerequisites of production for the direct producer, and in which his ownership of land appears as the most advantageous condition for the prosperity of his mode of production.


To meet the individualized and diverse demand, companies have to change their production mode from make-to-stock to make-to-order , meanwhile under the pressure of lowering costs and improving delivery performance.


NOTE: The use of small lots with a goal of one-piece flow in a synchronous manner is encouraged.


and Suggestions: This study found that immigration women were younger than native primiparity in Taiwan. Different nationality women had different rate on Cesarean section. Except for medical factors, there are some other non-medical factors that will affect delivery methods, such as parturient willingness, obstetricians' suggestions and attitude about virginal delivery.


The modern system of agriculture, which depends on the consumption of large quantities of fossil fuel, will be forced to change to a system where the interactions between organisms and environment and matter cycling are properly used for 3 reasons: 1 the depletion of readily available fossil fuel resources, 2 the level-off of the growth and yield response of crops with the increase in the use of fertilizer, agrochemicals and big machinery, and 3 the degradation of the environment along with the consumption of fossil fuel and its derived agrochemicals.


更多网络解释与生产方式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arts and Crafts Movement:艺术与工艺运动

弗莱的职业生涯始于维多利亚时代晚期,赶上了唯美主义及"艺术与工艺运动"(Arts and Crafts movement)行将结束之时. 植根于拉斯金道德化的写作,且以莫里斯的中世纪作坊的复兴为例,"艺术与工艺运动"谴责工业革命对工人的影响,提倡回到行会制的、以手工劳动为主的生产方式.


1007年,"布尔乔亚"(Bourgeois)一词作为认可新兴市民群体合法身份的一个巧妙语汇,出现在法兰西的一份特许状上. 这是"资产阶级"的最初称谓. 伴着现代性的成长,人们又开始用"资本主义"一词来描述资产阶级所代表和驱动的经济关系与生产方式.

calcium oxide:氧化钙

浮式生产是当今平板玻璃的主要生产方式,其流程约可分为以下5个阶段:钠钙玻璃(Soda Lime Glass)的主要原料成份有约73%矽砂(Silica),约9%氧化钙(Calcium Oxide),13%的碳酸钠(Soda)及4%的镁(Magnesium).

choice materials:选料考究

选料讲究 high quality materials | 选料考究 choice materials | 沿用传统的生产方式 with traditional methods

Synoptic expatiate of lean production:精益生产方式概述

1、精益生产方式概述/Synoptic expatiate of lean production | 1)制造业面临的挑战和实施精益生产的必要性/The challenge to manufacturing and the neces... | 2)精益生产方式的起源和发展/The history and developm...

Just-in-time JIT:即时生产方式

Intranet 内部网 | Just In Time JIT 即时生产方式 | Key Management KM 密钥管理中心


他的底层视角使他能够重新思考霸权(hegemony)概念及与之相关的"虚假意识"(false consciousness)、神秘化(mystification)等经典概念:葛兰西的霸权概念虽然阐明了统治阶级不仅要支配物质生产方式,也要支配象征生产方式的要求,


这样说来马克思历史唯物论的论点是强调"上层结构"(superstructure)里的政治、法律、宗教与道德等,是由"下层结构"的生产方式所决定. 生产方式是"生产力"与"生产关系"所组合,每一次生产力的变动虽然造成新生产力与旧生产关系的矛盾,

surplus value:剩余价值

剩余价值(surplus value) 榨取剩余价值是资本主义制度下剥削的特殊方式,资本主义生产方式的特殊性. 在资本主义生产方式中,...马克思对剩余价值的分析大大不同于古典政治经济学早期作者的分析. 后者,特别是李嘉图倾向于认为剩余价值产生于工人和资本家之间...

Zero Inventories:零库存

一些研究者纷纷奔赴日本,考察丰田生产方式,总结出,无库存生产方式(Stockless Production),零库存(Zero Inventories)等生产管理思想和运作方法. 1687年库普烈(Couplet)神父,便将朱熹主编的<<通鉴纲目>>,译成法文传入欧洲.