英语人>词典>汉英 : 狗舍 的英文翻译,例句
狗舍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kennel  ·  kenneled  ·  kenneling  ·  kennelled  ·  kennelling  ·  Doghouse

更多网络例句与狗舍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rain on the birdhouse, Rain on the pond, Rain on the doghouse, But not on me.


"Why do you people change kennel name on a dog to yours?"


We're especially proud of our innovative5 canine6-assisted reading program here in the library.


I would not know what to do if, my Team Herat name is stripped away from a puppy I bred and replaced by someone else's kennel name.

我不知道该做什么如果,我的队 Herat 名字从一只小狗被剥夺,我饲养而且被其他人狗舍名字代替。

In March, my friend Torsten and I drove up to Jorgenson's cabin and kennel, where he keeps 100 dogs.


Have you kenneled the dogs?


Of course, I know about kennels - a place to take your dog if you just can't take him with you on a trip but not dog day care.


The old dog has no energy to go out, but kennels all day


No, we put the dog in the kennel... Hey, get off!


Their dog Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden.


更多网络解释与狗舍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


特种部队:眼镜蛇崛起 G.I.Joe The Rise of Cobra 2009 | 狗舍 Doghouse 2009 | 独立日 Independence Day 1996

Duo She:夺舍

1997 超级三等兵 Chao Ji San Deng Bing | 1997 夺舍 Duo She | 1996 狗蛋大兵 Gou Dan Da Bing


(客观与曾经遭遇过) - 不要听到大陆狗就立刻作出抗拒.现在国内有规模的犬舍(Kennel)和繁殖者(Breeder)比香港还多.犬只质素也比香港好的.那些狗贩除外* 本地有很多狗店标榜是什麽犬种专家来招揽生意...例如金毛,史立沙,雪橇,


在早期展赛中,每个品种只包含一个级别,狗的品种也只以狗舍(kennel)名称模糊划分. 早年展会目录曾记载:莫雷尔先生的"斑点"战胜布朗先生的"维纳斯",赢了22先令奖金. 1870年,种犬爱好者们决定有必要成立一个正规组织管理整个展赛事务.

Lhasa Apso:拉萨犬

博美犬(POMERANIAN)当地时间2月13日,美国纽约举行第130届威斯敏斯特狗舍俱乐部名犬秀. 2500多条来自全球的狗宝贝们参加了本次选美比赛. 博美犬(POMERANIAN) 拉萨犬(Lhasa Apso) 做离子烫也没得它这么直哎 迷你杜宾犬 波士顿梗犬 拳师狗 贵宾犬(也可......


保育人士彼特(Pete)说,「我潜入狗舍任职,负责高压喷洒工作,每当按下加压器时,排泄物就会喷在所有狗狗身上,所有食物、水也沾上秽物. 」汤姆西门(Tom Simon)说,「他们无所不用其极,以10到20元代价买进,再以250到4、500元价格出售.

Howling Kennels:哀嚎犬舍 我不相信狗会在里边哀嚎...所以 嚎叫犬舍

Unearthed Graves出土墓群 乱葬岗...或者 荒废墓园 | Howling Kennels 哀嚎犬舍 我不相信狗会在里边哀嚎...所以 嚎叫犬舍 | Altar of Primal Elements主元素祭坛 始元祭坛

Dog kennels:狗舍

Well水井 | - Dog kennels 狗舍 | - Cat houses 猫舍

Dog kennel:狗窩

Pigsty 豬舍 | Dog kennel 狗窩 | Chicken house雞舍

Dog News' Kennel:信息犬舍 申庆寿

Dog Family's Kennel 爱犬家族犬舍 郭铭威 | Dog News' Kennel 信息犬舍 申庆寿 | Dogs Home's Kennel 狗之家犬舍 雷蕾