英语人>词典>汉英 : 理性 的英文翻译,例句
理性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
logos  ·  nous  ·  reason  ·  reasons  ·  senses  ·  Logos

更多网络例句与理性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tdking into account all the rctional elements concerned with all the literary trends before the 20th century in Europe,we can find that only the 17th and 18th century classicist and enlightenment literature can be considered to be rational literature.


At the same time, in the respect of practical instruments, we should reflect and reform the curriculum monopolized by technical reason and reconstruct new curriculum that joins both technical reason and humanistic reason which belong to their deservedness.


So the misusing form of dialectic has different representation in different reason: the speculative reason which should be used immanently is used transcendently; in practical reason, the reason which must break through the limit of experience does not break through it.


According to the chief meaning of criminal monocracy which means that the criminal legislation should construct substantial logos and hold the formal logos ground, The rational estimate on the criminal legislation should based on the unification of substantial logos and formal logos.


According to the chief meaning of criminal monocracy which means that thecriminal legislation should construct substantial logos and hold the formal logos ground, The rational estimate on the criminal legislation should based on the unification of substantial logos and formal logos.


The technological rational essence of educational technology should be treated dialectically, because technological rationality is the unification of instrumental and value rationality. Educational technology should be designed and made use of at the precondition of carrying forward the value rationality. It needs to be prevented the extrusion of value rationality caused by overexpansion of instrumental rationality and the utter denial of technological rationality caused by over-exaggerated negative aspects in educational technology.


In the process, purposive rational action and value rational action produce contradiction.


"Self-existent " reason and " method " reason," perfect reason " with finite reason it is economics about " reason " on understanding a few fundamental notions and concept.


This dissertation,by analysis of the i nner relation between practice and rationality and comparison between rationalit ies of practice and rationalities of theory,is going to throw some light on the innate character and distiguish features of rationalities of practice and basic form of rationalities of practice.


The instinct of Reason, for its part, rightly holds firmly to this standpoint, and refuses to be led astray by figments of thought which only ought to and, as 'oughts', are credited with truth, although they are nowhere met with in experience; or by hypotheses as little as by all the other invisible entities of a perennial 'ought'.

理性本能之坚持于这一点,那是具有充分理由的;理性本能不为思想里的事物所迷惑,因为思想里的事物仅仅应该存在并且作为应该而应该具有理性,而事实上却并不存在,是在经验里找不到的东西;理性本能决不让自己受各种假设以及从应该里滋长出来的一切其他非现实的东西所误导,因为理性恰恰就是相信自己具有实在这个确定性。(英译 effective 一词有&能产生效果的&这样的含义,贺译&有效率的&则缺少这个含义。

更多网络解释与理性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


d21 经验理性 empiricism | d22 先验理性 apriorism | d23 浪漫理性 romanticism

cleavability:可解理性 可裂性 可劈性 解理性

cleatwiring 瓷夹布线 | cleavability 可解理性 可裂性 可劈性 解理性 | cleavabilityofwood 木材劈裂性

common knowledge rationality:公共知识理性

艺术理性精神:The Art Rationality | 公共知识理性:common knowledge rationality | 理性精神:the spirit of rationality

physiologic accommodation:生理性调节 生理性调节

physiologic 生理的 | physiologic accommodation 生理性调节 生理性调节 | physiologic zero 生理零点

rational education:理性教育

理性;理由|reason | 理性教育|rational education | 理性论;理性主义|rationalism


马克斯韦伯(Max Weber,1795~1878年)谈到启蒙"理性"(Rationalization)问题时说:"在启蒙辩证法中,理性作为宗教凝聚力的替代物而发挥作用",然而荒谬是,"理性"却是以否定宗教为出发点并自我确证的.

communitive reason:交往理性

认知理性:cognitive reason | 交往理性:communitive reason | 交往理性:communicational reason

psychophysiological insomnia:心理生理性失眠

3.心理生理性失眠(psychophysiological insomnia) 心理生理性失眠指由于对精神压力或躯体疾病产生不适度心理的反应,由此提高了生理性觉醒水平而导致的失眠,这与个人心理素质、对事物的认识水平等有着直接的关系.

Simmon's Bounded Rationality Model:西蒙的有限理性模型

有限理性模型(Bounded Rationality Model)西蒙的有限理性模型(Simmon's Bounded Rationality Model)20世纪50年代之后,人们认识到建立在"经济人"假说之上的完全理性决策理论只是一种理想模式,不可能指导实际中的决策.

Rational fools:理性的傻子

Rational Expectations Hypothesis 理性預期假說 | Rational fools 理性的傻子 | Rational ingnorance 理性的忽略