英语人>词典>汉英 : 爱慕的 的英文翻译,例句
爱慕的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与爱慕的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was dddtt.com handsomer than Mr.

人们差不多有半个晚上都带着爱慕的目光看着他。最后人们才发现他为人骄傲,看不起人,巴结不上他,因此 www.8 t tt8。

She feltquite angry to find that a young hunter was peeping admiringly at her naked body.


She felt quite angry to find that a young hunter was peeping admiringly at her naked body .


Then, what is "adoration"?


Any attractions toward clients will be one sided and must be put right out of your head.


Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet .


Drouet had a habit, characteristic of his kind, of looking after stylishly dressed or pretty women on the street and remarking upon them.


But I can't help comparing the new wooer with him when I meet the new wooer or somebody nominate a gentleman to me. I always asked myself, did this gentleman has the same capability and spirit just like him?


Herefrom, top be missing ball all day long.


How you two lit each other up.


更多网络解释与爱慕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secret admirer:神秘的爱慕者

flattering 谄媚的, 讨人欢喜的 | secret admirer 神秘的爱慕者 | tokens of love 对爱的表示


adorably | 崇拜 | adoral | 口部附近的 | adoration | 崇拜, 爱慕, 受崇拜(或爱慕)的对象


adoral | 口部附近的 | adoration | 崇拜, 爱慕, 受崇拜(或爱慕)的对象 | adoratory | 拜神的场所

adorer:爱慕者, 崇拜者

adore | 崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 | adorer | 爱慕者, 崇拜者 | adoring | 崇拜的, 敬慕的


3.influential 有影响的,有势力的 | 4.evocative 唤出的,唤起的 | 5.adoration 崇拜,爱慕,受崇拜(或爱慕)的对象

Save by tearful rill:除了--含泪的小河默默怀念

Vanish unrecorded 无人记录那美的轮回 | Save by tearful rill---- 除了--含泪的小河默默怀念. | Save by loving sunrise 除了--落日满怀爱慕的眼光


◆ 爱慕 (Aimer) 品牌故事: 国家:中国 创建年代:1993年 产品类别:女士内衣 公司总部:中国北京 北京爱慕内衣有限公司是专业从事品牌内衣设计、生产和营销的现代化企业,总部位于北京望京高新技术产业开发区爱慕大厦,拥有员工近2000人.

undisguise one's admiration:不掩饰爱慕之情

● 掩饰对......的爱慕 disguise one's admiration for... | ● 不掩饰爱慕之情 undisguise one's admiration | ● 被人以爱慕的眼光看着 get the eye

Their mutual admiration waned:他们相互爱慕之心淡薄了

● 他们互相爱慕之情更强烈了. Their mutual admiration waxed. | ● 他们相互爱慕之心淡薄了. Their mutual admiration waned. | ● 甜蜜的爱情 sweet affection

Hi, I have Albert Brennaman for you:(男主角主动帮Albert打电话给一个其爱慕的人,打通后,男主角是这么说的)

6 isn't there a hickey on your neck? 你脖子上不是有个唇... | 7 Hi, I have Albert Brennaman for you. (男主角主动帮Albert打电话给一个其爱慕的人,打通后,男主角是这么说的) | 10 She is a celebrity. 她是个名人...