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特定命题 的英文翻译、例句


particular proposition
更多网络例句与特定命题相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sun Tzu's military dialectical thinking quite rich, but is still simple nature; Clausewitz some of the military dialectics proposition, then kept covered with dust idealist thinking agnostic; Marx and Engels created dialectical materialism, but not the creation of the military domain-specific epistemology and methodology, because they do not have the necessary conditions for the practice of war.


However, when a proposition P is determinately specified for our consideration and then found, for principled reasons, to be not conceivably true, that is surely some kind of strong evidence against the claim that P is logically possible.


155 The minimal unit for a probability proposition is this: The circumstances--of which I have no further knowledge--give such and such a degree of probability to the occurrence of a particular event.

5.155 概率命题的最小单元是:诸情况——我对它们别无所知——对一特定事件的发生给与某一概率度。

The procedure realizes with the C language, can the user input proposition formula truth table, by the specific expression form output.


The model has its continuity and incontinuity.


It should be noted that Wright (1985) adopts the basic hinge proposition line noted above that these propositions cannot be known, but he restricts this thesis to certain propositions which, he argues, are non-factive.

要注意到,Wright (1985)采用了基础转轴命题不能被知道,但是他限制这个主张在特定命题上,即&非事实性的『non-factive』&的命题。

There is no tautology in the three-valued logic whose boolean connectives are Kleene implication and the negation in open-world.


更多网络解释与特定命题相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

computational complexity:计算复杂性

计算复杂性(computational complexity)源于20世纪30年代数学逻辑发展过程中提出的一些深刻命题. 它们都有自己特定的问题规模N,计算复杂性就是指解决问题随问题规模N增长而需要的代价增长. 这种简单性和复杂性的分野是,如果计算时间(或空间)的增长不超过N的某个幂次或多项式,

contextual meaning:语境意义

对一个语篇的理解包括四个层面: 1) 概念意义(conceptual meaning)-单词的独立意义; 2) 命题意义(propositional meaning) -小句或句子的意义; 3) 语境意义(contextual meaning) -句子在特定的情景或语言环境中的意义;

general proposition:一般命题

然而,这一一般命题(general proposition)要受到特定限制条件的制约. 例如,DSU第4.3条规定,'如磋商请求是按照某一适用协定提出的,则请求所针对的成员应在收到该请求之日起10天内对该请求作出答复,并应在收到该请求之日起不超过30天的期限内真诚地进行磋商,




所以有四种命题:在项逻辑中,"命题"(proposition)简单的是一种语言的形式: 一种特定类型的判决/句子(sentence),主词和谓词合并在一起,以此断言某事物为真或假.