英语人>词典>汉英 : 熔岩流 的英文翻译,例句
熔岩流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A lava flow is a outpouring of lava, which is created during a non-explosive effusive eruption .


A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow.


They went about their business, gathering precious minerals and energy from the lava streams, riding their massive lava fleas across the stygian lands.


Wudalianchi; Laoheishan volcano; lava flow; tumulus; fissure


With the different distances between fissures and Laoheishan volcanic cone and the types of lava flows (sheet lava flows or small sub-overflows), the tension fissures show the different features.


Andesitic lava flows also occur within the caldera, and are overlain by a chaotic complex of silicic lava and intracaldera pyoclastic flow deposits.

安山质熔岩流也出现在火山口,并得到了硅酸熔岩流沉积和intracaldera pyoclastic混乱复杂的覆盖。

In addition, we measured the information of area, perimeter and aspect ratio of twenty-one tumuli and lava collapse of larger sub-overflow in the edge of western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano, Wudalianchi.


Lava balls grow when a small fragment of solidified lava rolls along the surface of an active flow and lava sticks or accretes to its surface.


Aa lava, on the other hand, moves faster and doesn't have time to develop a skin, resulting in a cooler flow with a more angular texture.


As the lava beneath pulses and flows along its channel, small gouts of it spatter up and outward, building a little pile around the opening(图版I—1)( http://geology.about.com).


更多网络解释与熔岩流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Cotopaxi 科多帕希火山(在厄瓜多尔北部) | coulee 深谷,熔岩流 | craggy 陡峭的


couldn'tfind 找不到 | coulee 熔岩流 | coulee 小川

lava dome:熔岩穹 溶岩

■ lava diversion control 熔岩流控制 溶岩流制御 | ■ lava dome 熔岩穹 溶岩ドーム | ■ lava flow 熔岩流 溶岩流

eruption, formation of cone and crater, lava flow:爆发,圆锥和火山口的形成,熔岩流

erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀 | eruption, formation of cone and crater, lava flow 爆发,圆锥和火山口的形成,熔岩流 | eruption n.爆发,火山灰

lava flow:熔岩流

前者被称为挥发分(volatile component)和火山碎屑物质(volcanicl asticmaterial),后者则叫做熔岩流(lava flow). 目前,我们把这种产生于上地幔和地壳深处,含挥发分的高温粘稠的主要成分为硅酸盐的熔融物质称之为岩浆

lava flow:火山溶岩流熔岩流

Lautovick transfer system 劳拖威克集装箱移放系统 | lava flow 火山溶岩流熔岩流 | lava soap 去油垢洗手皂

lava flow:熔岩流 溶岩流

■ lava dome 熔岩穹 溶岩ドーム | ■ lava flow 熔岩流 溶岩流 | ■ lava fountain 熔岩喷泉 溶岩噴泉

lava flow:熔岩流HTQ无忧研修网

formation of cone 火山口的形成HTQ无忧研修网 | lava flow 熔岩流HTQ无忧研修网 | eruption n. 爆发,火山灰HTQ无忧研修网

superfluent lava flow:顶出熔岩流

表面速度 superficial velocity | 顶出熔岩流 superfluent lava flow | 次生的,表生的 supergene

superfluent lava flow:顶熔岩流

superfluent 顶流的 | superfluent lava flow 顶熔岩流 | superfluid 超流体