英语人>词典>汉英 : 爵士音乐家 的英文翻译,例句
爵士音乐家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hepcat  ·  jazzman  ·  jazzmen

更多网络例句与爵士音乐家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where "hot" jazz was fast-paced, exhilarating music you could dance to,"cool" jazz was more understated and laid-paced.


He wrote memoirs but, like a jazzman improvising on a theme, wandered off inveterately after other people:"An accidental shove on a crowded Loop corner, while awaiting the change in traffic lights; an apology; a phrase that holds my attention; we go for coffee; a life unfolded at the restaurant table."


The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians like Joe "King" Oliver , Kid Ory and Jelly Roll Morton formed small bands that took the music of these older men and increased the complexity and dynamic of their music, as well as gaining greater commercial success.


All the other jass musicians of his generation have gone their own ways but Steve Lane is a purist-one hundred percent devoted to the music of the Golden Age.


These days we have moved on with many modern jazz musicians purposefully using discordant sounds - something which horrifies the purists.


These days we have moved on with many modern jazz musicians purposefully using discordant sounds - something which horrifies the purists.


The people bin Laden believed deserved to die just because they were Americans included a career diplomat I had met twice and his son; a woman who had just spent her vacation caring for her aged parents; an Indian-born foreign service officer who had traveled the world working for her adopted country; an epidemiologist working to save African children from disease and death; a mother of three small children; a proud new grandmother; an accomplished jazz musician with a day job in the foreign service; an embassy administrator who had married a Kenyan; and three sergeants, one each in the army, the air force, and the Marine Corps.


February 3, 2009 was the 50th anniversary of the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the "Big Bopper", J.P. Richardson, in the crash of a small airplane.

2009年2月3日是纪念霍莉,里奇瓦伦斯和&大爵士音乐家&JP 理查德森逝世50周年,他们遇难于小型飞机坠毁。

For a jazzman, he kicked drugs and drink pretty early and afterwards led a remarkably suburban life.


He wrote memoirs but, like a jazzman improvising on a theme, wandered off inveterately after other people:"An accidental shove on a crowded Loop corner, while awaiting the change in traffic lights; an apology; a phrase that holds my attention; we go for coffee; a life unfolded at the restaurant table."


更多网络解释与爵士音乐家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ALto Saxophone:中音萨克斯

乐器类型:中音萨克斯(Alto saxophone)、长笛(Flute)艺术家简史:前卫爵士音乐家,萨克斯演奏家,作曲家和长笛演奏家. 前卫爵士领域涌现出了众多杰出的即兴演奏家,但却少有伟大的作曲家,亨利.斯利达吉尔就属于少数优秀的前卫作曲家之一.


hepburn /人名/ | hepcat /爵士音乐家/爵士音乐的高手/迷/ | hepcin /七菌素/


hepaxanthin 肝黄质 | hepcat 爵士音乐的高手 | hepcatjazzman 爵士音乐家


wildcat暴戾的家伙 | polecat妓女hepcat爵士音乐家 | scaredycat易受惊吓的人


jazzily /爵士地/奔放地/激烈地/ | jazziness /爵士舞/喧闹/ | jazzman /爵士音乐家/


wildcat暴戾的家伙 | polecat妓女hepcat爵士音乐家 | scaredycat易受惊吓的人


Bopomofo || 汉语拼音字母 | bopper || 早期爵士音乐家 | boppish || 象早期爵士乐的

bopper:早期爵士乐迷; 早期爵士乐音乐家 (名)

bop 殴打; 跳波普舞 (动) | bopper 早期爵士乐迷; 早期爵士乐音乐家 (名) | boracic 硼砂的; 含硼的 (形)


jazzist 爵士乐迷 | jazzman 爵士音乐家 | jazzy 奔放的


pantryman 餐厅管理员,司膳总管助理 | countryman 同乡,同胞,乡下人 | jazzman 爵士音乐家,爵士乐手