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现实主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Above of all, the paper briefly introduces the developing sequence of the realism, including classic realism, neorealism or structural realism, and neoclassic realism, offensive realism, and defensive realism.


The early writings of Jia Pingwa, which created along the road of realistic and have evident trace of imitation, are considered to be conventional and realistic. Afterward, as the writer penetrated with folk, and with the change of times and the format of language, the author dug out the mysterious connotation in Taoist, Fucianism, Buddhism and even civilian culture more far. And create a series of writings with deep mystery. After this, Jia create a series of saga novel again such as "The Ruined Capital" on the basic of combination of mysticism and realism. But in his near writings, such as saga novel "QinQiang Opera", the character of realism was aggravated while the character of mysticism was faded.


Although realism is the most practical and most complete interpretive theory under the anarchic condition, but it becomes tenuity in explaining cause and effect after Waltz's structural realism came into existence, and this mainly because of the absence of Waltz 's structural realism in domestic political study.


In this thesis, the author compared Bi Feiyu with those traditional realistic writers form three aspects: the intimate extent between the writer and the readers; the recognition to the authenticity and typicalness of the details; the similarities and differences about the world outlook. Therefore, the author claims that perhaps it is more suitable to define Bi Feiyu as "Psychological Realism" or "Spontaneous Realism".


Over a rather long time, the concept generally accepted by us meant the human art history witnessed the conflict between realism and antirealism, while our traditional Chinese "wenrenhua (painting of man-of-letters)" was judged by principles of popular Western realism.


His political thought is a kind of realism that benefits the realization of political value and political ideal, not a kind of immoralism that throws them out of the door.


Much as Gao's analysis is used to critique the problems arising from the West's selection of contemporary Chinese art, the application of this realist reflectionist approach on contemporary art is also remarkably popular among critics in China today.


First, to take ideology as a weapon was the starting point of the revolutionary drama-"the Left Drama"while to pay attention to human and the conflict between human and the society, which led to the probation of the connotation of the conflict consciously was the core of sub-current realism. Second, the main current realism had a strong revolutionary"proletariat"aim and political sense-objective sense while the sub-current realism focused on people and setting up characters. Third the main current realism laid too much emphasis on the sense of mission of its time which led to the tendency of formulizing and generalizing while the sub-current realism paid attention to the firm objectivity and to imitate life as their aesthetic ideal, and as a result the sub-current realism produced vigorous works. CHAPTER 4 Realistic Chinese modern drama experienced a hard and winding way of development. It was even worse after the People Republic of China was established.


Is a natural evolution from realism, from development, which has the features of realism and realism, realism, it is further than reality; naturalist on the environment, scenery, the people, the psychological aspects of the activities described in a more objective than reality and, more specifically, more nuanced, as Zola answered some of his critics, said:"I say the things I saw, I put it down, so it…… my work is not political parties and advocacy works, it is true performance works."


It is not difficult to find that three ways of artistic creation coexisted in the tradition of western modern art during the past one hundred years: the first was the traditional realism, including the "radical realism" proposed by intellectuals and middle class in capitalist societies, the "neutral natural realism" and the "critical realism" in socialist countries.


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在接受本报记者独家专访时,阎学通说,给他戴上"新保守主义"(Neocons)的帽子名不符实,他自认为是"新现实主义"(Neorealism). 两者最大区别是,新现实主义强调多边同盟,新保守主义强调单边采取行动. 他说:"世界上没有任何国家能做到只靠自己,

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