英语人>词典>汉英 : 状态栏 的英文翻译,例句
状态栏 的英文翻译、例句


status bar
更多网络例句与状态栏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The status bar at the bottom of the window shows the current page number, the state of an automatic spelling check, and other information.


A dialog box with status bar procedures, in the status column can display the current coordinates of the mouse and computer time.


A status bar for learning good examples of procedures, we can lea...


By the numeric keypad 4 or 6 button to switch to 10 when the status bar, according to figures 1 or 3 keyboard keys can be heard reading the contents of the status bar.


You can change the system of units at any time using the pull-down menu on the Status Bar or pull-down menu on individual forms where available.


The only differences you will see are in the information field in the status bar.


Finally, there are 19 controlled effects for title bar and 19 controlled effects for status bar.


A status bar for learning good examples of procedures, we can learn from the dynamic status bar changes.


Microsoft, the master of the internet, exposes the file names in the blue bar on top screen, the address bar and the status bar.


The Page section of the status bar now includes both the total page count and the entry of the page number field.


更多网络解释与状态栏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

status bar:状态栏

"状态栏"(Status Bar)命令(查看菜单)使用"状态栏"(Status Bar)命令来打开或关闭状态栏. "同步文档"(Synchronised Documents)命令(查看菜单)使用"同步文档"(Synchronised Documents)命令在"排列编辑器"(Alignment Editor)打开关闭原文和译文框架的同步化.

Adsense Notifier:在状态栏中显示你当前的Google AD收益

Blog 工具 | Adsense Notifier - 在状态栏中显示你当前的Google AD收益. | Copy as HTML Link - 复制网页地址到剪贴板中,并转换成HTML格式,方便调用.

status bar control:状态栏控件

status 状态 | status bar control 状态栏控件 | step a frame 通过一帧

SET STATUS BAR:显示或删除图形状态栏

SET SPACE 使用?或??命令时,确定字段或表达式之间是否显示空格 | SET STATUS BAR 显示或删除图形状态栏 | SET STATUS 显示或移去基于字符的状态栏

Initializing Status Line:初始化状态栏

Initializing Panels -初始化面板 | Initializing Status Line -初始化状态栏 | Initializing Time Slider -初始化祯控制栏

Use the Cue line and Status line:使用提示栏和状态栏

Recognize the title bar. 深入了解标题栏 | Use the Cue line and Status line. 使用提示栏和状态栏 | Use and customize toolbars. 使用和自定义工具栏

Download Manager Tweaker:在分栏窗口、新标签面或状态栏中打开下载管理器

SafeDownload - 自动对下载的文件进行病毒扫描. | Download Manager Tweaker - 在分栏窗口、新标签面或状态栏中打开下载管理器. | ScrapBook - 帮助你保存和管理Web页面. .

needagun - Reserve box hold holdable bullet bill launcher:上方状态栏出现 炮弹

needaplant - Reserve box hold holdable plant with pipe. 上方状态... | needagun - Reserve box hold holdable bullet bill launcher. 上方状态栏出现 炮弹 | needaswitch - Reserve box hold P-Switch. 上方状态栏...

needaplant - Reserve box hold holdable plant with pipe:上方状态栏出现食人花

needanegg - Reserve box holds egg with nothing 上方状态... | needaplant - Reserve box hold holdable plant with pipe. 上方状态栏出现食人花 | needagun - Reserve box hold holdable bullet bill launcher. 上方...


set status off &&移去基于字符的状态栏. | set status bar off &&移去图形状态栏. | set exact on &&指定相等的表达式必须是每个字符都相匹配,比较时,忽略表达式结尾的空格.