英语人>词典>汉英 : 特征标群 的英文翻译,例句
特征标群 的英文翻译、例句


character group
更多网络例句与特征标群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inspired by Burnside's theorem and the above other two propositions, we consider the question: whether the structure of a finite group G is restricted provided that the number of character zeros in its character table is"small"?


For a finite group G, an old theorem of Burnside asserts: each non-linear irreducible character of G must vanish on some element.


For a character χ of finite group G, set


In the study of representations of finite group, lots of evidence suggested that there is a great relationship between the structure of conjugacy classes and the character degrees of finite group.


We establish a relation between μ and the stucture of the group G, and obtain the lower bound of the ratio by the mininal prime divisor of the order and commutator of the group G, and give a necessary and sufficient condition under which this lower bound is attained.


For a Hall π-subgroup in π-separable group and a given π-Fong character, we show that there always exists a normal subgroup, such that some irreducible constituent of this π-Fong character which restricts on the join of these two subgroups is a π-Fong character associated to this normal subgroup.

对于π-可分群的一个Hall π-子群和一个给定的π-Fong特征标,我们证明了总存在一个正规子群使得这个π-Fong特征标在这两个子群的交上的限制的某个不可约成分是联系这个正规子群的一个π-Fong特征标。

In section four, we consider a normal π-subgroup in π-separable group, a normal set and a complex value class function space defined on G, using the B_π-character theory and character-triple isomorphism, and find a classical basis of this space such that it behaves as the set of irreducible Brauer characters, and satisfies the Fong-Swan property.


Defined character degree's graph Г and proved that if Г is not connected then 2≤nl ≤4 for the Fitting height nl of solvable group G.


We first characterize the groups in which all m∈cdq〓 contain at most 4 prime divisors; and then show the following: if any m∈cdq〓 is nth-power-free then the derived length of solvable group G is bounded by a function f depended only on n; also if cdq〓 has k different p-parts then the p-length of solvable group G is bounded by a function g depended only on k.


In this paper, two conclusions are obtained, one is the connection between the subgroups of and the factor groups of finite abelian groups, and another is the character conditions of the subgroups with normal compelement.


更多网络解释与特征标群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

group character:群特征标;群指标

成群改变 group change | 群特征标;群指标 group character | 群行列式 group determinant

character of algebraic group:代数群的特征[标]

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infinitesimal transformation group:无穷小变换群

无穷维系统|infinite dimensional system | 无穷小变换群|infinitesimal transformation group | 无穷小特征[标]|infinitesimal character

generalized quaternion group:广义四元数群

广义四元数环|generalized quaternion ring | 广义四元数群|generalized quaternion group | 广义特征[标]|generalized character, virtual character