英语人>词典>汉英 : 独裁权 的英文翻译,例句
独裁权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与独裁权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He said the problem was Beijing's totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and dictatorship.


The wife tried to establish a monogamous conjugal family in place of concubinage and paternal authoritarianism .


During these years, and following his final victory, he was content to maintain control by a combination of the consulship and the revived, albeit reviled, dictatorship.


A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control.


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


Subsequently, the Garibaldi swept northward, September 7 liberated Naples .10 1st, 20000 Bourbon 30000 expeditionary force with the army fought a fierce battle in the Volturno, October 2 Japanese win victory, in order to lay the foundation for the Italian unification .10 21, Garibaldi on the future of Naples and Sicily, southern Italy held a referendum, the results of the overwhelming majority in favor of the .10 into the Italian 26, Gary the first wave in the Te Yanuo Emanuele II, King of surrender to the dictatorship of the right .11 7, two with the arrival of Naples.


After Kenyatta's death in 1978, his former vice-president, Daniel arap Moi, continued this system of patronage, authoritarian rule and personal family enrichment, while tilting the centre of gravity of power away from the Kikuyu to a much smaller cluster of Kalenjin-speaking tribes, of which his own Tugen people is one of the smallest.


更多网络解释与独裁权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dictatorial /独裁者的/独裁的/独断的/独断/ | dictatorially /独裁/自大地/ | dictatorship /独裁/专政/独裁者之职/独裁权/独裁政权/

dictatorially:独裁地; 自大地 (副)

dictatorial 独裁者的, 独断的, 独裁的 (形) | dictatorially 独裁地; 自大地 (副) | dictatorship 独裁者之职, 独裁政权, 独裁权 (名)


在罗马共和时期,当国家处于战争时,元老院会授权执政官有军事调度的独裁权,西方语境中的"独裁"(dictatorship)一词,其法理根据即由此而来. 而古罗马的"悬法"(iustitium )概念,即指在"非日常"的情况下,将一切法律停顿、悬置,


"法西斯"一词是拉丁文"权标"(fasces)的音译,而后来权标又被用做意大利法西斯党的标志. 后来"法西斯"泛指最反动最野蛮的独裁制度和思想体系. 法西斯的来历:"法西斯"是古代罗马高级长官的一种权力标志,系用皮带捆扎的一束棍杖,

dictatory:傲慢的; 独裁的 (形)

dictatorship 独裁者之职, 独裁政权, 独裁权 (名) | dictatory 傲慢的; 独裁的 (形) | diction 措词, 用语; 发音法; 发音 (名)