英语人>词典>汉英 : 牧草之一种 的英文翻译,例句
牧草之一种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
grama  ·  timothy  ·  Timothy

更多网络例句与牧草之一种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Uses method which the field investigation sample and the indoor analysis unify, 2007-2008 years live the unicast awnless brome lawn and the awnless brome and the alfalfa interlacing in the Inner Mongolian nationality university agriculture school test farm take 2 years mix broadcast the lawn and the colleague mix broadcast the lawn as the objects of study, have studied under the different sowing seeds way the forage grass to the soil physics and chemistry nature influence, finally indicated:the change tendency which under the different sowing seeds way increases the soil bulk specific gravity overall along with the soil layer depth to present after reduces first increases, is the 10-20cm soil layer is lowest; Looking from the 0-40cm soil layer's mean value, the unicast awnless brome lawn soil bulk specific gravity is smallest, the colleague mixes broadcasts the lawn soil bulk specific gravity to be biggest.

科尔沁草原是典型的农牧交错地区,长期以来,由于不合理利用草地资源造成该区生态环境严重恶化,农牧业生产受到严重影响[1]。建立高产优质的人工草地是解决我国高寒地区草畜供求季节不平衡的矛盾,促进草地畜牧业持续发展的关键措施之一[ 2]。无芒雀麦和紫花苜蓿都是营养价值高、适口性好、抗寒抗旱能力强的多年生牧草。将这两种牧草混播不仅能提高牧草产量和品质,延长草地使用年限,还能改善牧草的营养,提高牧草的适口性,有利于调制和青贮[3]。

Lactuca indica is a good pasture resource, mature period is a key for L. indica being used effectively. In this paper, the root tip of L.

苦荬莱Lactuca indica是一种优良的牧草种质资源,热期是苦荬菜利用的重要影响因素之一。

Leaf protein is a kind of protein concentration from the sap of the fresh green grass or other plant.Its nutritional value is useful for human beings and animals.


更多网络解释与牧草之一种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pennisetum Rich:狼尾草属

狼尾草(Pennisetum L1)隶属禾本科狼尾草属 (Pennisetum Rich)一年生或多年生草本植物,是热带、亚热带和温带地区广泛种植的牧草之一. 全世界约 140种,多数产于非洲,广泛分布于热带和亚热带,个别种可分布到温带. 我国包括引进种有8种,