英语人>词典>汉英 : 琐事 的英文翻译,例句
琐事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bagatelle  ·  minutia  ·  minutiae  ·  molehill  ·  nugae  ·  trifle  ·  trifles  ·  trivia  ·  triviality  ·  desipience  ·  trifled  ·  trivialities  ·  bagatelles

small beer · quelque chose · trivial matters
更多网络例句与琐事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All right, you win. I don't want to waste my time on such a trifle.


The first page includes a short summary paragraph of the significance of the aircraft, an "at war" style action photograph or painting, and a group of small photos labeled "Photo File" above a facts and figures box with some bullet points of trivia.


From amativeness to marriage,each other will have lots of changes,because the family will dense with the breath of two people,not only one,the behavior of each other would be in the collar unintentional ,the breath of each other will be change along with trifle.


Today with the Full Moon in your chart area of everyday communications you may get bogged down in trivia.


They say life bagatelle, to express love in their own language.


I think, maybe most of us are used to respond all kinds of trivialities, which deprived and deaden our ability of feeling happy.


Objective To study the relationship between daily hassles and health of college students and examine their interaction.


objective to study the relationship between daily hassles and health of college students and examine their interaction.

目的 探讨日常琐事应激与大学生健康的关系,检验日常琐事应激对健康的预测作用。

Over the next few weeks, with her constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in the new role. Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.


I often look back on our lunchtimes together, bathed in the soft midday light. They were the commas in my childhood, the pauses that told me life is not savored in premeasured increments, but in the sum of daily rituals and small pleasures we share with loved ones. Over peanut-butter sandwiches and chocolate-chip cookies, I learned that love, first and foremost, means being there for the little things.


更多网络解释与琐事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

small change:零钱, 找另头 庸俗的话, 闲话; 琐事 无关紧要的人物

put the change upon sb. 欺骗某人, 对某人隐瞒 | small change 零钱, 找另头 庸俗的话, 闲话; 琐事 无关紧要的人物 | take one's change out of sb. [口]向...报复

chore n.1:日常琐事 2.(必须做的)令人厌烦的工作

chop v. 切碎(食物等) | chore n. 1. 日常琐事 2.(必须做的)令人厌烦的工作 | chronic a. 1. 长期的 2. [英口]讨厌的


desinence 末行 | desipience 琐事 | desipient 琐碎的

do chores:做家务;处理琐事

hate doing sth讨厌做某事(习惯) | 18.do chores 做家务;处理琐事 | 19.do the laundry 洗衣服

do chores:处理琐事;干家务

work on 从事 | do chores 处理琐事,干家务 | do the laundry 洗衣服

do chores:琐事;干家务

Take out 取出 | do chores 琐事;干家务 | do the dishes 洗餐具


hairsbreadth 极狭的 | hairsplitter 拘泥于琐事的人 | hairsplitting 吹毛求疵的


hairsbreadth /间不容发的宽度/ | hairsplitter /拘泥于琐事的人/强词夺理的人/ | hairsplitting /做无益的细小区别的/吹毛求疵的/拘泥于细节/

run errands for:日常琐事, 每天的例行公事, 去处理每日必须的琐事 (比如买食品, 去银行等)

run down 撞倒; 诋毁; 追寻; 耗损 | run errands for 日常琐事, 每天的例行公事, 去处理每日必须的琐事 (比如买食品, 去银行等) | run for 竞选; 赶快去请


英语中的"琐事"(trivia)这个字源自于两个拉丁字--Tri和via,其意为:三条路. 在远古时代,三条路交会之处,自然会形成市场,而市场和水源,正是这些路为何在此汇集的原因. 至于所谓的"琐事",也就是人们在三条路交会处所听到的"闲话".