英语人>词典>汉英 : 牵牛花 的英文翻译,例句
牵牛花 的英文翻译、例句


morning glory · morning-glory · Living Dream
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Morning glory is young feeling flower,it bring spring romantic and mellow flatus


Morning glory is young feeling flower,it bringspring romantic and mellow flatus


The shining sun rays spread a piece of golden on the paths through the trees, the pretty roses are wavering with the breeze, the paths are hiding under the crowds of flowers and the lovely morning glories lie on the path beside quietly, the grass is growing silently outside the windows covered with lichen, the waving stream reflects the busy and colorful life on the banks; the rays of the setting sun genteelly touch the old red gate and the ice-box full of family letters with the bird singing happily in the golden cage.


Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums , impatiens and petunias .


These morning glory is above the pink or purple, the following is white, I am very fond of these morning glory.


Morning Glory has a name called "ground Lady", as its name suggests, it is a very hard-working flower.


Morning glories blow little purple bugle at 4 o'clock early morning; flamboyant rosebushes smile about 5 o'clock in the morning; nenuphars wake up from dream at 7 o'clock in the morning; peatapetes phoenicea bloom at 12:00 at noon; marigolds arrive at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; tobacco flowers wake up at 6 o'clock in the dark; moonlight flowers bloom leaves about 7 o'clock; polianthes tuberosas bloom at 8 o'clock in the evening and night-blooming cereuses appear with a smile about 9 o'clock in the evening

凌晨四时,牵牛花吹起了紫色的小喇叭;五点左右,艳丽的蔷薇(qi á ng w ē i)绽开了笑脸;七点,睡莲从梦中醒来;中午十二点左右,午时花开花了;下午三点,万寿菊 j ú欣然怒放;傍晚六点,烟草花在暮色中苏醒;月光花在七点左右舒展开自己的花瓣;夜来香在晚上八点开花;昙花却在九点左右含笑一现

In the fields the corn was waving like the sea; in the ditches red and yellow flowers were growing; while wild-drone flowers, and blooming convolvuluses were creeping in the hedges; and towards evening the moon rose round and large, and the haycocks in the meadows smelt so sweetly.


The most striking effects were observed by plant biologists who were trying to increase the colour intensity of the petals in petunias by introducing a gene inducing the formation of red pigment in the flowers.


On the corner of Kramgasse and Theaterplatz there is a small outdoor cafe with six blue tables and a row of blue petunias in the chefs window box, and from this cafe one can see and hear the whole of Berne.


更多网络解释与牵牛花相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alamo vine:美国牵牛花

Alamein | 阿拉曼(第二次世界大战战场) | alamo vine | 美国牵牛花 | alamo | 白杨

Covnolvulus trivolor L; three colured bindweed; dwarf morning glory:三色牵牛花

覆赶穧] covering gene; covering factor." | 三色牵牛花 Covnolvulus trivolor L; three colured bindweed; dwarf morning glory | 越橘 cowberry;Vaccinium vitisidaea L.

Ipomoea:朝颜/牵牛花 <--攀缘植物

Hyssopus officinalis 柳薄荷 | Ipomoea 朝颜/牵牛花 <--攀缘植物 | Ipomoea tricolor 三色牵牛花 <--攀缘植物

Ipomoea tricolor:三色牵牛花 <--攀缘植物

Ipomoea 朝颜/牵牛花 <--攀缘植物 | Ipomoea tricolor 三色牵牛花 <--攀缘植物 | Iris histrioides 鸢尾 / 爱丽斯

morning glory syndrome:牵牛花综合征

牵牛花综合征(morning glory syndrome)为视乳头的先天性发育异常.Kindler于1970年根据眼底形态犹似一朵盛开的牵牛花而予以命名.本病少见,我国由严密等首先报道(1985),俟后继有发现.这种先天性畸形的形成机制尚不清楚,可能是视神经缺损入口缺损的一种类型,

Fried Morning Glory:炒牵牛花

泰式炒皇室椰苗Stir Fried Thai Green Cabbage Sprout w/Garlic & Chilli | 炒牵牛花Fried Morning Glory | 炒水含羞草Fried water mimosa

September morning glory:牵牛花

8. August poppy 罂粟花 | 9. September morning glory 牵牛花 | 10. October cosmos 秋菊


另2艘军舰是驱逐舰"Mendip"号和小型护卫舰"牵牛花"(Petunia)号. 其中"牵牛花"号于1947年3月在台湾外海因撞船而沉没. 二战结束以后,由于国共冲突不断加剧,英国为了最大限度地保护在华经济利益和维持香港地位,采取的是一种谨慎的对华"中立"政策.


sansevieria 虎尾兰 | scammony 野牵牛花,旋花 | scilla 绵枣儿

Pharbitis nil:牵牛花

具纵棱,有棘刺.嫩叶可做菜食.果实橘红色可入药.113.冬珊瑚(Solanum pseudo-capsicum)茄科.直立分枝小灌木.盆栽观赏,全株有毒,根可供药用.114.牵牛花(Pharbitis nil)旋花科.一年生缠绕草本.为垂直绿化好材料,