英语人>词典>汉英 : 现实性 的英文翻译,例句
现实性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与现实性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The modern consciousness of content abstract literature is writer with code of conduct, ideological idea and the sesthetic perception of modern person, look closely at, think deeply and treat a kind of brand-new idea of realistic life , this is times and it develop the actuality of literature tax morals.


Their waiting in drunken illusions is the means of survival for modern man designated by O'Neill who is deeply influenced by the Nietzschen philosophy and impending World War II. Waiting for Godot exposes the absurd existence of modern man as well as Beckett's uncertainty of the world and concerns about human prospects under the impact of World War II and absurdist theories based on existentialism.


Concrete behaviors are: first, the contingency event often become conflict solve key turning point; Secondly, ghost and gods has brought into play in strength solving in tragedy conflict decisive effect; It's three , the reality resolving the way is mistake; It's four, the sum resolving the way antilogy are illogic.


The study of IE has important implications because it can provide valuable lessons and theoretical references for the current campaign d CEE reform.


The cerebration political work of university students should: protrude the principal role of students; expand the natural instincts of students who pursue individual development; accommodate mankind's natural character; create a fair environment of competition; persist the unity of reali...


Social—realisticness, historical—culturalness, contradictoriness of patriotism and colonization acceptance, and the combination of Indian traditional drama and the modern western drama are the four important charactors of the modern Hindi drama literature. The contemporary Hindi drama literature is much better than the modern one.


In a word, being realistic or non-realistic, being self-displined or being heteronomous are the prominent differences of "pure intent object" and "pure aesthesia object".


The other side is the universal in the form of a tranquil essence; but it is for that very reason only something inner which, though not absolutely non-existent, still has no reality and can itself become a reality only by getting rid of the individuality which has arrogated reality to itself.


The virtual practice in internet vitural space of the virtual ego result in a beat all dropscene for its exceeding fabricate in idea space or subjective thinking interspace and catabolizing and swallowing up the realism of the ego.


The human as reality is the ones as the being, namely the concreted human being and the real life of human being. The statement of "the human being created by labor" is that the essence of human being is its creativity as the existence of human and the objective itself.


更多网络解释与现实性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


新闻、时事、纪录片以及流行事实电视研究已开始应用其它一些方法研究"现实性"(actuality). 新闻和时事研究往往强调新闻产制中信息的不偏不倚和准确性. 纪录片研究则长期以来将现实性(actuality)、现实主义(realism)作为纪录片研究的中心.

actuality philosophy:现实哲学

actualist 现实论者 | actuality philosophy 现实哲学 | actuality 现实性



plea feasibility:初步方案的现实性

playing card stock 扑克牌用纸浆 | plea feasibility 初步方案的现实性 | plenter-wood 砍伐材

realistic thinking:现实性思维

现实性思维(realistic thinking)人在思考问题时,从客观现实出发,以客观事实为依据,严格按照客观事物的逻辑关系进行思维,这种思维方向叫做现实性思维. 与此相反的思维方向叫做我向思维.

realistic anxiety:现实性焦虑

现实性焦虑(realistic anxiety)和害怕的意思基本相同,现实性焦虑的特点是某人受到的威胁的感觉具有明确的来源. 假如你在大会上作一次简短的发言在发言之前,你就会感到焦虑,这种焦虑和听众对你的发言是否感到厌倦或者他们是否会嘲笑你直接联系在一起.


好的语言测试一般应具备五个原则:即,有效性(validity)、可靠性(reliability)、区分性(discrimination)、现实性(reality)和教育性,即良好的反拨作用(backwash effect).


reality 真实性 | realizability 现实性,可实现性 | realm 领域,范围


fabulist 寓言家 | fabulosity 非现实性 | fabulosity 传说性质


fabulous 神话式的;惊人的,难以置信的 | fabulosity 传说性质,非现实性,惊人 | fabled 虚构的