英语人>词典>汉英 : 特别化 的英文翻译,例句
特别化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
specialization  ·  specilization

更多网络例句与特别化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These results indicated some differences from other investigated autopolyploid plants in autopolyploid watermelon. Autotriploid watermelon, in particular, showed unusual characters of genome structure and DNA methylation status, which may be closely associated with the oddploidy effect and the excellent traits present in triploid plants.


Students should grasp the classification of the nitration reactions and its industrial application, the main nitration reagents and the nitration method, the classification of the sulfonation reactions, the function of sulfo group and its in the industrial application, sulfonating agents and its industrial application, the separation method for the sulfonated compounds, the widespread applicationof diazonium and the coupled reactions and its in the industry specially employed in the dyes and the pigments synthesis


Students should grasp the predominant type and the characteristic of the halogenating reaction and its application in industry, the halogenate method employing different halogenating agents, specially some halogenation method models frequently applied in industry.


Part two is mainly about instruction of ancient educatees and their interfluve under privilege system so that to lead discussion on questions of privilege and "avoiding privilege" of ancient enactment of qualification to education which focuses especially on normal educatees' restriction when going to school and "privilege elimination" of some privileged educatees such as students of the Imperial College.


The research of both theories and practices of gridding in the dissertation shows that: Linear interpolation based on triangulation is simple computationally and fast, but its gridding results isn't smooth and its precision is low; Multiquardric method is also simple computationally with high precision and good effect, but its gridding is slow because it is based on global calculation; Minimum curvature method is fast with high precision and good effect, but its gridding quickly degrades over areas with sparse data control when grid spacing smaller than the actual grid spacing is used; Ordinary Kriging method is high-precision, but its gridding is slow because of large calculation; Inverse interpolation is a computationally fast, efficient and robust method with high accuracy and perfect effect, and its gridding results of different gridding orientations are basically identical. Inverse interpolation is suitable for thegridding of geophysical irregular data, especially for large-scale geophysical irregular data.


On the basis of a great deal of information, several general problem on land sarface process parametrization for a global circulation model and its history of development are described. The Bucket model, EARTH, ISBA and SiSPAT models are respectively expounded, and the situation of studies on land surface process parametrization is summarized. China is a participating country of the international geosphere-biosphere program and the study on circulation of global energy and moisture, and has put forward some valuable soil-vegetation-atmosphere models for land surface process parametrization. which results in effective studies on vegetation indexes.


To improve geochemical exploration in special landscape areas of western China, geochemical exploration researchers need to take new methods and new thoughts and systematically develop the research on geochemical methodology, thus finally formulizing a full set of effective geochemical methods suitable for special landscape areas, especially for coverage areas in western China.


The experimentation was making-know: the expand- ing of straw make for it denaturalization, and it can improve the assimilating rate of usefulness substance in the straw, the thick fibre is marked; The grain of straw is favorable for it is used sufficiently, but it have to use the grain material to felt straw; When it is comminuted to 16 mesh, moisture 35%~38%, straw 14%, the Expa...


The recent research progress of oxidation carbonylation of amines/β-amino alcohols, alkoxycarbonylation of epoxides, carbonylative Suzuki coupling, carbonylative Sonogashira, and double carbonylation of aryl iodides has been presented, focusing on the carbonylation reactions studied by us in the past few years, with 81 references.


In higher mammals the processes have many common denominators, but they have also undergone modifications in accordance with specializaion in behavior.


更多网络解释与特别化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abnormal distribution:[化] 非正态分布

1650abnormal depreciation[经] 特别折旧, 非常折旧 | 1651abnormal distribution[化] 非正态分布 | 1652abnormal dump[计] 异常转储


中文摘要 米碳管拥有优异的各项物性质,而本研究著眼於其特别优异的热传导性质,多层奈米碳管的热传导系数高达3000W/m-K,因此本研究将奈米碳管以化学的方式改质,首先利用羧化(carboxylation)反应的方式让奈米碳管带有羧酸基(carboxylic acid groups,


酸性玻璃脱玻后,常具霏细结构,析出高价氧化铁[简介]脱玻化作用(devitrification)又称失透作用(devitrify)、晶化(devitrification). 玻璃质岩石随着地质时代的增长,特别是由于埋藏使温度、压力较高时,玻璃质将逐渐转化为结晶物质,


在亚洲女士的化妆中,眉形占有极重要的地位. 因为我们不像西方人般轮廓分明,相反地,细致的肌肤,优美的线条特别是眉形,就成为了美丽的焦点. 其实眉形和化妆潮流一样,可以分为两类型:女性化(Feminine)和型格化(Character).

hepatic fibrosis:肝纤维化

肝纤维化(hepatic fibrosis)是指肝脏内弥漫性细胞外基质(特别是胶原)过度沉积. 它不是一个独立的疾病,而是许多慢性肝脏疾病均可引起肝纤维化,其病因大致可分为感染性,先天性代谢缺陷及化学代谢缺陷及自身免疫性肝炎、原发性肝汁性肝硬化和原发性硬化性胆管炎等.


皂化反应(saponification) 皂化反应是碱催化下的酯水解反应,特别是指油脂的水解(水解是一种化学反应的过程,它是利用水将原来的物质分解形成另一种新物质的过程.

social loafing:社会惰化

社会惰化(Social loafing)也称为社会惰化作用或社会逍遥,指群体一起完成一件事情时,个人所付出的努力比单独完成时偏少的现象. 如果能够增加员工的责任心,则能够有效防止社会惰化现象的产生. 例如实施集体惩罚,这种方法在某些有时候会显得特别有效,

serialization proxy:序列化代理

教你如何最大限度地享有这些优势,又能使整个过程尽可能地简单化. 第11章阐述序列化方面的技术,并且有一项值得特别提及的特性,就是序列化代理(serialization proxy)模式,它可以帮助你避免对象序列化的许多缺陷.


"模块化"(modularity)通常被理解为一种在进化环境中促使复杂系统均衡动态演进的特别结构,或者一种有效组织复杂产品和过程的战略. 模块化在飞机制造、计算机制造、手机制造、汽车制造、重型设备制造、手表制造、发动机制造、自行车制造、快餐以及金融、法律服务和信息服务等行业得到广泛应用.

stewed soft-shelled turtle:这个菜的名字特别了 霸王别姬

stewed snake and chicken 龙凤烩 | stewed soft-shelled turtle 这个菜的名字特别了 霸王别姬 | beggar'schicken 叫化鸡