英语人>词典>汉英 : 物质的改变 的英文翻译,例句
物质的改变 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For that question: how a probability event becomes to be a certainty event after some time.The answerer is that the Probability is changing along the development of time since many factors will affect the Probability in that time interval and Probability=1 at the point it happened.


He believed that the changes things undergo could be explained in terms of rarefaction and condensation of air.


As to the doctrine called the Real Presence,[22] the council condemns: those who, denying that Jesus Christ, God and Man, is truly, really, substantially present in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, hold instead that He is only present as in a sign or image or manifestation of power; those who say that the substance of the bread and the wine remains along with the body and blood of Christ, denying that marvellous and unique changing of the whole substance of the bread into the Body and the whole substance of the wine into Blood, while the appearance of bread and wine still remain--the change which the Catholic Church most suitably calls Transubstantiation; those who say that the Body and Blood of Christ is not there following upon the consecration, but only while the sacrament is in use, while it is being received, that is to say, but not before this or after this, and that in what is left over of the consecrated hosts or particles after communion has been administered, the true Body of the Lord does not remain; who say that the main fruit, or the sole fruit, of this sacrament is the forgiveness of sins; or that Christ the only begotten son of God is not to be adored in this sacrament with the externals of the reverence called latria,[23] and that those who do so adore Him in this sacrament are idolaters; that Christ is shown forth in this sacrament to be received in a spiritual manner, and not also sacramentally and really; that only faith is sufficient preparation for receiving this most holy sacrament.

以中庸所谓真正的存在, [ 22 ]安理会谴责:这些人,是无可否认的耶稣基督,人与上帝,是真的,真的,大幅度目前在圣圣体圣事,举行而是说,他是目前唯一的作为一个标志或形象或表现形式的权力;那些说这种物质的面包和葡萄酒仍是随着身体和血液基督的,是无可否认的壮美和独特的变化,整个物质的面包进入人体和整个物质的酒的血液,而外观的面包和葡萄酒仍是-改变,其中天主教教会最适当呼吁陷于变体说,这些人说,该机构和血液基督,是不是有以下后, consecration ,但只有而圣餐是在使用,而它正在被接受的,也就是说,而不是在此之前或在此之后,以及在什么是遗留下来的该consecrated主机或微粒后,共融一直经管的,真正的机构主不留;人士说,这样做主要水果,或唯一的水果,这圣餐是罪的赦免;或基督独生子的上帝是不被喜欢在这圣餐与外部的崇敬所谓latria , [ 23 ] ,并认为那些这样做,崇拜他,在这圣餐是盲目崇拜者;基督表明,在此圣餐将收到的在一种精神的态度,是不是还sacramentally真的,那只有信仰是有足够的准备接受这个最神圣的圣餐。

It can cause chemical changes in the brain to produce disturbances in the nervous system resulting in poor memory, hypotension, light sensitivity, itching of the skin, leading to skin infections, acute pains, uncontrolled behaviours, monomania, and personality


But it seems impossible to suppose that an agent could change the electrical resistance of a physical system without expending energy in the process, for to do this would necessitate changing the physical structure of the system, and that implies changing the positions of bits of matter on which forces are acting (think of turning the knob on a rheostat or variable resistor: one must expend energy to do this).

但是似乎不可能假设一个人能够改变物理系统的电子阻力而没有在这个过程中消耗能量,因为这样做会必然改变系统的物理结构,这会导致物质的the positions of bits的改变,在其中力起了作用。(考虑可变电阻器的按钮,做这个事情是要消耗能量的。

Methods: DECB was dealed with heat , acid , alkali , roasting , organic solvent extracting , microorganism zymolysis , then the method of microrespiromete was used to detect/measure the respiratory activity respectively.

目的:研究小牛血清去蛋白提取物(deproteinated extract of calf blood,DECB)中生物活性物质的物理化学性质;方法:分别将小牛血清去蛋白提取物进行加热、加酸、加碱、烘烤、有机溶剂萃取、接种微生物发酵等方法处理,然后分别用微量呼吸检压法检测呼吸活性,结果:采用加热、加碱、加酸,接种微生物发酵的方法进行处理,DECB刺激呼吸活性的能力没有明显改变,而采用烘烤的方法处理,结果DECB的活性完全消失;用有机溶剂萃取DECB,可明显降低DECB刺激呼吸活性的能力,而有机相中含有了刺激呼吸活性物质。

The mains results are as follows: 1,In Scirpus speices, the allocation to sexual reproductive ramets and vegetative ramets varied with environmental conditoin and life history stages. This makes the species adapt to tidal flat stresses and utilize heterogenetiously distributed resources.

