英语人>词典>汉英 : 猜中 的英文翻译,例句
猜中 的英文翻译、例句


guess correctly · hit it
更多网络例句与猜中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went down to Ascalon, and slew there thirty men, whose garments he took away and gave to them that had declared the riddle. And being exceeding angry he went up to his father's house


Bridewell!' exclaimed Colonel Dent, and the charade was solved.


Clodius guessed her pique and resolved to profit by it.


This is, no doubt, for self-serving reasons: China is worried about the value of its foreign currency reserves, most of which are denominated in US dollars; it wants to relieve itself of blame for the crisis; it wishes to preserve as much of its development model as possible; and it is, I suspect, seeking to countervail US pressure on the exchange rate of the renminbi.


Dolohov said now, as though divining Rostov's thought; and he smiled.


Posada admitted by the end of last year some hitters were sitting too much on Wang's sinker, and that, combined with whatever drop his bread-and-butter pitch lost by the end of last year, made Wang more hittable, not just very predictable.


They fell for each other, went to bed together, and the result was Mordred.


They did not know of their relationship at this time. They fell for each other, went to bed together, and the result was Mordred.


The first person who propound or solve the riddle, will get 30 cash.


However, no age differences were found in score of efficiency of practical problem solving;(3) The educational level had obviousinfluence on N and H scores,(4) The percentage in using strategy for guessing thepicture and how many bines could the aim pictures be reached had very significant age differences;(5) The N score of problem solving of prachcal life was correlated with using strategy for guessing pictures and how many bines could the aim picture be reached;(6) The results suggested, age differences on problem solving in practical life was smaller than in the laboratory.


更多网络解释与猜中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

who wants to be in fashion doing making coffee:有志在服装界大展鸿图 怎么在这里泡咖啡

I'll bet you're thinking, "What's an intelligent girl...|你一定在想 这么聪明的女孩... | ...who wants to be in fashion doing making coffee?"|有志在服装界大展鸿图 怎么在这里泡咖啡? | You got me.|被你猜中

have a green thumb:有园艺才能的 <美口> = <英口>

cf. greenhouse 玻璃暖房,温室 | 15. have a green thumb 有园艺才能的 = green fingers | 16. Lance guessed a riddle. 兰斯猜中了一条谜语. (guess vt. 猜中)

a lucky charm:吉祥符

a lucky guess 僥幸猜中 | bringing good luck 帶來好運的 | a lucky charm 吉祥符


后来,奥狄浦斯(Oedipus)从那里经过,猜中了这个谜语. 于是,期. 有人认为在东安格利亚(EastAnglia)发现的工具时年代当在其中第一最早的人就是在苏塞克斯郡(Sussex)发现的辟尔唐人(PiltdOwn rnan),


运动饮猜中特别设计的无机盐和糖的浓度会避免这些不良反应(Reaction)(Repercussions). 运动饮料的温度也讲究,过高不利于降低(Lower)体温散热,过凉会造成胃肠道痉挛,一般应口感冰凉,温度在10左右. 各种果汁饮料多采取(Use)柠檬酸作味剂,


129 guess 猜测, 推测, 猜中, 猜对, 想, 认为 | 130 sowed 燕麦糠糊(亦作sowans) | 131 enough 足够的,

Guessing Problems:猜中问题

5、Memorization 默记 | 6、Guessing Problems 猜中问题 | 7、Transposition 移位


129 guess 猜测, 推测, 猜中, 猜对, 想, 认为 | 130 sowed <苏格兰><爱尔兰>燕麦糠糊(亦作sowans) | 131 enough 足够的,

SUMMONING STONE:让你招兵(自己城里的),一天一队

19 SPHINX 让你猜谜语,猜中有赏,猜不中要罚 | 20 SUMMONING STONE 让你招兵(自己城里的),一天一队 | 21 TAVERN CARD GAME 在野外酒馆可以赌博

SUMMONING STONE:让你招兵(自己城里旳 ), 一天一队

19 SPHINX 让你猜谜语, 猜中有赏, 猜不中要罚 | 20 SUMMONING STONE 让你招兵(自己城里旳 ), 一天一队 | 21 TAVERN CARD GAME 在野外酒馆可以赌博