英语人>词典>汉英 : 特定人群 的英文翻译,例句
特定人群 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与特定人群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The prevalence of anemia in elective surgical patients may beas frequent as 75% in certain populations.


Luxury marketing is different from the average residential marketing, marketing audience has not been universal, which is mainly directed against a specific group of people to start marketing, this group of people have a lot of wealth, they often travel in airports, ports, so luxury is often at the airport, ports and cities on the main roads large signs advertising, waterside Huadu Phase I, Phase II is the case, the effect is very remarkable.


There were many research productions in domestic and foreign countries, the deficiency mainly included: there were so many studies by the method of description, but less demonstration studies; much studies were rested on cognitive level, less on restraining level; the object or testee was in a small quantity, and the majority of researches merely attached much attention to one certain public, and the study on mainstream and normal people in society was absent; there were some restrictions on research implements, most of the studies usually adopted the scales of foreign countries.


On the other hand, on account of the accumulation of past experience and the popularity of "Valuing virtues; undervaluing penalty", law makers and executors were then capable of laying down effective regulations in connection With specific groups, specific procedures and specific situations. This marked the maturity of the Remission Policy and thereby arose such judicative customs as remission coming of suicide and substitution etc. All these embody the class nature of legislation and Judicature as well as a certain degree of reasonableness and progressiveness.


Historically in English, both patria and natio have come together in patriotism , the love of a particular people in a particular place.

在英语的历史上, patria 和 natio 的含义都注入到了 patriotism 中,即对一特定地域的特定人群之爱。

More annoyingly for Egypt's rulers, Mr ElBaradei's declaration of conditions has cast unwonted light on the crafty constitutional mechanics that allow the stage-managing of Egypt's supposed democracy.


This year, in addition to drug users, sex workers and other high-risk groups and to monitor pregnant women outside the health sector added MSM, male STD clinic attenders monitoring, greater efforts among these susceptibility to AIDS and AIDS prevalence popular factor monitor, analyze trends of AIDS in order to evaluate the effects of AIDS prevention and control provide the basis.


Website of popular domestic and international SNS is at present medium, can divide roughly it is 3 kinds, one kind is the community website that locks up calm campus crowd, with the net inside school, occupy a net to be a delegate, still have the ChinaRen of popularity of one's early years of course; One kind is the community website that the lock decides office worker, include net of happy net, within the country to wait, like 5G such locks decide IT or the website of specific crowd should be some among them perpendicular fractionize; Still having a kind is the life the website with practical more powerful breath, typical delegate is Facebook and MySpace probably.


Public health Encyclopedia Comprehensive specific group of people and their families the basic needs of health knowledge, including common diseases, diet, nutrition, personal, sports, entertainment, self-treatment, medical treatment and other aspects of the Taboo, and the different groups of people in the psychological, living, diet, exercise, daily living such as the rehabilitation of Taboo, respectively, in book form, self-contained.


The Department should supervise persons who have high-risk. They also should strengthen the health education for all persons, to enhance the self-guard and consciousness for AIDS in the ordinary crowds.


更多网络解释与特定人群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


文章摘要:行话(argot)一词最初指一些盗贼使用的词汇,后来成为某些特定人群所使用的词汇,如学生、士兵、印刷工人等. 从十九世纪开始,行话就超出了其最初使用者的范围,得到了广泛的使用. 如人们所熟知的flic,boulot等. 行话由普通词汇组成,


(一)普查 普查(census)是指在特定的时点或时间、特定的范围内的全部人群(总体)均为研究对象的调查. 这个特定的时间应该短,应考虑疾病病情不在调查时间内发生很大的变化. 在血吸虫病的调查中,慢性血吸虫病和晚期血吸虫病患病率在特定人群中短期内变化不大,



Life table:寿命表

常用寿命表(life table)是根据特定人群的年龄组死亡率编制出来的一种统计表. 寿命表的指寿命表的分类:现时寿命表(current life table)和定群寿命表(cohort life table). 2. 年龄组死亡概率(age specific probability of dying ) 是指X 岁尚存者在今后一年或n3.

cohort life table:定群寿命表

5.定群寿命表:定群寿命表(cohort life table)亦称队列寿命表,它是对某特定的人群中的每一个人,从进入该特定人群直到最后一个人死亡,记录的实际死亡过程.

social morality:社会道德

但是它不能区分法律与非法律体系我们也可以以类比的方式考虑一下社会道德因为,同样的条件也可以适用于社会道德某一道德不是特定人群中的社会道德(social morality),除非它一般地被该人群所遵守和接受在此,

neural tube defect:神经管缺陷

神经管缺陷(Neural tube defect)在全世界范围内的发生率是千分之2.6. 特定人群(西班牙人,拉丁美洲人)风险最高,中国人发生率略高于平均水平. 随着健康生活方式逐渐普及,其发生率也在呈逐年下降趋势. 目前在美国发生率已经下降为不到万分之二,

prevalence rate:流行率

因此,我们的结论认为HIV病毒流行率(prevalence rate)下降了60-70%. "流行率是某个特定人群感染艾滋病毒的几率. 然而,在这个表面的好消息后面,还有两个严峻的事实. 第一个艾滋病病人数量下降,很大程度是由于大量同性恋或双性恋的艾滋病患者已经死了.

Personal Celebrations:个人节日

17.大众节日Popular Holidays | 18.特定人群节日Holidays for Special Groups | 19.个人节日Personal Celebrations


克尔恺郭尔(Kierkegaard)称作公众的特定人群--公众不是一个国家,一代人,一个社区或者是这些特定的人,因为所有这些只是实实在在的他们的自身. 在公众当中,没有一个人会真正承担什么:一个人在一天中的某些时候或许从属于公众之列,可是,