主要结果有: 1,海三棱麃草中,随年龄增加和生境改变,植物的有性繁殖和营养繁殖构件的生长速率,以及球茎贮存物质的比例发生改变,这种特性使物种适应高胁迫下的潮滩生境,同时提高了植物体利用异质性资源的能力。

It is procreated in this way that the quality of matter we set eyes on, perceived and measured: object produces photon-action with others surrounding constantly.


Objective To explore the clinical changes and diagnostic significance of serum and urinary plasminogen activators in patients with chronic kidney diseases.

目的 探讨慢性肾脏疾病血清和尿液纤溶活性物质的改变及其临床意义。

The changes of complex permittivity of pure-water,natrium oxalate,potassium permanganate and sodium chloride aqueous solution with different power were measured.It is shown that the changes of real part of the complex permittivity are all small and the imaginary part of the complex permittivity of electrolyte solution are obvious.


更多网络解释与物质的改变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

environmental alterant:促使环境改变的物质或因素; 环境改性剂

environmental action 环境行动 | environmental alterant 促使环境改变的物质或因素; 环境改性剂 | environmental appraisal 环境评价; 环境鉴定


润皮肤、减少水份散失与微生物滋长、以及抵抗外界有害物质的伤害与侵入;也就是说表皮角质层保湿与皮脂腺分泌之间的平衡与否决定了肌肤的类型. 然而肌肤会随着气候、季节的改变,呈现不同的肤质. 季节变化对皮肤的影响主要来自于阳光(Sunshine)、温度(Temperature)湿度(Humidity)及风(Wind)这四大因素所影响.


指示剂 指示剂(Indicator)是能由某些物质存在的影响而改变自己颜色的物质. 主要用于容量分析中指示滴定的终点. 一般可分为酸碱指示剂、氧化还原指示剂、吸附指示剂等. 指示剂除分析外,也可用来检验气体或溶液中某些有害有毒物质的存在.


REACH法规的最终提案与2003年5月在网上公布的最初提案相比,在以下方面有明显的改变:一、化学物品安全报告 (chemical safety report) 只适用于产销量大于10吨以上的化学物质,中间产品(intermediates)无须提供该报告,这样,


物质的粒子有两种能量:潜在的(potential)和运动的(kinetic),总共加起来保持不变. 运动的能量仅是所有能量的一小部分,负责粒子的移动或者运动. 运动的能量与总能量之间存在着特别的比率;当这个比率由于内在的分子运动而发生改变的时候,


前类假说认为生物体预设之基因结构或基因表现的改变导致老化;后一类则将老化归因於生物体内的大分子物质(例如:核酸、蛋白质等)随时间所累积的各种随机破坏超过其体内的修复能力,这些随机破坏可能源於自由基(free radical)、氧化作用(oxidation)或醣化作用(gly

phase transition:相转移

改变绝热膨胀的气体压力,即会产生物质的相转移(phase transition),因此分子团会从「似液体」变成「似固体」的物质状态. 从实验的结果我们很清楚地知道,含氦的大分子团的相图中只存在「似液体」的物质状态. 至今人们对制备超流体分子团的可能性,


物质的粒子有两种能量:潜在的(potential)和运动的(kinetic),总共加起来保持不变. 运动的能量仅是所有能量的一小部分,负责粒子的移动或者运动. 运动的能量与总能量之间存在着特别的比率;当这个比率由于内在的分子运动而发生改变的时候,




并且逐步在工业生产的规模上付诸实现 凡运用化学方法改变物质组成或结构、或合成新物质的,都属于化学生产技术,也就是化学工艺;所得产品被称为化学品或化工产品 化学工业包括石油化工(petrochemicals), 农业化工(agrochemicals), 化学医药(pharmaceuticals), 高分子(polymers),