英语人>词典>汉英 : 特遣部队 的英文翻译,例句
特遣部队 的英文翻译、例句


task force · Tactical Force · task group
更多网络例句与特遣部队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the Albatross Task Force has managed to achieve a dropping mortality rate of up to 85% in some areas.


The task force was created a year ago by the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking, a joint effort of the 50 federal state attorneys general, and was led by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.


Zaarin sent his own Interdictor, the Maelstrom, as well as several squadrons of TIE Advanced and Defender craft to eradicate Thrawn's task force, while he assaulted the second Missile Boat convoy.


The detachments of airplanes, helicopters, fighting airships and landing party force will attack you during the mission.


Now, that's what I call a task force.


I could use you on the task force, really, could.


But not all task force members were on board .


This greatneedy radio from the greatneedy shows chapter parage in the god for taken, NAME will call for by a international text force after an attack in the German nable ship in the water way between Somalia and Yemen.


They would easily confuse the role of a naval aircraft carrier task force with that of an infantry division.


A recent report by the Internet Safety Technical Task Force says that child exploitation on the Net and elsewhere is worrisome but online social networks, such as Facebook and MySpace, are not to blame for the bulk of it since most reported cases predated their existence.

一份由因特网安全技术特遣部队发出的报道声称,在网络及一些地方对儿童的侵犯是令人担忧的,但是如同 Facebook 和 Myspace 之类的在线社交网站大部分是不应被指责的,因为案件的发生早于报道。

更多网络解释与特遣部队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjutant SPEAR:监狱特遣部队副官

Commander SPEAR 监狱特遣部队司令 | Adjutant SPEAR 监狱特遣部队副官 | SO Doctrine 训导高级执行员


0. [军]空降兵特遣部队 air freshener | 空气清香剂 airbase | 空军基地,航空基地 airwave

athwart hawse:横过他船船首

两栖特遣部队;舰队远洋拖船 ATF | 横过他船船首 athwart-hawse | 战车登陆艇 ATL; LCT; tank landing craft

True Believer:真信者

4 Task Force 特遣部队 | 1 True Believer 真信者 | 4 Aether Vial 乙太精瓶

air freshener:[军]空降兵特遣部队

极爱猫的人 airborne task forces | 0. [军]空降兵特遣部队 air freshener | 空气清香剂 airbase

task force:特遣部队

母港设在加州圣地牙哥(San Diego)的第三舰队,下辖第三十至三十七、三十九特遣部队(Task Force),其中第三十特遣部队辖有第三、七、九、十一航舰打击群等. 母港设在日本横须贺(Yokosuka)的第七舰队,下辖第七十至七十七、七十九特遣部队,

joint task force:联合特遣部队

在执行战争以外行动(OOTW)的任务时,指挥和控制建构在"联合特遣部队"(Joint Task Force)的概念下或许和人们所了解的以往战时结构有所不同. 因而,他们(相关军事人员)必须熟悉和清楚这种不同的建构以便使空防与行动指挥部(ADOC)在实际操作环境中能环环相扣.

joint task force:联合特遣部队(联遣队);JTF;联遣队

joint rapid deployment force;联合快速部署部队; ; | joint task force;联合特遣部队(联遣队);JTF;联遣队 | jointness;军种联合; ;

Fuerza de Tarea Maya:玛雅特遣部队

Frente Rebelde deo Pueblo,人民反抗阵线,, | Fuerza de Tarea Maya,玛雅特遣部队,, | Fuerzas Especiales de Policia,特种警察部队,,

Unified Military Task Force:联合特遣部队

Unified Military Command;统一军事指挥部;; | Unified Military Task Force;联合特遣部队;; | Unified National Leadership;民族团结领导小组;;