英语人>词典>汉英 : 特别危险的 的英文翻译,例句
特别危险的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与特别危险的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A snake in the grass is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to discover.


In this module, behaviour in terms of authority and assertiveness is discussed.


These are particularly dangerous because there is no mask on my face.


The bane argues to know data Endanger an effect healthily:NONE The environment influence:NONE The physics and chemistry bane:NONE Special bane:The AZO-FREE passes the ICP method analysis test to have no related of lead over 100 ppms, Ge over 5 ppms 9.5 a fires and the explosion danger The order:Obsolescent Combustible extreme limit(the air lie quality:Vol%):non-combustible product Apply to extinguish fire:The water,water sprays fog,carbon dioxide,the stem powder to extinguish fire a ,foam to extinguish fire The special sex protection equipments of the fire fighter:Need to go together with to take the goggle and anti-virus mask Very the rules a fire and the explosion danger:When the temperature hoick, the product meeting because of hot bulge cold but cause to open 9.6 Respond sex Stability:Under the normal regulations condition stability Environment should avert from:The water immerse,affect by damp and cold,clear fire perhaps the temperature is high in 500 ℃s Incompatibility:Have no Dangerous of decline a solution an outcome:Have no Dangerous polymer reaction:Will not take place 9.7 health dangers Dangerous way:Inhale, take, the skin and eyes get in touch with solid perhaps dust-The physics contact may result in allergic sex respond.

危害辩识资料健康危害效应:NONE 环境影响:NONE 物理性及化学性危害:NONE 特殊危害:AZO-FREE 通过ICP方法分析测试无相关之铅超过100ppm,镉超过5ppm 9.5火灾和爆炸危险闪点:不适用可燃极限:不燃物品适用灭火剂:水、水喷雾、二氧化碳、干粉灭火剂、泡沫灭火剂消防人员之特别性防护设备:需配带护目镜和防毒面具非常规火灾和爆炸危险:当温度急剧上升时,产品会由于热胀冷缩而导致开裂 9.6 反应性稳定性:在常规条件下稳定应避开的环境:水浸、受潮、明火或者温度高于500℃不相容性:无危险的降解产物:无危险的聚合物反应:不会发生 9.7健康危险危险方式:吸入,摄取,皮肤和眼睛接触固体或者灰尘----物理接触可能造成过敏性反应。

The pneumococcus is particularly dangerous to the splenectomised patient.


When particularly hazardous operations or work required that smoking be curtailed, the unlighted lamp relayed the


This year the Juneau area has gotten more than 16 feet of snow and spring is a particularly dangerous time of year for avalanches.


James appeals to certain Christians , labouring under the stress of particular circumstances , in order to warn them against special perils no one will easily admit that the vices against which he inveighs and the errors which he condemns were to be met with in each and every community of Jewish converts .

我们收集,不过,圣雅各福群会呼吁某些基督教徒,劳苦压力下,特别情况下,为了提醒他们对特别危险的;没有人会轻易承认这邪恶对他 inveighs 和错误,他被谴责将会见了在每一个社区的犹太转换。

The most precarious of these quake-lakes was the one located in the extremely difficult terrain at Tangjiashan mountain, accessible only by foot or air; an Mi-26T heavy lift helicopter belonging to the China Flying Dragon Special Aviation Company was used to bring heavy earthmoving tractors to the affected location.[127] This operation was coupled with the work done by PLAAF Mi-17 helicopters bringing in PLA engineering corps, explosive specialists and other personnel to join 1,200 soldiers who arrived on site by foot.

在这些地震湖当中,最危险一个坐落在唐家山极其危险的地形当中,只能靠步行或者直升机才能靠近,一架隶属于中国飞龙特别航空公司的Mi-26T 重型起重直升机负责运送重型的挖土机到受影响区域,这次行动在中国解放军工程部队的中国空军Mi-17型直升机、爆破专家以及其他通过步行到达该地区的1200名官兵的协助下顺利完成。

I used to find myself attracted to people and situations I saw as dangerous. I thought girlfriends who lived a wild life, for instance, would give me the worldliness I craved. I would seek out the most dangerous nightspots, places where fights and stabbings and drug abuse were rampant.


更多网络解释与特别危险的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shock Absorber:减振器

4年:汽车跑起来时 ,可能发现没有新车时那么平稳 ,若遇到这种情况 ,是该检查车子的减振器(Shock Absorber)的时候了 . 如果减振器的弹簧不再有弹性 ,在高速行驶时就会抖动得很厉害 ,在下雨天更是特别危险 .

America Online:美国在线公司

美国在线公司(America Online)的Mirabilis ICQ IM客户端软件被发现有六个漏洞,其中两个漏洞特别危险,可以让黑客们全部控制受害人的电脑. 安全分析家们一再警告不加检查地使用这些软件可以引起企业防火墙的危险漏洞,导致公司敏感的数据在公众网络上暴露,


extragovernmental 政府管辖之外的 | extrahazardous 特别危险的 | extrajudicial 法庭职权以外的

extrahazardous:特别危险的; 危险性特别大的 (形)

extragalactic 银河系外的 (形) | extrahazardous 特别危险的; 危险性特别大的 (形) | extrajudicial 法庭职权以外的 (形)


extrahazardous 特别危险的 | extrajudicial 法庭职权以外的 | extralegal 不受支配的

silver fulminate:雷酸银

此为一特别危险的混合物, 因为亚硝酸银 (Silver nitride) 和雷酸银 (Silver fulminate) 均会形成.1. 与叠氮化氯 (Chlorine azide) 产生可爆炸的黄色液体.3. 氨和其衍生物与氯化金作用: 氨或铵盐与氯化金, 氧或其他盐类作用,

Extramedullary Hematopoiesis:髓外血细胞生成

50.extra hazardous 特别危险的 | 51.extrahepatic 肝外的 | 52.extramedullary hematopoiesis 髓外血细胞生成


parlour /客厅/会客室/特别室/客厅的/ | parlourmaid /客厅女仆/ | parlous /危险的/


(4)redcap 车站搬运工 | (5)red-letter值得纪念的;特别快乐的 | (6)red light危险信号

extragalactic:银河系外的 (形)

extraembryonic 胚胎外的 (形) | extragalactic 银河系外的 (形) | extrahazardous 特别危险的; 危险性特别大的 (形)