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片基 的英文翻译、例句


film base
更多网络例句与片基相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamens 6, inserted at base of tepals; filaments usually very short; anthers basifixed, sometimes connate.


Based on the Harris interesting point detector algorithm and Zernike moments,a lock washer base block fixed-or-not visual inspection method was presented,which satisfied the requirements:fast,flexible and exact.

运用基于Harris探测算法的特征点提取并结合 Zernike矩图像旋转不变技术,成功地解决了基体在图像中位置不固定的情况下检测耗时的问题,实现了锁片基体手工安装是否漏装的自动化视觉检测。

Stamens 6-33, inserted at base of tepals; filaments subulate or linear, free or connate at base, included or exserted.


Acetate-Base Film: Any film with a support that contains cellulose triacetate; safety film.


Stamens erect, inserted at base of perianth segments; filaments free or basally ± connate; anthers basifixed, apex often adaxially appendaged; connective extended into a perianthlike, linear-lanceolate, long appendage.


Stamens 6, inserted at base of tepals; anthers basifixed, rarely dorsifixed.


Stamens 6, often free, sometimes connate at base or inserted at base of perianth segments; anthers ovate, basifixed or subdorsifixed, introrse to latrorse.


At the same time the factory to provide accessories: conveyor belt To enhance zone, film-based band, the Rolling care, to fight, screen films, it is round and all-rubber conveyor accessories.


Emulsion, Emulsion Layer:(1) Broadly, any light sensitive photographic material consisting of a gelatin emulsion containing silver halides together with the base and any other layers or ingredients that may be required to produce a film having desirable mechanical and photographic properties.


Leaves grow in clusters; stipe chestnut brown, shiny ; blade pentagonal, Zhang Kuange about 5-7 cm, there are three separate base, or connected to cleft pinna feather, apical pinna nearly diamond-shaped, triangular lateral pinna, feather shaft under the lateral side of the sliver compared with the previous long, the base of one the longest; vein plume bifurcation; leaves dark green above, here are milky white or milk yellow powder.


更多网络解释与片基相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dry plate:干片,早期用玻璃片基时,感光禁膜可以在吹干后才应用的种类

dry mount tissue 干旅胶片 | dry plate 干片,早期用玻璃片基时,感光禁膜可以在吹干后才应用的种类 | drying 干化


侧板有l条深的侧沟,将侧板分为前面的前侧片(episternum)和后面的后侧片(epimeron). 具翅胸节的侧板很发达,侧沟下方形成顶接足基节的侧基突,为基节的运动支点,上方形成侧翅突(pleuralwingprocess)顶在翅的第2腋片下方,成为翅运动的支点.

Film base:片基

(2)片基(Film base) 我们上述谈到的药膜必须附在片基之上,使它能够固定在一个「平面」上,现代菲林的片基是胶片,但药膜实际上可以涂在任何固体物质上,如纸张、玻璃、布料等等.

Film base:菲林片基

film 菲林 | film base 菲林片基 | film chamber (相机)装菲林格

photographic film base:软片片基

photographic film 照相软片 | photographic film base 软片片基 | photographic filter 照相滤色片

X-ray film base X:光片基

X-ray film X光胶片,X射线胶片 | X-ray film base X光片基 | X-ray film box X光胶片箱

stroma lamella:基质片层

另一种是较大的扁囊,贯穿于基粒之间,称基粒间类囊体或基质类囊体(stroma-thylakoid)或基质片层(stroma lamella). 它们顺着叶绿体的纵轴彼此平行排列. 其存在意义在于,使膜片层的总面积大大超出叶绿体的面积. PSI仅存在于基质片层和基粒片层的非堆叠区.

film titling:片头注记

片基 image base | 片头注记 film titling | 片形快门 lamellar shutter

basilar cell:基生细胞

basilaminar | 叶(片)基(部)的 | basilar cell | 基生细胞 | basilar cross vein | (蜻蜓目)基室横脉

ammonium bifluoride:氟化氢铵,用于使感光膜脱离玻璃片基

ammonium bichromate 重铬酸铵,感光剂之一 | ammonium bifluoride 氟化氢铵,用于使感光膜脱离玻璃片基 | ammonium carbonate 碳酸铵,用于暖调显影药