英语人>词典>汉英 : 特殊的香味 的英文翻译,例句
特殊的香味 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tang  ·  tanged  ·  tangs  ·  tanging  ·  Tang

更多网络例句与特殊的香味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lard is a kind of source of abundant animal fat. Because of special odor ,it iswelcome.


Also, a class of grapes (e.g. the Muscat family) which are particularly fragrant.


Taxonomy is Basidiomycotina, Agaricales, Section ear, an ear, as the bacteria Pleurotus meat hypertrophy, sturdy stipe, Cuinen texture, and the food has a special flavor of almonds, is an ear of taste One of the best, it is known as the "Mushroom King."


Coriandrum sativum L. has long been considered a fold remedy for various aliments in different cultures.


Through fermentation by Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the flavor of enzymatic hydrolysis liquid is meliorated obviously, producing special aroma at the same time.


The good Pu'er Tea is red-brown, fat and tight leaves, with light smell of laurel, rose, camphor, dates and lotus combined with the special aged-aroma, etc.


The good Pu'er Tea is red-brown, fat and tightleaves, with light smell of laurel, rose, camphor, dates and lotuscombined with the special aged-aroma, etc.


To make a Gualu Roasted Duck, the ready-duck is baked in the oven directly over the burning wood of peach, jujube or date trees, which gives off a special fragrance, with very little smoke; bake until the duck becomes brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.


Hard candy is one white sugar, starch-based material syrup taste of a hard, brittle candy; Hard candy is candy sandwich containing rolls of hard candy; White sugar are creamed candy, starch syrup, oil and dairy products mainly made of materials, protein not below 1.5% fat not less than 3.0%, has a special flavor and creamed Coke flavor candy; gel candy is edible glue, white sugar and starch syrup material mainly made of soft texture of candy; the surface is polished candy Bright solid candy; gum is white sugar candy and plastic-based material can be made of materials or blowing chewing candy; inflatable of sugar candy is within the finer uniform bubble candy; Pressed candy after granulation, bonding, forming the suppression of candy.


The results indicated that: the alcoholic substances in Huaguan fruit were higher than those in Golden Delicious and Fuji apple cultivars. The content of alcoholic substances increased along with extending the storage time, and little declined at anaphase. The fruit appeared its special aromatic smell along with increasing of butyl alcohol.


更多网络解释与特殊的香味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

burning rate:燃烧速度

燃烧速度(Burning rate): 有快,中,慢. 表面上好像可以这样区分,实际上每一种烟草配方有它的特殊口味,香味可以巧妙的压下劲道,劲道与燃烧速度可以巧妙的带出香味,真的非笔墨所能形容. *HPH :Hacker 量表.

cheesiness in butter:(丁酸发酵细菌所产生的特殊)干酪香味

cheese-and-curd cake 煎奶渣饼 | cheesiness in butter (丁酸发酵细菌所产生的特殊)干酪香味 | chef 主廚师;緫廚师


特殊的香味tang | 特殊地distinctively | 特殊规律研究法idiographic


●薄雪草(火绒草)(EDELWEISS)奥地利的国花重点-茴香适合作填空花(FillerFlower)使用,要注意的是有些人并不十分欣赏它的特殊香味. 由于色彩偏向柠檬黄,所以很适合与紫罗兰系的花朵搭配. ●卡多利亚(CATTLEYA)哥伦比亚的国花

Florence fennel:茴香

球茎茴香(Florence Fennel)是地中海菜中不可缺的一种蔬菜,带着特殊的茴香味,很好吃. 它原产意大利南部,又叫意大利茴香. 它是茴香中的一个变种,与叶用茴香均属伞形花科中的同种同属植物,从形态上、品质风味上以及其他生物学特性上两者都近似.


让炒出来的蔬菜有一股特殊的香味. 溶化奶油加入少许柠檬汁和奥里根香料,可以淋在烧烤的鸡肉和鱼肉上. 在义大利面调味酱汁或沙拉调味酱汁中,撒上少许用手搓揉过的奥里根香料,可以更添料理的风味. 第十瓶: Paprika 红椒粉 (Paprika)


家庭煮夫坚持研究出好吃的裸麦 (rye) 面包.... 好像有点谱了. 组织紧密的葡萄乾裸麦面包;有裸麦的特殊香味,再加上葡萄乾的酸甜.... 再挑剔的味蕾、也会被打败的. 早餐吃完口味浓郁、又有嚼劲的裸麦面包, 晚餐就该换点别的,

Sesamum Indicum:芝麻

生成具有特殊香味的物质,致使芝麻油具有独特的香味,有别于其它各种食用油,故称香油. 按加工工艺不同,香尚未分为小磨香油和机制香油两种. 芝麻(Sesamum indicum)可能原产于非洲一带,产出的油用于烹饪并加在沙拉里,在中菜里也很受欢迎.

Zingiber officinale:(生姜)

产品简介: 生姜(Zingiber officinale)又名姜、黄姜. 生姜以肉质根供食,除含碳水化合物、蛋白质外,还含有姜有姜辣素[姜油酚、姜油酮、姜烯酚和姜醇]等,因含有特殊的香味,可做香辛调料. 亦可加工成姜干、糖姜片、咸姜片、姜粉、姜汁、姜酒和糖渍、酱渍,

aromatized wine:芳香葡萄酒

④芳香葡萄酒(Aromatized Wine). 芳香葡萄酒是在葡萄酒发酵过程中,除掺入白兰地或食用酒精外,再加入各种芳香原料(如水果、果实和香料等)浸制而成的葡萄酒. 该酒既有酒香,又有特殊的香料香味. 其名品有法国的干味美思(Dry Vermouth)、意大利的甜味美思(Sweet Vermouth)等.