英语人>词典>汉英 : 狭义解释 的英文翻译,例句
狭义解释 的英文翻译、例句


strict construction · interpretatio restrictiva · interpretatio stricta · narrow definition
更多网络例句与狭义解释相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, Newton's absolute time and space that can explain this phenomenon in a sense, trying to shake the special theory of relativity of time and space.


This paper has proposed the following explanation for this topic based on Social Couplings by Maturana, a cognitive biology scholar, organic view by Cooley, a symbolic interactionist , and model of a system in equilibrium by Argyle, a social psychologist:(1) the interaction is an act sequence of "hint-choice";(2) All the teacher and students in mathematics classroom have contributed to the formation and modification of consensual domain;(3) consensual domain in mathematics classroom is not an independent reality;(4) teacher and students' perception to consensual domain in mathematics classroom shall guide their behavior;(5) The coupling standard of consensual domain is not fixed for all observers;(6) the effect of mathematics enculturation should be reinterpreted.


On this base, the author raise his pattern that Marxist philosophy is broad historical materialism. In the first part, he recounts the pattern抯 source and growing course. After that, he summarizes its main ideas. In the second part, he analyses its theoretical difficulties. In the last part, he expounds that the Marist philosophy is broad historical materialism.


This bill is going to be interpreted so narrowly.


Part of this precession is attributable to the perturbing gravitational field of the other planets, and part can be explained in terms of the special relativistic increase in mass due to the planet's motion.


If it does not, it risks having its hard-won enactments narrowly construed and even invalidated.


And just as I recognize the comfort offered by the strict constructionist, so I see a certain appeal to this shattering of myth, to the temptation to believe that the constitutional text doesn't constrain us much at all, so that we are free to assert our own values unencumbered by fidelity to the stodgy traditions of a distant past.


And just as I recognize the comfort offered by the strict constructionist, so I see a certain appeal to this shattering of myth, to the temptation to believe that the constitutional text doesn't constrain us much at all, so that we are free to assert our own values unencumbered by fidelity to the stodgy traditions of a distant past.


He appointed two "strict constructionist" judges to the Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, turned his back on the Kyoto protocol, dismissed several international treaties, particularly the anti-ballistic-missile treaty, loosened regulations on firearms and campaigned against gay marriage.


He appointed two "strict constructionist" judges to the Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, turned his back on the Kyoto protocol, dismissed several international treaties, particularly the anti-ballistic-missile treaty, loosened regulations on firearms and campaigned against gay marriage.


更多网络解释与狭义解释相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balance of payments:国际收支国际收支

3.所谓外汇管制就是对外汇交易实行一定的限制,目的是平衡国际收支,限制汇价.一,名词解释 1,国际收支 国际收支(balance of payments)(1)狭义的国际收支是指一国(或地区)在一定时期 : 国际收支 之内,居民与非居民之间的所有外汇收 入和外汇支出的总和.


受理该案的美国南方地区法院驳回了Sealift的主张,其认为"租船者"(charterer)在合同中表明当事人对租船无效时提交 仲裁事项加以限制的企图. 法院指出"null and void"一词用在公约中应作非常狭义的解释以促使仲裁协议的有效. ...


再具体一些,又可分为狭义移牌(Pass)、换牌(Move)、控牌与偷牌(Keep&Steal)和派牌(Deal). Pass相信不用我多解释,说起这个词每个扑克爱好者都有本自己的圣经;换牌和派牌我们在千术中经常可以看见,说起什么Secend Deal相信大家都耳熟能详;


无神论现代广义上来讲是否认(denial)神的存在或不相信有神论, 但是在西方狭义的语义里面也可以理解为不信仰(disbelief)耶和华上帝.另外在网上找到游戏手册的一张图, 一方面解释了为什么游戏制作者认为huns具有这种反宗教特性,

Humanistic Psychology:人本心理学

解释人类行为的内在动力.此等动力是人类一切行为变化的基本原因,亦即人性之基本.马斯洛和罗杰斯的人本学派(Humanism)或人本论(Humanistic Theory),广义言之,本词泛指一切强调人性尊严与重视个人自由及个人价值的理论.狭义言之,本词义同人本心理学(Humanistic Psychology).

Newtonian mechanics:牛顿力学

与运动有关的几种理论之一,为的是解释高速相对运动时对牛顿力学(Newtonian mechanics)发生的偏离. 该理论通常是指由艾伯特.爱因斯坦(1879-1955年)提出的两种理论之一. 狭义相对论是1905年提出的涉及惯性(非加速度的)参考系的理论.


再具体一些,又可分为狭义移牌(Pass)、换牌(Move)、控牌与偷牌(Keep&Steal)和派牌(Deal). Pass相信不用我多解释,说起这个词每个扑克爱好者都有本自己的圣经;换牌和派牌我们在千术中经常可以看见,说起什么Secend Deal相信大家都耳熟能详;

transference neurosis:移情神经症

弗洛伊德的古典精神分析可以解释对象利比多的发展变化及结构神经症(structural neurosis)[也称移情神经症(transference neurosis)],狭义自身心理学可以解释自恋利比多的发展变化及自恋神经症(narcissistic neurosis),

strict construction:严格解释; 狭义解释

STREZOV, Alexander;亚历山大.斯特雷佐夫;; | strict construction;严格解释; 狭义解释;; | strict liability;严格赔偿责任;;